Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 356: The Sails See Wind II

Chapter 356: The Sails See Wind II

Chapter 356: The Sails See Wind II

“*Ahem*… Wipe off the drool on your face and meet me in the car, we’re late,” Jason blurted out with every last bit of composure that he could gather within him.

Immediately the words came out, he turned his heel and walked out as calmly as he could leaving Adele staring dumbfounded at his back view.

‘… I don’t drool,’ Adele thought as she picked up her bag and pulled out a mirror to check her face.

She quickly straightened up her look with the aid of the mirror, walked outside, and got into the car with Jason who was waiting with the engine already turned on.

As soon as she got into the car and shut the door, Jason began reversing out of the driveway without a word. He got on the street and started driving while keeping his face forward.

“… So we’re just not going to talk about it?” Adele’s words flew into Jason’s head and sent a chill through his body, causing him to flinch slightly, but his emotional stability wasn’t so easily shaken and he controlled his body movements.

“Talk about what? What’s there to talk about?” He replied while keeping his face forward, still not daring to look her way.

“What’s there to talk about?” Adele repeated slowly, her disbelief could be clearly heard in her voice.

“You kissed me!”

“That’s what we have to talk about,” Adele said in a slightly higher tone than usual, her aggravation clear to Jason but he wasn’t having it.

“I kissed you? Girl, you kissed me!” He shot back at her.

“What!?” Adele immediately responded with disbelief.

“I was trying to wake you up, but how was I to know that you woke up like the undertaker?” Jason fired back.

“How was I supposed to know where you were if I was sleeping!?”

“Also, why were you trying to give me a nightmare instead of just waking me up normally?” Adele shouted back.

“How was I supposed to know that you were the type of Latina who could sleep through a flippin’ Tsunami!” Jason fired back, not willing to be outdone when he wasn’t completely at fault.

“I was tired! And you told me to make myself comfortable!”

“Why couldn’t you just wake me up like a normal person,” Adele shouted back.

“I tried but you were sleeping like a bear in hibernation!” Jason retorted.

At this point, they were already shouting at each other in a full-blown argument.

If the car windows weren’t tinted, people would think it was a couple in a fight.

“Ah, fu*k, it’s already happened and it was a mistake, let’s just let it go,” Jason said while rubbing his brows, the argument already draining him.

“No!” Adele retorted immediately.

“Why!?” Jason’s voice immediately shot back up his annoyance beginning to flare up.

“That was my first kis- hmp…” Adele shouted.

In the heat of the argument, Adele had unknowingly let out one of her biggest secrets and didn’t realize until she had spilled the beans.

Jason’s annoyance disappeared immediately and bewilderment immediately took its place as he stared at Adele with shock written all over his face.

“… That was your… First kiss?” The words tumbled out of Jason’s mouth, but he wasn’t even sure if he was still in control of his mouth.

“How can it be your first kiss?”

“Aren’t you like 22 years old?” The questions just kept tumbling out of Jason’s mouth.

“So?” Adele shot back, her voice taking a defensive tone.

“… Never mind,” Jason muttered and returned his focus to driving as the car returned to silence with the exception of the engine.

‘Urgh… what a headache,’ Jason began an inner monologue.

‘… Wait, did I just become a cheating bastard?’ he asked himself.

‘No no no no, it was a mistake and I didn’t plan for this to happen, though it is kind of my fault,’ he started justifying himself internally.

“I’ve never been anyone’s first kiss before…” He muttered, not realizing that he was no longer monologuing.

“Damn! I wouldn’t have been able to tell, ‘Mr. Player on and off the pitch’,” Adele shot back sarcastically, her voice full of venom.

“… Really ni**a?” Jason couldn’t stop himself from looking at her with his annoyance clear.

“That was one time! One flippin time!”

“I don’t go around kissing every beautiful woman I see okay… Not anymore at least,” Jason retorted.

“Exactly what I’m talking about!” Adele shouted like she had found the answer to an impromptu grammar quiz.

