Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 292: Scentual Escapades Commercial

Chapter 292: Scentual Escapades Commercial

Chapter 292: Scentual Escapades Commercial

“What the absolute fu*k?” Jason muttered in surprise, but his voice was loud enough to be heard by the people in the car.

” Huh?” Adele turned around, looking at Jason from the passenger’s seat. The driver remained professional and didn’t even react, acting like he didn’t hear Jason’s words.

“I mean, it’s not that bad, but still, what the fu*k?” Jason laughed as he read his part of the commercial once again.

“Who even wrote this thing, they’re so blatantly optimistic,” Jason continued laughing instead of responding to Adele, leaving the other two people in the car confused as to why he was laughing.

Adele was especially confused as she had already read the summary of the commercial, especially since she was the one who printed it out in the first place.

She also had to read it and make sure that the perfume company wasn’t overreaching their payment and breaking any rules of the contract as one could never tell with most organizations.

Thus Adele had already read through the summary to try and check if there was anything in there that could affect Jason’s reputation negatively, but after scanning through it, she didn’t see anything strange which made her confused as to why Jason was laughing.

Unfortunately for her, it was something that was only funny to Jason so it stood to reason why she was confused.

In essence, the commercial was about a perfume that was of a feminine nature; literally, it was meant to be used by women and only women.

The person who had written the commercial had probably had a flash of inspiration after seeing or smelling the perfume and had decided to make the commercial something of the seductive nature and Jason’s part in the commercial was as the person to be seduced.

The commercial would begin with a woman dressing up for a dinner party, and spraying on the perfume before she heads out of her house.

The next scene would be at a hall where she would arrive and her beauty would arouse interest from everyone in the hall… except for one person, Jason.

Jason would be acting as some cold, CEO-type character that had seen everything in a woman and was not shaken by the woman arriving, but then as the woman walks past Jason, he catches a whiff of her scent and then he has to act like she has enamored his interest.

That was quite literally what the commercial entailed, and it was funny to Jason because they wanted him to literally convince everyone(especially the women) watching the commercial, that a mere perfume could gain his interest.

If that was not hopeful thinking, then Jason did not know what to term it.

He had no issues pulling interest from women with his appearance, especially now that he knew how devastatingly handsome he was, but it didn’t work the same way when the tables were turned.

Jason was very different from how he was in his previous life, but that didn’t mean that he just got interested in people willy-nilly.

That part of his previous life hadn’t changed.

The only woman he was currently interested in was Sofia, and he couldn’t even explain why he was interested in her, but one thing was for sure, it definitely wasn’t her perfume.

“Anyway, it’s just acting, I’m pretty good at that,” Jason muttered, as he finally stopped laughing.

If there was one thing Jason knew from his past life, it was that people who were a bit too different from the norm would have annoying problems and unneeded attention directed towards them, sort of like a main character in those novels and movies.

Jason wasn’t a main character in his previous life, and he wasn’t going to claim to be one in this life either, but in his previous life, he had quickly realized the problems that came with being different, especially emotionally, hence he had to act slightly normal.

It wasn’t a total cover-up of his apathetic nature, but it was just enough to prevent him from being bothered by other people, while not straining himself to try and hide his true character that much.

It was probably like him acting like Bruce Wayne to cover up an Ayanokoji-like character.

Both were characteristically cold people but Ayanokoji was fundamentally different, and that was the kind of acting Jason had to keep up all through his previous life and in most of this life as well.

He was slowly changing, but he was still who he was.

“Wanna explain what’s so funny?” Adele finally asked, unable to resist asking out of curiosity.

“Don’t worry, you wouldn’t understand,” Jason waved her off, but Adele wasn’t having it especially after he had already aroused her curiosity.

“Just talk, how would you know I wouldn’t understand,” she immediately shot back at him and the driver nodded slightly, unnoticed by either of them.

He fully agreed with Adele’s rebuttal, he was also curious and could almost not keep his curiosity in check as well.

