Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 166: Fast

Chapter 166: Fast


The Awoken Moon Sect was shaken. It wasn't so simple to meet the Elders of a Fifth Order Sect. But, as an Inheritor, Melody was of great help to Ryu.

Currently, the duo stood in a castle carved of ice. Everything seemed to shimmer with the utmost purity, a purity only amplified by the refined beauty the Awoken Moon Sect elders held even in their old age.

"Have you tested him appropriately, Melody?" One elder asked.

"I trust my little brother." Melody replied plainly.

The elders looked toward Ryu in shock. They had never heard word of Melody having a little brother. And, by all rights, Melody's parents should have passed away due to old age by now, they were mortals, after all. So, how could she possibly have a little brother? But, the elders seemed to tacitly understand that Ryu was someone Melody wanted to protect. At the very least, that meant he wouldn't harm their Sect.

At these words, the elders began to observe Ryu in earnest from their ice thrones.

"Young man." For the first time, the head, known as the Castle Master by their Sect, spoke. She looked to be about fifty to sixty years old by mortal standards, but she had gentle eyes that made her look younger than she was. "I'm sure Melody has explained this to you already, but I must do my duty and ensure that you understand. Our Sect isn't female-only because we discriminate against men, it is rather because our Legacy has a very high mortality rate when practiced by our male counterparts. Even if you have the talent to become our Throne, it is unlikely that what we can give you will be of any great use."

Ryu bowed his head slightly. "I will bring glory to the Awoken Moon Sect."

It was a strong and short response, one that made Ryu's feelings on the topic clear as day.

The Castle Master sighed. "I hope you do get a chance to bring us glory alongside Heiress Melody. So be it. By the power vested in me, I'll allow you to make an attempt at claiming our Throne."

Castle Moon shook slightly. It wasn't an uncomfortable, overbearing quake, but rather a gentle rising. In the next moment, qi began to pour in from the surroundings. If they weren't already alerted before, the two other Fifth Order Sects that ruled over the Valor City region along with the Awoken Moon Sect would definitely be alerted now. Activating this formation only had one purpose and one purpose alone.

A portal appeared before Ryu, one that he didn't hesitate to step and disappear into. The elders sighed once more.

"If he truly becomes our Throne, the girls will gain quite the distraction."

The elders laughed amongst themselves. "A young man shouldn't have such an intoxicating smell. It would be dangerous if I hadn't tempered my Mental Realm for so long."

"It would be a shame if such a handsome young man died so young…"

The elders fell into silence, watching as a projection of the Throne Realm lifted into the air. This wasn't a scene only the elders could watch. As disciples of the Awoken Moon Sect, every woman within their walls had the right to see the birth of their Throne. They would all watch as Ryu put his life on the line. Whether he would rise to glory, or fall here, they'd be witness.

When Ryu reappeared, he almost thought for a moment that he hadn't moved at all. It was the very same castle of ice. But soon he noticed the very stark difference: he was alone. No… Not alone, but facing a Valkyrie-like woman.

Not only was her aura valiant, but so was her armor and weapon. Her spear seemed carved of white dragon bone, and her armor came from the scales of that very same dragon. Clad in complete white, even her hair whipped about like snow in the wind. But, there obviously wasn't any wind here… This violent gust was nothing but the pressure of her qi.

'Ryu, every Sect's Throne trial is different. But, they have the same basic test: combat prowess. Although there are other ways to grow a Sect's Faith, nothing is as effective as oppressive strength. You need to be able to display heaven defying strength for your age. That's all.'

Ryu smiled. 'In that case… This will be simple.'

With Ailsa by his side, Ryu could unleash his full strength. As long as he didn't do something that obviously exposed his Heavenly Pupils – like using their Inner World spatial qi in the open – he could use its other abilities freely, especially since he was in a separate realm now.

Ryu stretched his arm out to his side. In the next moment, what could only be described as a weapon forged with aesthetics in mind appeared.

A glaive with a body of violet-black shimmered under the pure light of the castle of ice. It seemed completely out of place, exuding a violent aura in a place that should have been awashed with purity. However, its blade was even more outrageous. It was large, just over two feet alone. It almost looked like the jaws of a black dragon.

"That's an Earth Grade weapon!" The elders shook. A Qi Refinement expert with an Earth Grade weapon? He should just be breaking in his first Black Grade glaive…

"Not just that… Look at the materials it's made out of. The shaft, that's New Moon Ore. The blade… That's Silver Thirsting Ore…"

New Moon Ore. It was a Peak Black Grade Ore with exceptional qi absorption capabilities and regeneration abilities. It was capable of absorbing its owner's qi to grow stronger over time and repair itself. This was why it was called New Moon. It had the potential to progress to Full Moon from empty.

Silver Thirsting Ore. It was an evolving type ore. Its silver stage was of the Lower Earth Grade and grew sharper based on the blood it tasted. A blade that continuously grew stronger in battle.

Ryu swung lightly, slicing through the aura of the white clad Valkyrie.

'Almost 2000 jin. If it was before… This would definitely be too heavy for me. But now?'

Ryu's knees sunk quickly. He didn't wait for the Valkyrie to take the initiative as he propelled himself forward. His body seemed to meld into the air itself, his [Gliding Cloud Steps] operating on a higher plane than even its creator thought possible.

'Fast.' The elders who had been skeptical suddenly felt smiles hanging from their faces. They saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

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