Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 138: Liga Portugal Bwin: Post Match Discussion

Chapter 138: Liga Portugal Bwin: Post Match Discussion

Chapter 138: Liga Portugal Bwin: Post Match Discussion

The post-match celebrations continued for a while as neither the fans nor the players wanted to stop celebrating, but in the end, the players started leaving the field one after the other.

Some of the more impressive players were ambushed by reporters for interviews while the manager went off to do the post-match interview.

Among all the players who were interviewed, Augustin Marchesin, Fabio Viera, and Jason had the most reporters focused on them.

Augustin Marchesin’s was because of the incredible double save he managed to pull off in the dying minutes of the game to ensure that Porto held on to the lead.

Fabio Viera was the man of the match as he had an assist and two goals in the game and was somewhat of the driving force behind Porto’s comeback, thus he had to deal with quite a few number of reporters as well.

Jason could be said to be the inspiration behind the comeback and the most important cog in the wheel that spun Porto around as he had created the two goals that put Porto in the lead out of almost nothing.

Also, he was currently a fan favorite so featuring him in their channels would definitely ensure more clicks so the majority of the reporters were trying to interview Jason.

As usual, Jason stayed polite and answered a few questions from the reporters before heading into the tunnel and going to the team’s locker room to freshen up and get ready to leave the stadium.

Soon, the manager came to the locker room and addressed the players and while he was happy that they had managed to win the game, he still pointed out their faults and where they needed to improve to ensure that this situation didn’t become a regular occurrence or even worse, come back to bite them in the a**.

After the address, the players quickly finished freshening up and headed out of the stadium and onto the bus that would take them back to the CTFD Portogaia.

As the bus headed out of the Estadio do Dragao, a sports show that aired on the Sport TV was about to go live again with its main focus being the match that just ended between Porto and Rio Ave.

The Liga Portugal Bwin was the main program that covered the Primera Liga in the Portuguese hemisphere.

It featured pre-match analysis, live commentary of the matches, and post-match discussions with pundits dissecting the game’s key moments, player performances, and tactical decisions.

The pre-match analysis and the live commentary of the matches were already over and the post-match discussion was finally about to start.

The main hosts and the guest pundits were seated behind a glass table while awaiting the moment for the show to go live.

For the show, Pedro Sousa, a veteran sports journalist, and Joao Salgueiro, a former Portuguese footballer and current sports commentator were the main hosts while they had two guest pundits who would be featuring in the day’s program.

Nuno Gomes, a former Portuguese footballer, and Manuel Fernandes, who was also a former Portuguese footballer were the guest pundits for the show.

“Going live in 3…” a cameraman began the countdown.



“Welcome back to Liga Portugal Bwin,” Pedro Sousa immediately began speaking as soon as the cameras started rolling, showcasing his experience in such situations.

“We are now in the post-match section of the show and I am sure I speak for everyone here in the studio when I say we are dying to get into the details of today’s match day,” Pedro Sousa continued in an inviting tone.

“I am Pedro Sousa and with me in the studio are Joao Salgueiro, Manuel Fernandes, and Nuno Gomes…” Pedro Sousa then went on to give an extensive introduction of himself and the others in the studio while the cameramen trained the cameramen on the people being introduced.

“Now that the introductions are done, I suppose we’ll get right to it,” Pedro Sousa said with a smile, and his words were immediately echoed by his colleagues hosting the show with him.

“The first matchup for discussion today is between the current league leaders, F.C. Porto and Rio Ave who sit comfortably in the middle of the table, though this loss may have shaken their position a bit,” Pedro Sousa began.

“Yeah, things may be difficult for a while, but I think they have what it takes to bounce back from this loss,” Nuno Gomes responded to Pedro Sousa, offering up his view on the subject.

“Let’s forget Rio Ave’s current position in the league for the time being and focus on the game they just played, yes?” Manuel Fernandes joined in on the conversation.

“That’s what we’re here to do and I have to say, the match was exciting… almost too exciting,” Joao Salgueiro also popped in as well.

“Well, if you were a few years older, I don’t know if you would be in the studio or in a hospital by now, trying to calm your raging blood pressure,” Pedro Sousa made a joke and elicited laughter from the colleagues.

“I already checked my blood pressure… it’s a little on the high side, but thank God the match is over now,” Joao Salgueiro responded with a chuckle, not taking offense because of the joke as he knew that it was part of the job to keep the viewers entertained.

“Please be alright and try not to faint on the set, I don’t know how to or wish to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for a boomer,” Nuno Gomes chimed in on the conversation with a jovial tone.

“Don’t worry, I won’t faint, after all, my team won… at most, I’d faint from happiness,” Joao Salgueiro laughed.

“Hahahahahahaha,” everyone in the studio had a round of laughter.

“Let’s talk about the game, what do you think happened in the first half that the Porto team was left clutching at straws?”

“Can I say it was a lack of commitment, focus, or enthusiasm?” Pedro Sousa started the conversation with a question.

“Well, after scoring their first goal, I think the defense let down their guards for a second there and Rio Ave somehow found a way to punish them for it,” Manuel Fernandes began the discussion by laying out his view.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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