Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: 071. Skeleton King -1 (Part Two)

I began undoing the chains wrapped around Amon’s grimoire.

“You two, look after me if I end up unable to move again, okay?” I turned to look at Tina and Damon. “However, please make sure that my body doesn’t get stiff like last time.”

Tina and Damon nodded with dazed expressions on their faces.

I flipped open Amon’s grimoire and stared at the letters inscribed within. Countless rune letters were written on the pages. Using my [Mind’s Eye], I confirmed the ‘function’ contained within these writings.

It spoke of a summoning magic. Not only that, one with a considerable firepower too.

I sucked in a deep breath. “…Right, let’s not die today.”

With that, my mind was made up.

If I were to use only the grimoire and nothing else, the backlash should be more or less manageable, hopefully.

Soon afterwards, I began reading aloud the rune letters for the summoning magic.


(TL: In 3rd person POV.)

Despite being tamed by a human, the Black Dragon still possessed some level of intellect. And that’s why it found the spectacle unfolding before its eyes quite difficult to comprehend.

After all, those things were holy undeads. Even the Black Dragon that had lived for thousands of years had never seen a sight as bizarre as this one before.

What surprised it even more was the fact that all these holy undeads and the Cyclops Golems were being controlled by a single human being.

And thanks to that, the dragon was suffering from all sorts of humiliation right now.

The weapons wielded by the holy skeletons or the arrows fired by the banshees were not a problem at all. The dragon’s thick scales not only boasted amazing magic resistance, they were also resistant against physical attacks as well.

However, the problem laid with the siege weapons found within the tomb itself. They were specifically manufactured to defend the ruin from large-scale invading forces. As such, no matter how sturdy the dragon’s scales were, the creature was bound to suffer damages when struck by the projectiles fired by those siege weapons.

The mummies tried to stop the holy skeletons, but since a lake made out holy water appeared near their vicinity, it made it difficult for them to even move properly at the moment.

However, the ones causing the biggest headache of them all were the Cyclops Golems.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They agilely moved their big bodies to grab the dragon’s limbs and drag it down from the air. Despite its powerfully beating wings, the combined weight and strength of the Golems were more than strong enough to force the dragon to wobble during its flight. At the same time, the other Cyclops fired their petrification rays and continued to pressure the Black Dragon.

Its bat-like wings solidified and caused the dragon to crash land on the ground. It beat its wings once again to shake off the irritating rock pieces.

Right at that split second opening, a Cyclops Golem leapt up above the Black Dragon and slammed down with its broadsword.


The dragon screamed out in pain.

The other Cyclops Golems rushed in and began hacking away and smashing down from all directions.

Every time the weapons slammed into the dragon, it felt its rage boil over higher and higher.

These measly little stone guardians dare…!

Even as it writhed from the pain, the Black Dragon gathered energy into its maw and spat out yet another Breath.

The attack melted down all the Cyclops Golems before it, then the dragon grabbed one of the Golems with its tail before throwing the statue towards where the holy skeletons were.

The Black Dragon rose back up while shaking its head and breathing laboriously.

It felt tired. The wounds on its body, inflicted during the scuffle against the previous intruder, hadn’t fully healed yet.


Yet, it now had to deal with another monstrous intruder and that made the dragon feel really exhausted.

‘Still, he’s just a measly little human.’

The dragon told itself. Indeed, magic of this calibre could never kill the dragon. Without fail, those who dared to soil this tomb would be cleansed away completely this time as well.

But right at that moment, the Black Dragon sensed a bizarre aura and flinched nastily, before hurriedly turning its head around to look. An incredible amount of divinity was gathering over there.

A group consisting of a Dark Elf girl, a middle-aged human male, and another human male, a slender one this time, could be found. Behind them was a lone boy standing on the lake of holy water.

He was holding a book and quietly reading its pages.

Now normally, such a scene might have elicited a hollow chuckle from the observers since the boy seemed to be enjoying all the time in the world, but the reality of the situation was not exactly laughter-inducing. No, it was the complete opposite of that.

Every time he flipped a page of that book, an incredible amount of divinity that instilled fear in the dragon’s heart rushed towards the boy.

That… was a process of getting ready for something. That human boy, he was planning to do something dastardly.

Despite controlling these many holy undeads, just what other magic was he planning to use this time?

The Black Dragon howled out in anger.

Events here must not spiral out of control any further than they already have. As long as that human boy was eliminated, everything would be taken care of.

The swarms of holy undeads, the Cyclops Golems, all of them would automatically cease to exist altogether!

The Black Dragon beat its wings powerfully and took to the air once more. It then sucked in a deep breath.

It didn’t know what that human boy was trying to do here, but this battle must end before he had the chance to activate his magic.

The Black Dragon began gathering demonic energy inside its maw once more. A humongous storm of flames swirled within.

The still-functioning Cyclops Golems fired their petrification rays but it was of no use. Although the Dark Elf girl and the middle-aged human man froze up on their spots, they still managed to activate their defence magic.

How laughable. There was no way that such pathetic creatures would be able to defend against a Dragon’s Breath.

The Black Dragon gathered its strength before firing its mighty Breath at its target.

But at that exact moment, the human boy closed the grimoire shut – he muttered out the activation phrase for a magic spell.

“…The undead king.”

Suddenly, a massive stake made out of bones shot out from the ground.

The stake seemed to be made out of hundreds, thousands of bones plastered together. It rose up rapidly like a spire and penetrated cleanly through the Black Dragon’s wing.

Because the dragon staggered in the air, its Breath spread out erratically in almost every direction.

The interior of the tomb went up in flames.

Despite its wing being pierced through, the Black Dragon couldn’t tear its astonished eyes away from the human boy.

The tomb was burning down in scorching flames. Yet the boy stood completely still in the middle of the holy water lake, his eyes quietly closed.

And right behind him, a huge hand made out of white bones broke through the surface and landed on the ground. The whole world seemed to quake from the impact just now.

A wave of divinity so boundlessly vast that it sent shivers down the dragon’s spine spread out and enveloped the entirety of the ancient tomb.

The environment built to suit Necromancy was wiped away in an instant, and the whole pyramid began transforming into a sacred temple-like structure instead.

-I shall ask you a question. Are you a being who fears death?

A Spirit Speech containing divinity reverberated throughout the ancient tomb’s interior. For the first time ever during this battle, signs of unrest dyed the eyes of the Black Dragon.

-I am the master of death.

As if to respond to the deafening Spirit Speech, all the mummies in the surroundings covered up their ears in torment as they literally melted away where they stood.

-Yet, I am also the bringer of life.

From the lake of holy water, a noble and great existence slowly emerged. Four humongous arms, a massive skull, and bleached-white bones attached to the spine…

…An existence with an unmistakable crown on its head.

-I, newly created into the world, shall be named…

The gigantic creature’s eye sockets seemed to glow brightly as breaths permeating with divinity leaked out from its mouth.

-…The Skeleton King…

Although only its upper body had emerged from the lake, this gigantic undead had already reached past ten metres in height.

-…Donn O Donnchadha.


The gigantic personification of death that let out a breath of divinity glared straight at the Black Dragon.

-Remember that name, as it belongs to the being that shall present you with the gift of death.

The undead king plunged its hand into the lake of holy water, then yanked out an equally humongous sword made out of gold and bones.

-Are you prepared to accept your death, oh the dragon of everlasting life?

The undead king’s blue eyes burned fiercely as it locked its glare firmly on the dragon.

< 071. Skeleton King -1 (Part One and Two) > Fin.

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