Hard to Deceive

Chapter 28: Taking examinations in the shopping mall.

Chapter 28: Taking examinations in the shopping mall.

Wen Yifan immediately took a step back and put his mobile phone back in his pocket. She didnt answer the question, looked down and saw Sang Yans empty hands, Arent you going to buy something?

Sang Yan stood up straight and muttered, Lets go.

Wen Yifan asked, Havent bought it yet?

Hmm? Sang Yan turned his head and he sounded like nothing was wrong, Im going to buy it now?

Wen Yifan reminded, Didnt you say you cant carry them all by yourself?

Sang Yan, Yes.

Wen Yifan was made speechless by his attitude of taking things for granted and being extremely arrogant.


Ill take it as a misunderstanding.

What he meant was that he couldnt carry them later, not now.

Both of them went into the supermarket.

They kept silent for a long time.

Wen Yifan didnt know when it started, she noticed that the atmosphere between them had become uncanny. The atmosphere was slightly similar where they were ignoring each other previously, but it somehow felt that something was different too.

But she couldnt point out what was it.

Wen Yifan went up the escalator first. She asked when she recalled what Su Tian said, Hows your house renovation going?

Sang Yan was standing one step lower than her, so he looked like he was only slightly taller than her. He leaned against the armrest and held his phone with one hand. He answered casually, What?

Wen Yifan, I counted the days, we agreed that the tenancy period was three months.

Upon hearing this, Sang Yan looked up.

You moved in on the 20th of January, its been two months. Wen Yifan added, So, Id like to discuss this with you.

Discuss what?

Wen Yifan said softly, When will you move out?

Sang Yan seemed like he was too lazy to bother, Well talk about this by then.

I didnt mean to rush you to move out. Its because I might need to find for a hew housemate in advance. Wen Yifan discussed with him, I just want to confirm that if youre not planning to continue your tenancy and will move out on 20th of March as we discussed before, so I can start liaising with the new housemate.

The escalator just happened to reach the second floor.

The conversation between them was interrupted.

Wen Yifan was about to mention it again when she heard Sang Yan saying, Alright.

She turned around.

Sang Yan pressed his lips and simply said, Ill give you an answer after asking about the progress of the renovation.

This area was a small business district built when Shangduhua City first opened.

There were shops around the neighbourhood and a large shopping mall outside the shops. The mall had three floors, the first floor was luxury brand outlets and a supermarket on the upper two floors.

The second floor was the food and beverage floor and the third floor was the daily necessities floor.

Sang Yan pushed a shopping cart and they both went directly to the third floor.

Wen Yifan hadnt come to the supermarket for a long time.

While waiting to be his labour, she watched as Sang Yan was throwing things into the cart, and she also remembered that their household consumable goods had seemed to be almost used up.

Sang Yan was very random in buying things. He would take anything that he lacks and will throw it in the cart when he saw familiar brands. He wouldnt take a minute to compare the prices and brands.

But Wen Yifans style in shopping was completely different from him.

She did everything at a slow pace during her spare time when she was not working.

Besides, Wen Yifan had lived frugally since university as her financial conditions were not good. Therefore, she could stand there calculating and comparing the prices for several minutes.

The distance between both of them gradually increased.

When they were passing by the paper towel area, Sang Yan glanced and reached for a roll of paper towel and tissue paper. He threw them into the cart and continued walking. After ten steps, he suddenly felt something was wrong and stopped to turn around.

He saw Wen Yifan was still in her original position. She was looking at the price tag and the number of rolls on the package. She looked like she was comparing which was cheaper and more worth it.

Sang Yan went to her, What are you doing?

Comparing the price, Wen Yifan didnt look up and absentmindedly replied, Theyre both 4 layers, this is 20 Yuan for 10 rolls, 140 grams per roll. This is 23 Yuan for 12 rolls, 120 grams per roll Which is more worth it

Wen Yifan had a headache when she saw numbers, Its a bit difficult to calculate.

Sang Yan understood the situation, he looked at her face and his eyes were filled with quirkiness.

So this is 2 Yuan per roll, She calculated herself and immediately paused, How much is 23 divided by 12

Wen Yifan was trying to use her calculator application in her phone when Sang Yan gave the answer.

Around 1.9 Yuan.

Oh. Wen Yifans hand was on the packet of paper towels with 12 rolls, she hesitated, So should we take this?

Sang Yan didnt rush her, he looked at her. Upon hearing that, he felt it was funny and discreetly smirked, Take it, isnt it a better deal.

Wen Yifan looked up, But its only 120 grams.

