Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 906: The Mind and the Boggart

Chapter 906: The Mind and the Boggart

Once the war started, it was inevitable that many people would die.

Evan raised his head and looked at the room full of talking and laughter, but he couldnt say how many people would survive.

Even if he were as strong as Dumbledore, he couldnt protect everyone. He could only ensure Hermiones safety

This was his bottom line and something that he had to do with his best.

Evan turned his head and saw Hermione looking at him. He held her right hand, and his heart became more or less steadfast.

Regardless of what the future held, no matter what risks he faced, he would not let go of this girls hand.

Harry took the photo with mixed feelings in his heart, and he looked at the happy faces in it.

he had seen his parents pictures before, and he had met Wormtail but to have them sprung on him like that, when he was least expecting it No one would like that, he thought angrily

And then, to see them surrounded by all those other happy faces Benjy Fenwick, who had been found in bits, and Gideon and Fabian Prewett, who had died like heroes, and the Longbottoms, who had been tortured into madness all waving happily out of the photograph forevermore, not knowing that they were doomed

Well, Moody might find that interesting he, Harry, found it disturbing

He was determined to learn a few more spells with Evan to improve his strength and protect the people around him.

Evan had proved his strength. Harry had never seen or heard of a fourteen-year-old wizard becoming the Head Boy. Hed almost watched Evan grow up step by step, from a Muggle who knew nothing to a powerful wizard.

Harry was humbled by the effort Evan had put into his magical studies, as well as the help from the Philosophers Stone and Slytherins Locket.

Since fighting Voldemort was his established destiny, he had to do his best to be as strong as possible

At the same time, Ron, who was chatting with Mr. Weasley, was thinking about it. He watched secretly as Evan and Hermione stood there holding hands, and hurriedly looked back.

After Evan became the Head Boy, being a prefect was nothing, and there was a great difference.

Everyone cared about Evan, and apart from his mother, no one was talking about him becoming the prefect.

It was a relief to Ron, but at the same time he felt a little lost and disappointed in his heart.

He still remembered Percy saying that the prefect was only the first step, and only by becoming the prefect could he be qualified to become the Head Boy.

But now, before Evan graduated, no one else was qualified, not even prefects.

Ron didnt care about being a prefect or the Head Boy, but that was not good news after all, was it?

In fact, he also thought that Evan was qualified to serve as the Head Boy. In terms of pure magical strength, there was no student stronger than Evan in the school. As for why Evan was so strong, he had summarized it many times before.

In Rons opinion, it was mainly because of the help of the Philosophers Stone and Slytherins Locket.

If other people could have these magical items, and work harder, they would become as strong as Evan.

Unfortunately, the remaining three Philosophers Stones left by the Four Founders had disappeared. They had discussed it many times and there was no answer. Ron even had no clue. As for Slytherins Locket, there was only one

Immediately, Ron thought of Evans previous exploration in the Acromantulas Lair.

The slate engraved with the map of Greece, in addition to the Locket, contained Slytherins wand, ring and double snake scepter, which seemed to be powerful magical items. If he could get one of them

Ron shook his head hard. The items left by the old madman Slytherin were too dangerous, and only Evan could use them.

However, if he wanted to become as powerful as Evan, it seemed that there was only one feasible way.

After handing the photo to Harry, Moody went over to talk to Professor McGonagall, Lupin, and Kingsley. Harry stared at the photo in a daze, while Evan and Hermione left the kitchen hand in hand. They had a lot to say now.

Although they had been talking all afternoon, it was not enough. If they could, Evan and Hermione would now talk all night without getting bored or tired.

In the afternoon, Evan was still helping Hermione figure out how to be a good prefect. Now the situation was just reversed. She wanted to help Evan do a good job as the Head Boy and live up to the hopes of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

Tomorrow was the first day of school, and Evan had to give instructions to the prefects

Compared to Hermiones nervousness, Evan didnt care. He had only one rule here: Dont ask for trouble.

If anyone wanted to do something, he didnt mind practicing magic with them.

But since Hermione wanted to talk, Evan had no reason to refuse. He could go back to the third-floor room they had used in the afternoon and chat leisurely.

The night was long and there was a lot of time. He even thought they could change positions later

They held hands and walked up the stairs in the hall, past the stuffed elf heads. Hermione kept talking and offering advice to Evan, but stopped suddenly when approaching the first landing.

They heard a voice, someone was sobbing in the drawing room, and Evan and Hermione looked at one another.

Isnt it Mrs. Weasleys voice? Hermione said, Whats going on?

They climbed the remaining stairs two at a time, walked across the landing, and opened the drawing-room door.

Someone was cowering against the dark wall, her wand in her hand, her whole body shaking with sobs. Sprawled on the dusty old carpet in a patch of moonlight, clearly dead, was Ron.

Ron, whats the matter?! Hermiones eyes widened and she held Evans right hand tightly.

Ron dead, how could it be? Theyd seen him downstairs when they came up just now

Hold on, Hermione, its a Boggart! said Evan, feeling the magic reaction in the air, Mrs. Weasley?

R-r-riddikulus! Mrs. Weasley sobbed, pointing her shaking wand at Rons body.

Crack! Rons body turned into Bills, spread-eagled on his back, his eyes wide open and empty, his hollow eyes widened.

Seeing Bills body, Mrs. Weasley sobbed harder than ever.

R-riddikulus! she sobbed again.

Crack! Mr. Weasleys body replaced Bills, his glasses askew, a trickle of blood running down his face.

No! Mrs. Weasley moaned. No riddikulus! Riddikulus! RIDDIKULUS!

Crack. Dead twins. Crack. Dead Percy. Crack. Dead Harry. Crack. Dead Evan

All right, Mrs. Weasley, get out of here! Evan said, taking a step forward and pulling out his wand.

Crack! The Boggart in front of him had changed. It was Hermiones body!

Riddikulus! Evan said very firmly and clearly.

Hermiones body vanished, this Boggart was making his last struggle, and the evil god appeared

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