Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 368: The Race for Trophies VI

Chapter 368: The Race for Trophies VI

Chapter 368: The Race for Trophies VI

After the second goal by Oporto in the 24th minute, the game surprisingly entered a silent state where shots were being made but the net wasn’t sent bulging again.

Like this, the first half ended and the second half began, but thirty minutes into the second half and there still wasn’t another goal in the game despite the efforts of the two teams on the pitch.

The goalkeepers and the defenders seemed to have finally found their form and were performing at the top of their game, killing every attack that seemed to have any potential of ending in the back of the net.

Five minutes to the end of the game, Jason who had been brought on as a substitute and had been searching for a goal ever since he came on the pitch received a pass from Nanu and he immediately took off down the field.

A Tondela player stepped into his path, but Jason calmly stepped forward, nutmegged the player, and stepped past him, continuing his run down the left flank before sending a lobbed through-pass over to the right wing where Viera was making a run.

Viera jumped into the air to catch the ball on his chest, bringing it under control before continuing his run down the right with the ball while the other Oporto players immediately began positioning themselves for a final pass.

Viera didn’t disappoint and soon sent a chest-level cross that Oliveira jumped at in a dive and caught it off his head, sending it at the goal, but the Tondela goalkeeper immediately made a dive, barely getting his hand to the ball, but doing enough to stop the ball from going in.

The ball flew towards the left and looked like it would fly just a few yards past Jason and Jason immediately lunged forward at the ball, catching it off his leg and sending it back at the goal, but the goalkeeper seemed to have gone into superhuman mode as once again he was there to block the shot with a sweeping hand motion.

Yet, even after a double save, the ball wasn’t out of play and Mylo appeared behind the ball, hitting it a third time.

{This time to settle the game!?} the commentator shouted as he watched Mylo hit the ball.

The goalkeeper once again jumped into the path of the ball and the ball slammed off his chest and flew upward, clipping the crossbar and finally flying out of play.


{How did that not go in!?}

{Superhuman goalkeeping!}

{Not once! Not twice! But three! That was a magnificent triple save!}

{He’s kept his team’s hope alive!} the commentator shouted unreservedly while the Tondela players hailed their goalkeeper with passion while the Oporto players just stared on like they couldn’t believe their eyes.

A corner kick was taken and the match continued, but the scoreline remained the same till the final whistle and the match ended with a scoreline at Porto 2 : 1 Tondela.


As Jason prepared for the next game which was a quarter-final match against Pacos de Ferreira in the Taca da Liga, he was also paying attention to his newest investment.

He often had online meetings with Dr. Maya SIngh about the company as for some reason Maya Singh always wanted to keep him updated about the progress of the company.

In her words, it was now half his company and it was also his idea to change the company name and launch a new brand, so he had to be involved.

So far, they had decided on the new name of the company and had started working on a few other things concerning the new product’s launch.

After quite a bit of consideration, the new name for the company had been decided to be ‘Rosember’ which was a combination of the words ‘Rose’ and ‘Ember’.

The words suggested a fiery, energetic approach to skincare, but to Jason and Maya, it had different meanings.

For Maya, it represented something like an eternal ember, or coming out of the ashes like a phoenix… or something like that, while for Jason, it featured the word ‘Rose’ which for some reason just wouldn’t go away.

Originally, there had been other names up for consideration like ‘Luminara’, ‘Dermavera’, ‘Lyraxi’, and some others, but Jason had been a bit apprehensive of those names as they sounded a bit too feminine for a company that was targeting a general market.

Maya had presented a good argument concerning the names of the brand by asking Jason about what brand of skincare products he used, but Jason had no answer for her because he didn’t remember.

He was naturally blessed with good skin and he only ever used lotion as a skin lubricant to avoid any skin issues so he didn’t care about whatever brand he used and usually just picked anyone on the shelf, but this proved Maya’s argument that most men didn’t care about the name of the brand of skin care products they used.

They mostly just took whatever was available unless they had a very specific target when going to the market.

However, there was no need for an argument when they finally selected the name ‘Rosember’ which Jason quite liked.

It gave a sharp feeling and felt like something that would be easily rememberable.

It also felt like something that would be easier to endorse when considering who he was.

Apart from deciding the new name, the company had already begun planning for production and was already in the preparatory phase of the product launch.

The first product to be launched was a lotion and the company was already acquiring ingredients for mass production while also working on the designs of the packaging of the product.

The product launch had been scheduled for the beginning of the following year, and Jason would have to head over to America for the promotion aspect during Christmas break.

He would have to do promotional shoots for the product so he was already swamped with work before the Christmas break even arrived.

Once the promotional videos were shot, that was when everything would start.

The company would begin promotion while doing production in preparation for the product launch.

The product was to be launched in three countries as a start which were the USA, Portugal, and Nigeria while there would be an online store as well that would partner with a delivery company so that the product could be ordered from all over the globe.

Maya planned to milk all of Jason’s fanbase.

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