Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 25: Not an advertisement

Chapter 25: Not an advertisement

"...So, I think this brand-new beverage of Cola has great promotional value, and I am willing to use the headline of "Daily Prester" to publish advertisements about Cola."

Oliana became more and more excited. She was completely overwhelmed by the charm of Cola. At that time, she and Baron Goode immediately spent money and bought five bottles each to take home. At the same time, Warren immediately decided to increase orders from Antoine. Cola, this magical drink, quickly captured their hearts.

"Wait a minute, Ms. Oliana, why are you doing this?"

Reiner interrupted Oliana. He knew that there was no free lunch in the world. The other party definitely would not want to provide free publicity for him, so he asked.

"...Actually it is..."

Oliana's face turned ugly. She told Reiner the truth about the situation her newspaper had fallen into, it was short and concise, quite like a news brief.

"...I think everyone will be interested in new things like Cola and the history behind it, so it will definitely increase the sales of the newspaper."

Her thoughts were normal. Cola was bound to become popular. At that time, people would be interested in the producers of Cola. This was the case for several publicity of new products in the past, and the effect was not bad.

"Mhm, it's very reasonable."

Claire nodded. Judging from Oliana's reaction, Cola was indeed a pleasing drink. As long as there were proper means of publicity, it would not be a problem to sell. In addition, even after being bullied by other newspapers, Daily Prester still had a large number of loyal readers, which meant that it would receive very good feedback from those royal readers.

Reiner was also thinking about it. What Oliana proposed was the means of advertisement he exactly wanted at the moment. But could mere interviews and biographies really promote Cola?

"Excuse me, Ms. Oliana, I think we can cooperate completely, but I want to hear specific details, such as how you plan to promote Cola."

"Oh, it's easy to say. We will draw an advertising poster. How about a handsome young man drinking a Cola with the word 'Cola' in big characters?"

Oliana said excitedly, completely amazed Claire, making her wanting to applaud.

But Reiner's face dropped.

This advertisement was a bit too forced. He couldn't help but complain in his heart that if ordinary readers saw this kind of advertisement they would probably immediately unsubscribe from the newspaper.

"Ms. Oliana, is this plan you just thought of?"

Reiner asked, but Oriana shook her head.

"I've been brewing this plan for a long time. Isn't it outstanding?"

"It's really great, Ms. Oliana, it's really amazing!"

Claire exclaimed as if she could see that everyone on the streets was talking about Cola.

"Please wait, you two. I'm sorry to interrupt your dream, but I don't think this plan is feasible at all."

Reiner's words were like a basin of cold water pouring on Oliana's head. No one in the publishing house dared to question her opinion. But this principal's rejection almost made her explode with anger. However, due to her situation, she suppressed the thought of questioning and asked in the softest possible tone.

"Principal Ian Gray, what is the problem with this plan?"

"Well, this advertisement is very conspicuous, but it is too obvious. It will worsen the impression of your newspaper in readers' minds. People will always tend to avoid the content that businesses want customers to see. In short, when they think that this is an advertisement, the effect of the promotion will be reduced a lot."

Rainer explained the simple and easy-to-understand marketing concept from the previous life. At first, Oliana was still a little confused, but as the conversation continued, she seemed to vaguely understand something.

"If this model was adopted, Cola may of course be promoted, but the reputation of Daily Prester would be ruined. Your readers would think that this is a newspaper that can put anything as headlines as long as you can pay for it. Then they would lose confidence in this newspaper."

Upon hearing this, Oliana was completely speechless.

Because Reiner not only took into account the promotion of Cola, but also took into account the crisis of "Daily Prester", this meticulous and thoughtful thinking made even the editor-in-chief herself feel bad.

"Not making people think that this is an advertisement while achieving the purpose of publicity. How can this be done?"

Claire looked at Reiner with a question mark on her face.

"Of course there are ways. If you want readers to feel that they are not reading advertisements, first of all, it cannot be made into the form of advertisements, and other methods must be used to assume the role of publicity."

Reiner shrugged. He already had several classic marketing schemes on earth in his mind, but they needed to be modified slightly before they could be applied in this magical world, so he asked.

"For example, um, Ms. Oliana, in the story you just told, that Baron Goode is a gourmet?"

"Mhm, when Baron Goode traveled all over the continent when he was young, he tasted the delicacies of many places, and his cooking skills are quite good. He is very famous in Prester."

Oliana replied according to her own memory, not knowing the meaning of Reiner's question.

"So, can we find a writer to write a series of food novels with Baron Goode as the protagonist?"

Reiner's words raised questions in the minds of the two ladies. They couldn't keep up with Reiner's thought process at all.

Novel serialization was not uncommon in this world. In fact, there was an old-fashioned adventure story published on "Daily Prester" every Thursday, and its competitors preferred to serialize some erotic stories to attract people's attention.

"What do you mean? Do you want to let Baron Goode evaluate Cola?"

Oliana guessed. What she thought was that probably Reiner wanted Baron Goode to mention Cola when writing the food review, but Reiner shook his head.

"Imagine that Baron Goode wore a tuxedo and walked on the streets and alleys of Prester alone, looking for unknown delicacies hidden in it. The only thing that accompanied this lonely gourmet is a bottle of refreshing Cola after every meal. In the noisy night scene, after drinking it, he is able to enjoy a moment of peace... Will such a story be attractive?"

Reiner's description made Claire fell into imagination: A middle-aged man walked among the crowd, but only focused on finding food. After enjoying all kinds of delicacies, he drank a bottle of cold and refreshing Cola, this was simply an enjoyment!

Oliana was also a little stunned. She was a native of Prester, and she naturally knew that the many small restaurants hidden in the streets and alleys in this city. These restaurants had their own unique stories, with special cuisine. All of them were very fascinating. So she was sure that this kind of story would be popular.

Almost while Reiner was explaining, she had already had several ideas, and her inspiration came out nonstop like spring water. She almost couldn't wait to find a piece of paper and start writing immediately.

"Wait, what should be the name of this series?"

She thought of it suddenly and looked at Reiner.

The principal smiled slightly and spoke.

"How about "The Lonely Gourmet"?"

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