Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 54: Run (2)

Chapter 54: Run (2)

Little Ryu sat up from his bed, shocked at the words he just heard. But, he immediately calmed down. He had been so focused on deepening his Mental Realm for the sake of some fake reality that he hadn't thought of something so obvious. Why else would Imperial Doula Miriam insist that he train for so long and hard if not for this purpose?

"Listen to me very carefully." The old Doula tried to slow her beating heart. She had been consistently coming to Ryu's room like this for years for this very moment. There was no reason for her to feel so nervous now. It was just that she couldn't settle this uncomfortable feeling she was getting. "You're a very smart boy, so I know I only need to repeat myself once. First, here."

Ryu felt the old Doula's hands slip something onto his finger. When he looked down, he couldn't help but be shocked. A spatial ring? On the mortal Planes such an item was almost impossible to come by! Even the Agnes Clan didn't have a single one, maybe only the Cedar Clan or the Royal Vaults would have such a treasure. Aside from that, they were practically all monopolized by the upper echelon of the Sects!

"Inside of this ring, there are provisions for exactly half a year. Don't worry, I've already taken into account your increased appetite and any further increases it might have. I believe that with your intelligence, this is all the buffer you'll need. But, just in case, I've added enough dry rations for an addition three years and enough water for five." The old Doula, despite knowing that they should be safe, spoke incredibly quickly, unable to stop her beating heart.

"The next thing you need to note is that I've written the formula for Meridian Awakening Ceremonies for you and I've also left my cultivation technique within. Although it won't be perfectly suited to you, it will be good enough for now. I unfortunately wasn't able to procure the materials for you because I'm definitely being monitored, but you should know that even poor families can afford such a ceremony. With the money I've left you, you'll be able to pay for thousands if you so wish.

"Fourth. I've left a map of the Kingdoms for you. I know that you are blind, but your senses have always been sharp. The map is within what a Sect would call a 'Memory Jade'. I've told you stories about them before, so you should understand how to use them, correct?"

Ryu nodded stiffly. The old Doula had told him such stories before. These magical jades could hold images and vast stores of memories. Even if Ryu was blind, it didn't matter. The contents would be projected directly into his mind. If he coupled this knowledge with his senses, he'd have an idea of the general directions he should head in.

"Fifth. I've left a mask for you as well as more than enough hair dye to last a lifetime. Never bathe where you might expect to come across people and always make sure to apply it once a day." Miriam heavily emphasized this point. Since Ryu was blind, how could he see when his true color was beginning to shine through? The only way to combat this was to apply the dye regularly.

"The sixth is maybe the most important. You will never be safe on this highest mortal Plane. I'm certain that the Tor Royal Clan will do everything in its power to find you. You must understand how to remain safe. Avoid large cities. Don't trust anyone. And sleep only in places you have multiple avenues of escape from.

"Within this ring, I've left you a letter. If it turns out that we are correct and your ceremony was sabotaged, I am certain that not only your skeletal grade, but also your meridian and bloodline grade will be of the Heaven Grade at an absolute minimum. Such a talent is unconscionable on the Mortal Plane and the Outer Ring Sects of the Immortal Plane will fall over themselves to take you as a disciple."

Ryu's eyes flashed at these words. The old Doula had told him that she wasn't of this Plane long ago, but he had assumed she was from a lower mortal Plane. Could it be?...

As though reading Ryu's mind, the old Doula shook her head. "I am from the middle Mortal Plane. In fact, both me and my twin sister are. We were born with a special category of skeletal grade dubbed as 'Causal Fate'. It's a bit difficult to explain in a few words, but essentially, unlike others, the actions each of us takes have a direct and obvious effect on the other. But, these effects aren't always predictable. We were both born with Earth Grade meridians and bone structures, however, my choice to pursue the medical field to help others resulted in the first instance of our Causal Fate.

"She ended up receiving my talent as I had no interest in the martial way. This resulted in her gaining a Heaven Skeletal Grade and Heaven Grade Meridians. It wasn't long after that she was recruited by an Outer Ring Sect of the Pedestal Plane. It likely won't be long until she gains a place among the Inner Ring as dual Heaven Grades are very rare.

"If you give the letter I've given you to my sister, I know that she will protect you. Although I've described the story as such, there is no animosity between my sister and I, we simply walk different paths. Remember that the location of her Sect is the Outer Ring and that its name is the Awoken Moon Sect. Bide your time, strengthen your cultivation in hiding, and I'm certain that there'll come a day when you will be capable of crossing the Immortal Barrier. In fact, a Master of the Immortal Plane might find you beforehand in acknowledgement of your talents and bring you up him or herself.

"However, Little Ryu." The Imperial Doula turned serious. "If I am for any reason wrong. If your talent is worse than expected or if your ceremony wasn't sabotaged, you must give up on going to the Immortal Plane. Go to the Middle Mortal Plane and find my family. They are very well off and will be able to protect you for a time. Even if I die, they won't dare to do anything to you because my will is my sister's will. They know this and won't harm you out of fear of her.

"Do you understand everything I've said? Do you need me to repeat anything?"

The quick flow of the old Doula's words had hit Ryu like a brick, but he forcefully soaked them all in. In the end, he could only weakly nod.

Unknowingly, his eyes had started to glisten with unshed tears. All his life, no matter what horrible things he suffered, he had never cried, not once. But, why was it that he felt the need to now? Why was it in all the words she had spoken, Imperial Doula Miriam hadn't said a word about her coming with him? Why?

"Good." The old Doula wiped her tears. "I've spoken to your elder sisters. With their cultivation, they'll be able to take you out of the castle safely. After that, you'll be on your own."

"Wait, what?" Little Ryu froze, his eyes icing over.

"I said I've spoken to your elder sisters. They're the only ones who've still shown care for you."

A mournful croak escaped Ryu's lips, his voice almost sounded like that of a dying animal. "RUN! RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN. NOW!"

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