Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 127: What Is Handsomeness?

Chapter 127: What Is Handsomeness?

Chapter 127: What Is Handsomeness?

**7th March 2020**

The players of the Porto team jugged up and down the field of the Estadio do Dragao as they warmed themselves up in preparation for the match that would be starting in less than an hour.

Jason was among the players who were warming up, but unlike the previous match, he had a bib on over his training vest which indicated that he would not be starting the game.

Of course, Jason had his reservations about the manager’s decision to not have him on the starting line-up despite his performances in the previous matches, but he wouldn’t dare to say it out loud.

The Manager was probably watching his condition because of the concussion he had gotten in the last match, but he felt that such worry was unwarranted, yet he also knew that it was the manager’s way of watching out for him.

Also, despite his performances in the last few games, Jason was still far away from commanding a position in the starting line-up so every now and then he would have to sit on the bench.

That was inevitable and unavoidable so he just did his drills with complete peace of mind and focused on preparing for the match instead of going on an internal debate with himself about why he should be in the starting line-up.

He had other matters occupying his mind too, like the unnatural rise of his followers on social media among other things.

Apparently, most of the fans were there because he was… in their words “hot”, “cute”, and “devilishly handsome”.

Those were words that Jason would have a hard time attributing to himself.

After he saw their comments, he had spent almost an hour looking at himself in the mirror, trying to find the “handsomeness” that these people were seeing.

In the end, the only thing he had been able to decide was that he wasn’t bad-looking.

Since using the mirror wasn’t working, he had opted for something else, which was to search for “handsome men” on Google and spent another hour looking at their pictures and that was when he realized what was happening.

No matter what picture he saw come up, he only thought of them as mildly good-looking… he didn’t even see them to be as good-looking as he thought he was.

This meant that he was the one who was the problem because he was the one downgrading himself as he didn’t know the scale and he had only just realized that he stood on top of the pyramid when it came to looks.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t handsome… he was the one who didn’t know that he was too handsome.

That realization had hit him like a freight train and all of a sudden things began to make a lot more sense.

It was hard for Jason to accept that he had always been this handsome, but this was the only way a lot of things made sense.

In his previous life, he wasn’t even the best among the ‘wack’ players yet he somehow always ended up getting transferred to another team when there wasn’t exactly anything that they should be gaining from the deal.

Could it have been that they treated him like a walking advertisement?

This also explained why he always got so many looks, especially from women… it seemed it wasn’t that they were surprised by his bright eye color.

It was probably also the only reason why he was able to score so many women without even trying back then, because looking at how he was back then, his personality was shit, so there had to be something that always had girls running up to him and even coming back for more like they couldn’t get enough of him.

Only now did he realize that he had the infinity stone of handsomeness and charm so there was no wonder that he was able to pull all that off with almost no effort.

This was mind-blowing and he had spent the last few days in a daze trying to accept that about himself.

He had even called Daphne to ask her if he had always been that handsome, to which she had answered in an annoyed tone, wondering why he was asking something so obvious but after hanging up, she had spent the whole afternoon trying to wonder why it sounded like he didn’t know the answer to his own question.

She always knew that Jason was a bit too handsome.

He was handsome enough that if she hadn’t been present at his birth and had seen that he had the same eye color as her brother, she would never have believed that he was from their family because none of their family members was that handsome.

But then it wasn’t too unnatural as Jason’s father was also quite handsome and his mother was also a beauty.

Jason was just an oddity who had somehow taken the best points from both of his parents, modified them perfectly, and then multiplied them by a hundred.

There was no other way to explain Jason’s attractiveness.

Of course, Jason didn’t know her thoughts, and if he did, he would be in even more of a shock than he already was.

Even now, he was stuck thinking about his life, feeling that a huge part of his life was a lie… well, not as much of a lie as it was blurry, but that didn’t help him lighten up.

Luckily, he had the game to focus on, so he didn’t spend too much time thinking about it.

He had put his full focus on the game and had gotten around to turning off notifications from all his social media apps except WhatsApp as that was the only one that wasn’t constantly plagued with notifications.

Annoyingly enough, he had not stopped gaining followers on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

The rate at which he gained followers had decreased, but it was still climbing quite quickly, and he had gained another 1.5 million followers on Instagram alone in the past few days.

Part of this was because according to Adele, he had to constantly interact with his followers or at least post something, so he had been posting pictures from his daily training every day since he had opened the social media accounts.

Some were pictures of him alone, some were pictures of him and other members of the team which he was only able to get his hands on thanks to the club’s photographers.

He had posted those and it seemed like they were well received.

At this rate, he would soon add “social media celebrity” to his resume.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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