Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 927: The Seeds of Distrust

Chapter 927: The Seeds of Distrust

Gryffindor was facing internal division, and distrust was building up.

It was really bad enough for first-years to see this scene. In the past few years, Gryffindor had been the most united, glorious and belonging House, and had achieved impressive results.

But now, whether Evan wanted to admit it or not, they were on the verge of internal division.

This kind of thing could only be solved by time, and only when Voldemort appeared again could it be proved that they had not lied.

No matter how much he said now, it wouldn’t help.

With this time, it was better to unite those who were willing to believe in them, or read more magic books to improve his strength.

“You don’t know my mother, she’ll weasel anything out of anyone,” Seamus said with his back to them. “Many of you come from Muggle families. Your parents don’t get the Daily Prophet; they don’t know our headmaster’s been sacked from the Wizengamot and the International Confederation of Wizards because he’s losing his marbles…”

Evan frowned. If Seamus continued to say this, he would really have to be in detention, otherwise it would be endless.

He didn’t want to discuss this kind of thing with them here; it didn’t make any sense at all.

“My gran says that’s rubbish,” piped up Neville. “She says it’s the Daily Prophet that’s going downhill, not Dumbledore. She’s canceled our subscription. We are now subscribing to Hogwarts Magic, which tells the facts. My gran’s always said You-Know-Who would come back one day. She says if Dumbledore says he’s back, he’s back, and we must be prepared for the battle.”

“Thank you, Neville,” said Evan decisively. “Now, I’ll say it again for the last time. Go back to sleep.”

Under his gaze, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the Gryffindor common room was filled with this kind of distrust for the first time.

To Evan’s delight and surprise, many first-years clearly expressed their support for him. Although many of these people didn’t even know what Voldemort meant, it was still a good start.

At the same time, it also verified his ideas. These young boys and girls still had to develop from scratch…

After everyone left, Evan and Hermione stayed for more than half an hour.

They drafted a notice together and copied more than a dozen copies. Evan planned to have the prefects post it on the notice boards of the Houses tomorrow. It was mainly about organizing the first-years to visit the school this weekend. By the way, he would tell them something else.

When Evan returned to the bedroom, it was obvious that there was talking inside, but it stopped immediately after he went in.

They were talking about what had happened just now, about Evan and Harry.

Only Colin said goodnight to Evan, and then the whole bedroom fell into a death-like silence along with the darkness.

The quarrel between Harry and Seamus upset many people, and now everyone in Gryffindor found themselves in a dilemma.

For a long time, they had trusted Dumbledore and Evan very much, but it was hard to believe the fact that Voldemort had returned, because to admit this required not only great courage, but also preparations to meet the deepest fears in the soul.

Everyone was thinking, wanting to draw a conclusion of both ends, but the more they thought about it, the more confused they were…

At the same time, Harry was rolling around on the sheets, tossing and turning.

In fact, he had always liked Seamus very much before, but he didn’t expect such a thing to happen tonight.

This was just the beginning, how many more people were going to suggest that he was lying or unhinged?

Although time would prove everything, how many attacks like Seamus’s would he have to endure before that time came?

Early the next morning, Evan and Hermione went to the school to post notices.

The notices for the common rooms of the other three Houses could be given to their prefects during breakfast later.

“I’ve been thinking about last night for a long time, Harry and Seamus…” Hermione stopped abruptly.

She was staring at the common room notice board, where a large new sign had been put up.


Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?

Like to earn a little extra gold?


Contact Fred and George Weasley,

Gryffindor common room,

for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs


Their prank products, especially the newly improved Skiving Snackboxes, had entered the human experimental stage. The test on their own body could no longer meet the requirements. They needed to start looking for experimenters on a large scale and record various adverse reactions after taking them.

Evan had heard Fred and George talk about this before, and they needed a lot of “lab rats.”

Obviously, this work was dangerous and very unsanitary. Except for them, no one knew how many poisonous tentacle seeds, bug corpses and the like Fred and George added to those skipping candy.

“They can’t do this, they’ve gone too far,” said Hermione grimly, taking down the sign, which Fred and George had pinned up over a poster giving the date of the first Hogsmeade weekend in October.

“Did you know about it?” Hermione said, staring at Evan suspiciously, crumpling the sign into a ball.

“I didn’t know!” said Evan hurriedly.

“We’ll have to talk to them; we can’t let them go on like this,” said Hermione. “Yeah, call Ron too.”

Like Mrs. Weasley, Hermione could not understand Fred and George’s prank products.

Now as prefect, she thought she had a responsibility to prevent such things, and it was up to them to do it.

“I’ll talk to Fred and George about this, so that they don’t…” Evan paused, “Well, don’t post signs so publicly, but if others volunteer to test their new products, it’s none of our business.”

As long as the amount of Gold Galleons as a reward was considerable, there would always be applicants to Fred and George’s experiments.

“You’re right; we really don’t have this right,” Hermione said angrily, taking the lead to walk out of the common room. “And I’m not in the mood to care about them either, you know? Back to my bedroom last night, I heard Lavender and Parvati also discussing the quarrel between Harry and Seamus, and they didn’t want to believe me.”

“Oh, I thought Ron told Lavender everything?” Evan said.

“I thought so, too. She knows more than the others, but she still seems to stubbornly believe that Harry is a lying, attention-seeking prat, and you and Ron are both blinded by him!” Hermione said. “This is ridiculous, what’s wrong with these people?

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