Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 142: A Breakfast Meeting III

Chapter 142: A Breakfast Meeting III

Chapter 142: A Breakfast Meeting III

“… I apologize for my impolite behavior, I was a bit muddled up because of my hunger, I will not repeat such behavior,” Adele said apologetically while rolling her eyes at herself.

She had lost the moment she had tried to stand up to Jason, what did she even expect… she had never gotten the better of him in a battle of words so why did she suddenly believe that she could one-up him in her brazenness?

“Good that you’ve seen the light, breakfast will be served shortly… that is, if you’re still interested in eating,” Jason said, his victorious smile not leaving his face, as he headed to the kitchen and began to take out a few fruits from the refrigerator, intending to make a smoothie.

“So where’s the contract?” Jason asked as he washed the fruits and sliced them into the blender.

“Here,” Adele said as she pulled it out of her bag.

“Any amendments I should know about?” Jason asked again, turning on the blender, immediately drowning out Adele’s answer.

After almost a minute of continuous juicing, Jason turned off the blender, poured the blended juices into two tall glasses, and threw a straw into the two glasses.

Picking up the two glasses, he held the one in his right hand to his mouth and took a sip before holding out that same glass to Adele.

Adele looked at him strangely when she saw what he did, then she looked at the glass, then she looked back at him, the weird look not leaving her eyes.

“Do you want it or not?” Jason asked, ignoring the weird looks he was getting.

Finally stretching her hand out to collect the glass, Jason swiftly moved the implicated glass away from her grasp and put the other one in her hand, laughing as he did so, completely ignoring the dirty look he was getting from Adele.

“Why do you keep messing around?” Adele intoned in slight annoyance.

“So about what I asked earlier, any amendments I should know about?” Jason blatantly ignored Adele’s question.

“… No, the company has no problem agreeing to your terms, and neither do I, we can sign the contract anytime,” Adele answered after a pause, noting Jason’s obvious side-brush of her question.

“Alright then… I’ll sign it after we’re done eating,” Jason nodded and placed his glass of smoothie on the table before going to the pot and dishing out healthy portions of the Pasta onto the plates and serving everything else before placing the plates on the table.

“There are some things we have to discuss regarding my role as your agent,” Adele said, picking up a fork.

“Okay, I’m listening,” Jason answered, picking up a fork as well and dipping it into the pasta.

“Alright… Do you have any personal preferences for the type of companies you wouldn’t mind signing an endorsement with,”

“Like for example someone like Cristiano Ronaldo wouldn’t endorse something like a carbonated drink, or an energy drink,”

“Are there any things you would be averse to endorsing,” Adele asked, explaining the question in the simplest terms possible.

“Hmmmm…” Jason mumbled while chewing, thinking about the matter.

He knew that endorsements were sure to come, especially with how well he had been playing lately, not to mention his face, that he had only just recently realized how handsome it was.

Even in his previous life, he had endorsement deals, not to mention this life where he was currently hailed as a football prodigy.

Yet he had to be choosy as he had an image to maintain and accepting endorsement deals from just any company could result in his reputation being ruined if the company ended up caught in some trouble.

There was also the part where some companies would literally have a chain around his neck… for example, signing a deal with an automobile company would be good and all, but he would have to represent their brand all while he was on contract which meant he wouldn’t be able to drive a car from another automobile company.

Jason didn’t think he would like to be put in that kind of situation…

“For now, just inform me of whichever company comes calling, I’ll think about it then,” Jason decided.

He would take things as they came. There was no point in overthinking now when there was nothing that was happening.

“Okay… What about endorsement deals that would require you to make an extended appearance, like maybe they want to shoot an advert or something and they want you in it?” Adele moved to her next question.

“Oh… well, I wouldn’t mind as long as they can take into account my schedule,” Jason answered.

“Appearing on TV for something other than football would be nice,” he murmured with a slight smile.

“Alright then… finally, one last question,”

“You know how a lot of shows are now featuring sports stars and all sorts of people on them, even those bloggers and YouTubers bring on sports stars and other famous stars on their shows… ”

“Since it’s a good way to grow your brand and expose yourself to another group of fans, do you mind receiving those kinds of offers to be on those kinds of shows, or you wouldn’t fancy it?” Adele asked again.

She was taking her time to know Jason’s preferences so that they could build a better relationship and not waste any time going back and forth on endorsement deals.

“I don’t think I’ll mind appearing on shows and stuff, of course as long as my schedule happens to be free enough to fit them in there,” Jason replied in between mouthfuls.

“Okay, ah wait, one last thing… Do you have plans to leave Porto by the end of this season, I can start helping you to look around for concrete offers, though I wouldn’t advise it as there could be concerns and rumors starting up about your loyalty,” Adele told Jason.

“Concerns regarding my loyalty, how?” Jason was a bit confused.

“It’s not strange to leave a club after only playing with them for a full season, but by the end of this season, you would have only been here for half of a season, not to mention that Porto is your first club, and the club that discovered you…” Adele began explaining.

“Not everyone would have a problem with it, but some rumors could arise about how you only care about money and this could translate into problems with future transfers,”

“Some football clubs would feel less inclined to make you an offer if they think that you would want to try to gain as much money from them as possible…”

“There are even grounds for such rumors as your salary is a bit on the high side for an upstart at Porto…”

“Of course, you are already proving that you are worthy of such a paycheck… but mouths will still run,” Adele shrugged her shoulders to show more meaning to her words.

“Oh… I see, there was that matter,” Jason murmured in understanding and could not help but curse at Rico Gulaz internally.

“Anyway, I didn’t really plan to leave in the coming transfer window unless a big offer came, so it doesn’t really matter,” Jason nodded in understanding.

“Alright then, I’ll keep you updated,” Adele answered and turned her full focus to eating.

Jason picked up his phone to change the song being played by the Bluetooth speaker, but the next moment he cursed loudly,

“What the fu*k!”

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