Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 899: Prefect Ron

Chapter 899: Prefect Ron

The Prefect was the end of Hogwarts’ special management system, and only students in the fifth year or above could serve.

As the name suggested, the prefects were the top administrators of their respective year at the school.

But at Hogwarts, the power of the prefect was much greater, and it was not just about managing students in his own year.

One male and one female student were chosen from each House in their fifth year to act as prefects. They would continue to be prefects in their sixth and seventh years until they left school.

Thus, there were approximately six prefects per House and twenty-four prefects in the whole school at one time.

They assisted professors in managing students, maintaining order, communicating various notices and activities in time, and organizing students’ participation in various activities.

In other words, the prefects had been distinguished from ordinary students and became members of the school management.

The prefect had the right to deduct points from students. Although the Heads of Houses could check these deductions, they rarely did so.

Unless the students were very dissatisfied with the reason for the deduction of points by the prefect, it was hard to say whether they could succeed in appealing to them.

But there was one thing for sure; offending a prefect would definitely not end well.

At Hogwarts, who did never break the rules?

No one wanted to do it next to a person who could deduct points, always watching you.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, young wizards did not want to offend the prefect who had a lot of power.

In addition to deducting points, the prefects had many special privileges, such as the special prefects’ carriage on the Hogwarts Express, and the bathroom reserved for prefects on the fifth floor of Hogwarts, and even the house-elves would provide special individual services for the prefects. …

For those who had ambitions and desire for power, being Prefect would be the first step for them to build their own power.

They would make full use of this identity to influence students at the same and lower years. This influence would still be effective even after graduating from Hogwarts, not to mention that the prefects themselves had special small gangs.

In this regard, Slytherin’s students had always done the best, and could bring this influence into full play.

It was said that after the school Sorting Ceremony each year, students from other Houses went back to sleep, but the students of Slytherin all gathered in their common room to let the first-years choose the prefect of their age.

These non recognized prefects, also known as Hidden Prefects, were the administrators of Slytherin students.

The prefects could go one step further and become Head Boy or Girl, the highest position a student could hold.

Each year, both the Head Boy and the Head Girl were selected among all the seventh year students in the school.

The Head Boy and Head Girl had the right to lead the prefects and even participate in the daily decision-making activities of the school.

The Hogwarts Board of Governors met with the new Head Boy and Head Girl every year and listened to their various suggestions about the school.

Generally speaking, the Head Boy and Head Girl were selected from the prefects, but there had been exceptions when Harry’s father was promoted directly from ordinary student to Head Boy. In history, there had been even cases where a young wizard who was not in the seventh year and yet became Head boy.

However, the selection of both the prefect or the Head Boy or Girl was subject to a criterion, that was, the best students in the same year and in the school.

That was the reason why everyone had been surprised that Ron became Prefect. Apart from becoming a champion last year, there were not many remarkable notes in his daily performance at school.

As Fred said, no one in their right mind would make Ron Prefect.

It seemed that Dumbledore had a good reason for doing so!

“Yeah, our little Ron is a champion at Hogwarts,” said Fred disapprovingly.

The Triwizard Tournament had become a joke, and there was nothing commendable about the champion that everyone had envied.

“I suppose all the mad stuff must have counted against Harry,” George continued.

“Yeah,” said Fred slowly, looking at Harry who hadn’t reacted yet. “Yeah, you’ve caused too much trouble, mate. Well, at least one of you has got their priorities right.”

“We’ll have to wait until next year, and if there’s nothing wrong, Evan must be the prefect. Maybe he’ll be the Head Boy.”

That said, Fred and George were giving Ron a scathing look.

“Prefect … ickle Ronnie the prefect…”

“Oh, Mum’s going to be revolting,” groaned George, thrusting the prefect badge back at Ron as though it might contaminate him.

Ron, who still had not said a word, took the badge, stared at it for a moment, and then held it out to Harry as though asking mutely for confirmation that it was genuine.

Harry took it. A large P was superimposed on the Gryffindor lion. He had seen a badge just like this on Percy’s chest on his very first day at Hogwarts.

The door banged open. Hermione came tearing into the room, her cheeks flushed and her hair flying. There was an envelope and the same badge in her hand.

“Evan, I…” she said, brandishing her letter. She spotted the badge in Harry’s hand and let out a shriek.

“You … you got it, Harry, I knew it! Me too, Harry, me too! “

“No,” said Harry quickly, pushing the badge back into Ron’s hand. “It’s Ron, not me.”


“Ron’s prefect, not me,” Harry said.

“Ron?” said Hermione, her jaw dropping. “But … are you sure? I mean…”

She turned red as Ron looked around at her with a defiant expression on his face.

“It’s my name on the letter,” he said. “Is there any problem?”

“I …” said Hermione, looking thoroughly bewildered. “I … well … wow! Well done, Ron! That’s really…”

“Unexpected,” said George, nodding.

“We all thought the same!” Fred said.

“No,” said Hermione, blushing harder than ever, “no, it’s not … Ron’s done loads of … he’s really…”

“Great, both Hermione and I think so,” said Evan, walking over to shake Hermione’s hand.

In a somewhat tense atmosphere, Hermione’s little hand gripped Evan’s tightly, reflecting her inner tension.

It was so embarrassing that everyone thought Harry would be the prefect.

Especially the misunderstanding that Hermione broke in just now, it even lifted this matter to the top. Ron had been greatly hurt in his feelings and self-esteem.

In fact, even he himself thought that Harry was more suitable than him to be the prefect.

But this was not important, what mattered was the result. He became the prefect…

Whether for Harry, Ron or everyone, it would take some time to digest this shocking news.

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