Sang Yan, Then take the one with 10 rolls.

Wen Yifan couldnt calculate the exact value, she was not sure, Let me calculate it again.

Sang Yan stared at her and suddenly laughed, Wen Yifan, are you taking an examination in the supermarket

Wen Yifan nearly choked.

You can calculate it for half a year. Sang Yan took out his phone and looked at the time, he playfully said, Its almost nine, Im afraid that youll hand in a blank paper. Let me take the exam for you this time, alright?

Wen Yifan hadnt replied yet.

Sang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. He lightly knocked on the paper towels on the side twice with his knuckles, like he was kindly giving the answer to the examination.

The one with 10 rolls is more worth it.

For the rest of the day.

The situation was the same as before when Wen Yifan compared prices again. She eventually stopped struggling and gave Sang Yan permission to finish the examination.

Both of them went to the cashier to pay after getting all of their supplies.

The staff packed their things into bags for them. Their things were not that much, there were only two bags, one big and the other was a small bag. The remaining two things were too big to be fitted into the bag.

It was the paper towels and tissue papers.

Sang Yan lifted the bags and commanded her, Push the cart back.

Alright. Wen Yifan returned the shopping cart to its original position. She took two umbrellas and walked back to Sang Yan. She volunteered when she saw him with the bags, Let me take these.

You can hold the umbrella. Sang Yan didnt give her anything, he slowly added, For me.

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Dont let me get caught in the water.

Only allowed on

Both of them went out of the mall.

It was raining heavier than before, the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees again as it was getting late. There were not many people around and the car lights from a distance away had dyed the raindrops that made them looked like strips of colours.

They were both using single umbrellas, but Sang Yans umbrella was slightly bigger when compared.

Wen Yifan opened the umbrella and raised her hand. The majority of the umbrella was covered on Sang Yans side. They were standing close to each other, but the space in the umbrella was not big. The cold raindrops that fell on her shoulder from the umbrella had seeped into her clothes.

Not long after.

Sang Yan suddenly spoke, Hey.

Wen Yifan looked at him, Hmm?

Move the umbrella to your side. Sang Yan said arrogantly, Its blocking my vision.


Wen Yifan didnt move, she only raised her hand slightly.

Sang Yan, Hurry up.

Okay. She had to move it to her side.

Move further. Sang Yan annoyedly clicked his tongue, Dont you know how tall you are?

Wen Yifan felt that if she moved the umbrella again, the umbrella was basically not covering him. She suggested when she saw his right shoulder that was slightly damp, Why dont you hold the umbrella?

Sang Yan glanced at her, What are you thinking?


Do you want to do nothing?

Its not far from home anyway.

Wen Yifan didnt bother about this matter anymore.

Wen Yifan opened the umbrella and placed them at the balcony to air dry them once they got home. When she was back in the living room, she saw Sang Yans appearance with the corner of her eyes. A large area of his shoulder and his hair were damp, there were still water drops on his coat.

Sang Yan took his coat off and placed it on the dining chair.

Wen Yifan said, You should take a bath first.

She didnt go back to her room immediately, she took her time unpacking the things that they just bought. Wen Yifan didnt get caught in the rain, she noticed the obvious contrast between them and was worried that Sang Yan would make a sarcastic comment.

You cant even use an umbrella properly.

But after waiting for a long time, Sang Yan didnt say anything.

He answered, Hmm. and took his clothes to the bathroom for a bath.

Wen Yifan stored the things, she took out the receipts and her phone to calculate the bills. She saw the webpage that she had not exited just now as soon as she turned on her screen.

It was the webpage that she wasnt able to see after browsing for Mu Chengyun.

There was a photo under the headline.

A young man that was wearing a simple white T-shirt was smiling, looking cheerful and exuberant.

There was very little introduction

Mu Chengyun, Male, Actor.

Starred in the movie Met A Ghost When I Wake Up in January 2013.

Wen Yifan was stunned when she saw the movie title. She immediately recalled that she seemed to have seen the film. However, she didnt pay much attention to it, she couldnt remember any plot or characters at that moment.

She only remembered the pale face that appeared several times from time to time.

Wikipedia didnt specify which role Mu Chengyun had played.

Wen Yifan was too lazy to dig for information, she recalled that Zhong Siqiao seemed to have watched the movie. So she simply decided to ask her later if she knew the actor. If she liked this actor, then she could give her the signature.

She withdrew from her thoughts and opened the calculator.

Sang Yan had already finished bathing before she started to calculate the bills.