“…” Jason looked at Adele with a smile still on his face from laughing earlier.

“Ok, you’ve read this thing, right?” Jason asked Adele, deciding to humor her.

“Well, yeah,” Adele replied, not knowing what Jason was getting at.

“Well, it’s part of your job anyway, but ignoring that, you’ve seen what they want me to do, right?” Jason continued.

“Uh, you’re supposed to get all decked up in a seat, act like some big cold CEO in those light novels that people are reading these days, and then ignore every other woman, but when you catch a whiff of the perfume, you act intrigued and gain interest,” Adele began recalling what she had read.

“Go on,” Jason continued.

“And then you get up, and go try to talk to her, after then, the scene ends with them showing whatever words they want to show… what’s funny about that?” Adele asked as she finished recalling, not getting what Jason was driving at.

“Everything’s funny… ” Jason, almost laughing again as he thought about it.

“First, I’m not some novel character, and even if I was, I’m not a handsome CEO with a frigid personality, just a young footballer,” Jason began explaining.

“A handsome footballer with a frigid personality,” Adele interrupted, also acting out an exaggerated shiver.

“… Good point, but not the one I’m driving at…”

“Anyway, I’ll act like someone with a cold personality, though it’s not really acting if I’m just being me,” Jason continued.

“Here’s where everything becomes hilarious…” he paused, his silence building up momentum.

“If I was going to be moved by something as flimsy as a perfume, then why was I ignoring all the other women in the first place?” Jason asked the most important question.

“You don’t exactly believe that all the other women in that hall aren’t using any perfumes when they’re at a dinner party event like that, do you?”

“You know what’s even funnier, why is none of the other women using the same perfume? News flash baby girl, there aren’t that many perfumes… or rather, there are, but the high-end ones are commonly used among the rich people,”

“If you go to any dinner party with rich people, I’m willing to bet that at least two people used the same perfume, especially if it’s one of the high end ones, and if it’s not, then all the more reason for there to be more than one user, yet, I’m supposed to be intrigued and interested in one girl to the point of personally making a move just because of a perfume?” Jason asked after laying out the whole thing.

“Just because she smells nice?” he reiterated.

“You know what that smells like?” he asked.

“Plot… stupid but invincible plot armor,” Jason began laughing again as he covered his eyes, imagining the stupidity behind the commercial.

“Which Webnovel author wrote this commercial?” he managed to put out in between laughs, noticing that Adele had also started laughing at the absurdity of the commercial now that she was looking at it objectively.

“Haha, when you put it like that, it doesn’t make any sense,” Adele said in realization as she also laughed.

“Righttttt?” Jason drawled.

“If I became interested in women because of how nice they smelled, I’d be in your DMs everyday, though it’s more likely I’d have already slept with you,”

“Do you even know how nice you smell?” Jason said still laughing, but not putting much thought to his words.

“What?” Adele asked in surprise, not having yet stopped laughing.

“He not capping tho, you do smell very nice,” the driver confirmed Jason’s words and also took this opportunity to shoot his shot at the beautiful lady seated next to him.

“Thanks,” Adele replied in appreciation, still laughing a bit, but not thinking too much about his words.

“So can I have your instagram or something,” the driver continued off his momentum, his professionalism immediately disappearing immediately he thought he saw an opportunity to score a beautiful woman.

“No thanks,” Adele said with a smile, her tone very dismissive and making it clear that the guy had no chance.

“Damn!” Jason burst into another bout of laughter in the back seat.

After laughing for almost another whole minute, Jason patted the driver’s shoulder,

“They say, there’s a man for every woman and a woman for every man… luckily you’ve confirmed something today,” Jason said to the driver.

“And what’s that?” the driver asked in a somber mood.

“You’re a man,”

“She’s a woman,”

“Stick to driving,”

“Or I’ll send you flying,” Jason said with a grin.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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