Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 753 Challenge duel!

Chapter 753 Challenge duel!

From MC's perspective:

Molly Wilkins didn't want to question Vincent.

"Let's go," She said before activating the runic card. The next second, white light wrapped my body before I knew it.

I appeared outside.

"We are back," Others exclaimed in surprise. The 2 guarding wizard students gave us away.

After walking out of the restriction area. Molly Wilkins collected the runic card from us. She said that the rewards will be announced later.

After saying that she disappeared. The next moment, the bloodline wizard and the elemental wizard snorted before walking away.

They thought I had done nothing. The weapon wizard left before looking at me with an unkind gaze.

Only the Beast Hall Wizard and Power Hall Wizard stayed back. I looked at them before turning to leave.


"Our Senior brother will come to challenge you. Be prepared for that," The Beast Hall Wizard said.

I'm startled. Just now I had a good impression of both of them. Now it's going to change. I shook my head before walking away.

"Who is going to challenge?"

"I heard your member Ivan Talley is looking for a fight," The Power Hall wizard said. He is no stranger to rumors and gossip.

More or less each hall knows about the affairs of other halls. Except for some secrets withheld by True Wizard and above.

"Ivan Talley is now a core member. He is qualified to challenge Vincent Carey," The Beast Hall wizard replied.

The Power Hall wizard was stunned before a look of understanding dawned on him.

A few minutes later,

I returned to him. After getting freshened up, I laid down on my bed. I recalled the scenes of the mission in my mind.

The mission was not challenging because of my level. But for others, it's truly life-threatening. I should look for a dangerous mission to get experience.

But it can't be done openly. Otherwise, people would question my qualifications. Already, Molly Wilkins looked strangely at me.

Not surprisingly, she had the same reaction back then at a mysterious ruin.

After pushing down these thoughts, I decided to sleep.


The following day,

The Dean Tower:

The old man was reading the morning reports. But suddenly he got few visitors. Seeing that he allowed them to enter inside.

A middle-aged man with a fat body wearing black and red clothes walked in. He is one of the council elders of the Bloodline Hall.

Followed by a middle-aged man wearing a colorful cloak. He is one of the council elders of the Elemental Hall.

And a third person walked in. He was dressed in black armor. He is a middle-aged man with a weapon aura. He is one of the council elders of the Weapon Hall.

Last but not least, an old man entered. He is wearing a black and white cloak. He seems to be weak. But the other 3 are feeling oppressive power from him.

Despite all four of them being council elders. The Taboo Hall elder is strong. The old man is one of the council elders of the Taboo Hall.

The old man Dean was surprised. Then he asked them to take a seat before discussing anything.

He thought they were here to make suggestions about the internal competition.

Before anyone could speak. The Taboo Hall council elder asked, "Dean, we are here to request something."

Hearing that old man nodded his head.

"I think before the internal competition starts. It's best to have a competitive environment before that."

"Why don't we allow core wizards to enter each other 's halls?" the Taboo Hall elder said.

"Yes, the elder is right. We should allow challenge duels. In that way, students can learn about their opponents," The Weapon Hall elder said.

The elemental hall elder echoed the same opinion. There are too many members in their hall. Even for him, it's difficult to know how many qualified wizards there are.

Some like to live key. Only this kind of challenge can bring out their whole cards.

Hearing that the old man's dean furrowed his eyebrows. It's not like there was no challenge duel before.

But after some bad incidents, the popularity and activities of the challenge died down. It's all because of the wizard halls.

If it was a pure challenge duel, it would be worth continuing. The wizard students can learn from each other.

But these wizard halls use challenge duels as a tool to target genius wizards. Most of the such activities were done by the bloodline hall.

When his gaze fell on the fat council elder. Others turned to him as well. Everyone else has spoken except him.

"Bloodline Hall elder, say something," The Taboo Hall elder said.

A hint of complex emotions flashes in his eyes. He knows some of the troubles of the bloodline hall.

The latest ones are contributed by the Taboo Hall. But outside nobody knows about this secret.

The fat elder furrowed his eyebrows. He was forced to come by the other elders. If not for the pressing situation of the bloodline hall, he wouldn't have agreed to them.

There was a time when these elders looked up at the bloodline hall. Now they are dragging him down after forgetting the past.

"Dean, I think their suggestion is good," He finally uttered a few words.

The old man doesn't believe their empty words.

He started to remind them of their past actions. How many genius wizards have been abolished because of their interference?

After reminding them, he turned towards the bloodline elder.

"Last of all, one of your members used a forbidden drug during the challenge duel," He said.

Hearing that face of the bloodline elder turned ugly. Anger swelled up in his heart. But he can't retaliate. Because every word uttered by the dean was true.

The faces of others are ugly as well. But the Taboo Hall Elder's eyes flickered. More or less he guessed this would happen.

So their hall has thought of a backup plan.

Suddenly, the atmosphere quieted down. Everyone became silent.

The old man Dean was pondering. He guessed these people wouldn't leave without getting an answer.

Suddenly, he received a notice.

After that, the old man's dean gave up his resistance before agreeing to their request.

When they left. The old man Dean felt helpless.

"Why is the taboo hall powerhouse continuously interfering with the academy affairs?" He said in his heart.

Shortly after,

The news was released by the wizard halls. After that, the news spread like wildfire. The core wizard students became happy.

Now they can invite others for a duel. There is no need to scheme or go outside to solve their grudge.

The duel arena will be used for a long time. Soon, the registration for the challenge duel was started.

The arena needs to be booked. Those who are registered will be called upon one by one. The wizard students who had grudges started inviting their enemies for a duel.

Some even went to different wizard halls to invite for a duel. While this was happening. A few others turned their gaze to the Sub-Taboo Hall.

Like others, many core wizard students have conflicts with Sub-Taboo Hall wizards. Many of them were especially offended by Vincent Carey.

Even if they want to invite Vincent Carey for a duel, they won't dare to do it. Because Vincent Carey holds the top ranking in the Battle Tower.

Only genius wizards can challenge him.


The Sub-Taboo Hall:

"Challenge duel," I said in my heart. I just came here to meet Sister Carlina. But this news came out suddenly.

This challenge duel brings back bad memories.

"Clifton Cox," I said in my heart. Last time, the enemy used the forbidden drug. So this challenge duel is nothing but a trap.

"Are you going to participate?" Carolina's voice reached my ears.

"No, I'm not going to participate," I replied.

Then I thought about something before reminding her as well. There are only a few days available before the start of the internal competition.

There is no need to get excited about this. I can spend the meantime in the library.

When I walked out of the place. I spotted a lot of peeping eyes. But no one came forward to challenge me.

Ignoring them, I started walking towards the library.

On the other hand, among the stalkers. There are also followers of Ivan Talley. Ivan who recently broke through was looking forward to fighting Vincent as well.

But he is not blind like others. He knows the battle tower record of Vincent Carey. So he is going to challenge Battle Tower first.

Apart from Ivan Talley, others want to fight Vincent. Especially those who participated in the Battle Tower Trial together with Vincent.

While this was happening. The elemental hall wizards are getting specific instructions to target Vincent. It was planned by the Taboo Hall.

Initially, they wanted to use the Bloodline Hall. But now the bloodline hall is like a weak camel. So they have changed their partner.

The Elemental Hall is equally strong as the Bloodline Hall. Their numbers are also the same as well. So the Taboo Hall is confident in their scheme this time.

But it also depends on Vincent whether he is going to accept the challenge or not.

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