Sang Yan didnt have the habit of drying his hair with a hairdryer. He always came out after hastily drying his hair with a towel, so his hair was fluffy and damp. He was wearing dark casual clothes, looking softer than usual.

She didnt know what kind of shower gel he used, the smell was special that was mixed with a subtle sandalwood scent.

Sang Yan didnt say anything, he sat on the sofa and turned on the television.

Wen Yifan looked at the receipts and began to calculate.

After a while, Wen Yifan heard Sang Yan was sending a voice message, his tone was sluggish, Recommend a horror film, to help me to sleep.

Wen Yifan was very interested in thriller and horror films. She moved her lips as she wanted to recommend some of her favourites, but she was worried that he would answer, I watched it.

Hence, Wen Yifan simply kept silent and planned to watch with him.

Wen Yifan calculated twice and double confirmed that the amount was correct before transferring the amount to Sang Yans AliPay. At the same time, there was something playing on the television/ she immediately got excited and looked at the screen.

The television in their house was a network television. Besides TV channels, some dramas and programs could be played.

Sang Yan should have chosen the movie, he started playing the movie.

The television screen at that moment.

A woman seemed to have just woken up from a dream, with a face full of fear and she was gasping heavily. The surroundings were dark and the background music was eerie and uncanny, the drum was rolling again and again.

It was like the footsteps of ghosts,

Wen Yifan felt that it was familiar.

She continued watching.

The woman seemed to be possessed, but her whole body froze when she realized something. Then, she turned to her left stiffly and faced a pale face that was bleeding through its seven apertures.

The music was getting more and more intense following by the uncontrollable screams of that woman.


There was some noise coming from Sang Yans direction.

His phone fell to the ground.

Wen Yifan subconsciously looked at him, she saw Sang Yan was turning his back to her and bending over to pick his phone up.

She couldnt see his facial expression, so she looked away.

The next moment.

The screen was displaying the title Met A Ghost When I Wake Up. The screen was stained with blood that was trickling down.


Wen Yian recalled.

Although she remembered that this horror film was particularly boring, Wen Yifans interest still remained undiminished because she didnt watch it with full concentration. So, her interest wasnt affected as she was treating this movie as a new movie to kill time.

The living room was drop-dead silent.

Wen Yifan wouldnt talk much when watching a movie, she would be extremely concentrated. However, she didnt know why, it could be the vague memory of this movie or the movie was really bad.

Wen Yifan couldnt help but giggled when a loud thump accompanied by a terrifying face appeared.

The scene was slightly horrifying.

Two people were silently watching a horror movie in a closed space at night. The person beside him suddenly giggled at the most intense moment.

Sang Yans eyebrows twitched, What are you laughing at?

Wen Yifan was watching in full concentration and almost ignored his presence. She was slightly surprised when she heard his voice, she said after a long time, Its quite funny.

Sang Yan stared at her for a while, This is a horror movie.

But that scene was funny. Wen Yifan looked at the screen and pointed, The face of the ghost was probably coated with flour, and it was thickly layered, it was still falling off when it appeared

Moreover, in the last ten minutes.

Wen Yifan gradually discovered that the ghost in this movie was the person she saw today, Mu Chengyun.

No wonder she felt that he was familiar.

She only remembered that face in the whole movie.

Wen Yifan was trying to continue watching, but she noticed Sang Yans expression. She suddenly realized that she seemed to have affected his mood to watch the movie.

She self-reflected her actions, it was indeed inappropriate to giggle in such a serious and agitating situation. She worried that she couldnt control her laughter, so she didnt stay and planned to go back to her room to watch it on her laptop.

Wen Yifan just got up.

Sang Yan asked, What are you doing?

Wen Yifan honestly said, Im going back to my room.

Its just a horror movie. Sang Yan paused for a few seconds and leaned back, Are you afraid

He couldnt manage to finish his sentence.

Out of a sudden, Mu Chengyuns bleeding face appeared closely on the screen.

Accompanied by the familiar terrifying music.

Sang Yans expression froze and the rest of his words was stuck in his throat, he didnt continue his sentence.

Wen Yifan looked at the screen and stared for a moment. She somehow felt the urge to giggle again. She pressed her lips together and said, Keep watching, Im going back to my room.

She just took two steps.

Sang Yan yelled again, Hey.

She felt that he was strange.

Wen Yifan looked at him, she recalled his previous reaction and realized, Are you afraid?

Wen Yifan didnt ask again when he didnt reply, she continued walking.

Sang Yan said again, Okay, Wen Yifan.

She turned around for the third time.

She saw Sang Yan patted on the position next to him, he tilted his head lazily, Sit.

I know youre afraid too.

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