Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 361: A Pirate of Fortune III

Chapter 361: A Pirate of Fortune III

Chapter 361: A Pirate of Fortune III

“Simple, isn’t it?”

Jason’s words rang in the ears of the people from Skin Serenity and they stared at Jason in awe. When they had come here to convince him to sign an endorsement for their company, they had thought of him as nothing more than a young inexperienced footballer who would probably let his agent do most of the talking, but what they had experienced so far differed from what they had been expecting.

Right from the start, Jason had taken the lead position in this conversation and he had kept their attention on him from the start and now he was making an offer to their boss that could potentially change their fates and he was doing all that with a smile on his face as if he was taking a walk in his backyard.

‘I thought he was a footballer?’ Maya Singh’s secretary looked at Jason with surprise written all over her face.

Among the Skin Serenity group, only Maya Singh was thinking about the offer Jason had made.

It wasn’t impossible for her to give up 50% of the company’s stake since she alone held 95% of the company’s stake.

Due to the investors pulling out one by one after the new product incident, She had to buy back her company’s shares to prevent the shares from falling into the hands of her competitors, hence she had that many company shares, but that had cost her all the money she had managed to save up during the company’s booming period.

Selling 50% of Skin Serenity to Jason for $35 million would do a lot to help the company stop its gradual collapse and would do much more to help them get back on their feet, but some things still didn’t add up and the first one of those things was,

“Why are you doing this?”

“What do you stand to gain from investing that much money?”

“Also, do you even have $35 million?”

“Even if you did have $35 million, is it legit money or are you trying to use my company to launder money?” As soon as the first question came out of her mouth, other questions followed and she would have continued to throw out questions if she didn’t catch herself.

“… First, I feel like it, second, I stand to gain more money from investing in your company, third, yes I do have $35 million, and fourth, with an imagination like that, you should be writing fantasy books instead of mixing chemicals and running a company,” Jason answered all her questions at a stretch, maintaining a poker face as he did so.

“Back to my question, Dr. Singh,”

“As beautiful as your face is, I do not have all day to spend looking at it, so are you in or not?” He asked again.

He was amused by her questions, but that did not mean he wanted to spend time explaining to her why he wanted to invest in Skin Serenity since the answer was very simple…

He wanted returns on his money.

Due to making quite a few investments before and during the COVID-19 lockdown period, he had made quite a bit of money and even he was extremely surprised when he heard that his investments had grown from the original few million he had invested, to almost $40 million in worth.

Originally, he had been planning to find a few start-up businesses to invest in and hopefully watch his money grow, but then he had encountered an already set up business like Skin Serenity with the potential to grow as long as he was willing to put in money and some effort.

It was a risky venture, but why not?

If things went well, then he could become the next Mathieu Flamini, and if things didn’t go so well, he would only lose some money which could be easily recovered back, so once again… Why not?

This was Jason’s mindset for the Skin Serenity investment, he wanted to do it so he would no longer ever have money problems, but at the same time he wasn’t so hung up on it and if he was rejected, he would walk out of here with the same sagacious contentment he walked in with.

Maya Singh took up the document pad and began to read through the offer, leaving the room in silence while everyone else stared at her and waited for her decision.

After about five minutes, she put the pad down and her gaze rose to meet Jason’s and she waited for a few seconds before opening her mouth,

“… If it’s something that can help the company, then I’m all for it, but we need to discuss some of the terms in here,”

“Sounds like progress,” Jason muttered and sat back down on his seat, gesturing for Maya Singh to go on.

Maya didn’t hesitate to start talking and negotiations began.

Many of the words flying out of Maya’s mouth didn’t make any sense to Jason, but with Adele there, negotiations went smoothly and they agreed on a reasonable deal for both sides.

The money Jason would use to buy 50 percent of the shares had reduced to 30 million while the remaining $5 million would still go to the company in the form of investment, but due to it being an investment, it would guarantee Jason an increased percentage in profit.

In exchange for this, Maya Singh would get to keep her place as CEO for at least the next five years, and only if she didn’t meet a set requirement would Jason be able to push her out of the CEO position.

It was a clause meant to safeguard Maya Singh’s position as CEO now that Jason has become the highest shareholder of the company and could make arbitrary decisions in the company without consequence.

Maya didn’t trust Jason to not suddenly kick her out of the CEO position.

Normally, it wouldn’t mean much, but it would cause her to lose almost all her power in the decision-making of the company since she no longer had a high position, nor was she the highest shareholder.

Technically even though she would still be the second highest shareholder, all her decisions could then be vetoed by Jason if he felt like it and she didn’t want that, but little did she know that Jason didn’t plan to let her leave the position and would have chained her to the chair if need be.

He didn’t have time to run a company now and he doubted he ever would… Not even after he had retired from football.

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