Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 359: A Pirate of Fortune I

Chapter 359: A Pirate of Fortune I

Chapter 359: A Pirate of Fortune I

‘Why should I get a mere piece of the pie?’

‘Why can’t I get the whole pie?’ This absurd thought had popped up in Jason’s head when he had been considering whether to put pen to paper or not.

This thinking had opened to him a new option and that was what he was about to implement.

Jason parked the car and got out with Adele who had switched to a business face despite what had happened earlier.

Since Jason had come to not just sign a contract, but to talk business… he had not come dressed casually and was instead dressed in a pitch-black suit with a black shirt, tie, shoes, and socks.

For once, he wasn’t even wearing any male jewelry and only had a watch on his left wrist.

He and Adele walked into the building and after receiving directions from the lobbyist, they made their way to the conference room where the meeting was to be held.

On reaching the entrance of the conference room, Jason didn’t hesitate to push open the door and walk in.

On walking into the room, Jason’s eyes darted around quickly and fell on the four people seated at the table.

Before Jason could even begin to visually assess the two men in the group, one of the women in his view instantly stole his attention, and without needing an introduction, Jason immediately knew that this woman was Maya Singh.

The woman looked like she was of Indian descent as her name suggested and she looked like she was in her early thirties at most and had an impressive professional air surrounding her.

Beside her, the aura of professionalism that Adele had around her seemed premature at best.

The impressive-looking woman, the second woman, and the two men with her stood up from their seats as Jason and Adele walked in and walked over to them after which introductions ensued.

After the introductions, Jason found out that he was in fact correct and the impressive-looking woman was Maya Singh, the superwoman behind the skin care company, Skin Serenity.

The second woman with her was Maya Singh’s secretary, one of the men was from the publicity department while the other was a lawyer.

Jason and Adele didn’t need introductions but they introduced themselves either way before they sat at the table to begin the discussion.

A few pleasantries were exchanged between both sides, but Jason and Maya Singh stayed quiet and simply stared at each other like it was some sort of staring contest.

Maya Singh was trying to see what Jason wanted from her gaze as Jason’s condition for further discussion on the endorsement was for her to be in attendance which she didn’t have a problem with as she would do just about anything at this point to keep her company afloat.

The problem was that she didn’t know what Jason wanted which was disconcerting for a woman like her.

In the business world, information is power and currently, she had no information on Jason’s plan for her which required her to be in attendance which was why she was trying to gather some information from Jason’s gaze which could help in the negotiation, but Jason’s naturally impassive gaze wasn’t giving her anything to go off of.

There was nothing in his eyes as he looked at her… or so she thought.

Ignorant of her thoughts, Jason was inwardly trying to estimate how old she was with how young she looked.

Since she looked like she was in her late twenties, Jason estimated that meant she probably started the business in her early twenties and that she had managed to grow the company this much was without a doubt, impressive.

But while Jason was thinking all this, Maya Singh had had enough of the coded silence and lack of information so she cut into the ongoing pleasantries.

“Mr Bolu… perhaps you can elaborate on why you requested for my presence at this meeting,” she said, her voice overshadowing the others and her gaze firmly locked on Jason.

Jason returned her sharp gaze with a colder gaze of his own,

“… I heard an interesting story…”he began, his voice taking on a particularly emotionless tone.

“… A story of a young aspiring businesswoman who got into the business and made a splash, but wasn’t able to keep up and got hit hard by people who had set their eyes on the golden goose she possessed, their minds overtaken by greed,”

“She even got betrayed by one of her close associates…” Jason continued speaking, his tone emotionless as he watched Maya Singh’s expression harden as words flowed out of her mouth.

“… But somehow, they survived that dire situation. She wasn’t a gymnast, but she bent over backward to ensure that her company wasn’t washed over, and she didn’t stop there,”

“She had begun planning a comeback and hatched a plan that could potentially bring them back in the game and to do that, I came into this story…” Jason paused at this point to realize that everyone was listening to him with rapt attention, which wasn’t what he intended, but at this point he just rolled with it.

“My part in this story is not very clear, but I have made some conjectures based on what I have heard…”

“Since this young businesswoman’s company cannot afford to launch a project in these dire times, they probably want to have me somehow whitewash their image in the market and push their already existing projects back into the limelight after which they would then launch a new product which should hopefully make them a profit and push them forward…”

“Dr Singh… what do you think of this conjecture?” Jason threw a question to Dr. Maya Singh.

“… I… I’m not going to beat around the bush and say otherwise,” Maya began, quite amazed by the intense presence Jason was giving off that made them listen raptly to his words right from the moment he started speaking.

“Yes… you heard correctly about what happened to us… to me… and it is clear that you know what our plan is,”

“I personally believe you have the potential to have as much star quality as people like Christiano Ronaldo, Lebron James and the likes, and not only that, you are likely to hit a high level more quickly than the other people we are looking at,”

“There are other people who could probably reach a high level of star quality like you, but you seem to have a particularly clear consistency which makes it clear that you are playing the long game which is the best for us, hence why we want you to become our flagship,”

“You’re also right in that we wish you could help us to white wash our products and give the public a reason to patronize us, but that being said, I don’t understand why you laid all that out, or why I am here,” Maya finished, her gaze not leaving Jason’s face.

“… Dr. Singh… Are you familiar with the concept of a savior?” Jason said with a huge, wicked grin appearing on his face.

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