“What are you talking about?” Jason asked confused.

“The words “not anymore” already tell me everything I want to hear,” Adele stated with conviction.

“Well, you’re hearing wrong cuz it’s not what you think,” Jason replied as he understood what she was driving at.

“I’m pretty confident I’m not,” Adele retorted.

“Yes you are,” Jason replied immediately.

“No I’m not,” Adele shot back, not willing to believe Jason’s words.

“Yes you are,” Jason repeated.

“No, I’m not. You know what, let me just ask you directly,”

“How many ‘girls’ have you kissed?” Adele asked the million-dollar question, already tired of the back-and-forth debacle.

“And I want the truth… The truthhhhh!” She added with gusto.

“… Technically…” Jason began answering as she had asked him to be honest, but Adele immediately interrupted.

“Technically?” She repeated Jason’s words.

“At this point, I don’t even need to hear the numbers as I’m sure it’s going to be a lot,”

“Prove me wrong,” she said with a daring look on her face as she gazed fiercely at him.

“…” Jason’s mouth came open, but he couldn’t utter a word as he knew that anything he said at this moment would make it worse.

If he was to be completely honest, it would be impossible for him to claim that he had only ever kissed Sofia as he knew that was barely a half-truth.

He had only kissed Sofia… And now Adele, in this life…

That was the truth.

In all of his life, he had had lip-to-lip encounters with at least 100 women and he could have easily gotten a much higher number, but he had gotten bored of it after a while.

That was the cumulation of his two lives and was the complete truth, but he couldn’t tell that to Adele.

Like, he could, and normally he would, because he knew that she would not believe such a thing and would take it as a joke and that was what would happen if he said it now.

The only difference was that she wouldn’t simply take it as a joke, but rather would think that he was joking around even in a situation like this one and Jason didn’t want that happening right now.

He didn’t want this whole situation to become more annoying than it already was.

“… Why are you even so angry?” He opted to ask instead of answering her question.

“How would you feel if you were consciously keeping something for over twenty years and it was snatched from you?” Adele replied to him with a question of her own.

“…” Jason opened his mouth to speak, but for the umpteenth time since they left his house, no words came out.

When taken from that perspective, Adele had every right to be angry.

He had been messing around and they had mistakenly ended up lip to lip… Which wasn’t his intention, but he couldn’t free himself of blame in this matter.

“… I’m sorry,” Jason finally spoke the magic word, but Jason soon realized that whoever called ‘sorry’ a magic word was a liar.

“Sorry isn’t going to bring back my lip virginity,” Adele retorted sharply.

“Was mistakenly kissing me that bad?” Jason ignored the original question that had popped up in his head and asked, suppressing his curiosity.

“No,” Adele’s answer surprised Jason and his right eyebrow rose immediately.

“Then why are you so angry!?” Jason couldn’t help asking again in aggravation, tired of the whole fiasco.

“I don’t know!” Adele shouted back at him.

“Oh my God bruhhhh,” Jason groaned, his annoyance fully escaping from his lips.

“You know what? I ain’t even gonna say nothing,” he had officially given up on this argument and wanted nothing more to do with the topic of kissing for a few years at least.

Adele’s mouth shot open and she was about to talk, but Jason wasn’t having that and his right index finger immediately flew on top of her lips, shushing her.

“Ah ah ah… You shut up as well or I’m kissing you again,” Jason said with seriousness in his voice… He wasn’t going to do it though… Maybe.

“… That’s called sexual assault,” Adele spoke as soon as Jason’s finger shushing her lips was removed.

“No, it’s called a sacrifice for World Peace and Quiet,” Jason said as he slammed on the accelerator.

Since he wasn’t planning to kiss her again to keep her from restarting the whole fiasco, he sped up and had internally decided that if she so much as said another word concerning the whole lip-on-lip encounter, he would make sure her internal organs would have been rearranged by the time she got down from the car.

By driving crazy… Not anything else.

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