Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 982: Dumbledore’s Army

Chapter 982: Dumbledore’s Army

“What are these?” asked Dean from the rear of the room, indicating the Sneakoscopes, the Secrecy Sensors and the Foe-Glass.

“Dark Detectors and magic traps, they can detect hidden enemies and warn us in advance, but these are outdated styles!” said Evan, gazing into the cracked Foe-Glass for a while; shadowy figures were moving around inside it, though none was recognizable. “There’s also this Foe-Glass. Basically they all show when Dark wizards or enemies are around, but you don’t want to rely on them too much, they can be fooled. All magic props can be deciphered.”

Despite what he said, everyone was sighing, marveling, and exploring the room.

Before Evan found out the secret of the Room of Requirement, Fred and George had also been here in their first year, when they hid from Filch. But it was just a broom cupboard then.

In addition, they also found butterbeer bottles and clothes that Hermione had given to the House-elves, left here by Winky.

She was drinking every day now, and when she was drunk she would cry and make such a fuss that Dobby had to put her here.

In a cupboard, they also found many basic potions. Evan was sure that these were brewed by himself over the years. Unlike Veritaserum or the Polyjuice potion, they were not very useful, so they were left here and never touched again.

Fred and George were very interested in these things, and Evan gave them all the potions.

If no one thought they needed empty bottles, Winky’s clothes, and potions before coming in, finding these things here indicated that there was a connection between the various rooms of the Room of Requirement.

When those things were no longer needed, they did not disappear, but were preserved in other spaces in special ways.

More than twenty minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the door, and Harry and Ron walked in.

“You’re taking your time!” said Hermione, snapping the book Jinxes for the Jinxed shut.

“Yeah, something happened,” Ron said, giving a meaningful look.

“I accidentally touched my eye, and it hurt terribly, so I was delayed for a while,” Harry explained.

Evan looked at the two of them and immediately realized that Harry’s scar hurt again. What could be the reason this time?!

This couldn’t go on like this; maybe he should talk to Dumbledore and have Snape teach Harry Occlumency.

“Are you all right, Harry?”

“I’m fine!” said Harry briefly. Now was not the time to talk about this matter, “It doesn’t hurt anymore!”

“Alright, let’s get started. There’s plenty of time for you to explore later,” said Evan, clapping his hands to gather everyone. “Hermione and I have discussed, and before we start our studies, there are a few things we need to clarify.”

“First, the leadership,” Hermione said, “It must be clear.”

“Needless to say, it must be Evan. We are all here to learn magic from him.”

“Yeah, Evan is the leader.”

“I support Evan!”

“Yes, but I think we ought to vote on it properly,” said Hermione, unperturbed. “It makes it formal and it gives him authority. So — everyone who thinks Evan ought to be our leader? “

Everybody put up their hands, there was no doubt about this.

“Thank you!” said Evan. “I plan to have Harry and Hermione as my deputies, responsible for the day-to-day management of this room. You know, I have a lot of things to do usually. In addition to managing tasks, Harry and Hermione can help everyone learn magic when I’m not available or too busy. Do you have any objections to this?”

There was a murmur among the crowd. To be fair, both Hermione and Harry were competent.

Hermione had read a lot of magic books and had excellent academic performance. Harry’s excellence in Defense Against the Dark Arts was obvious to all. He had fought many terrible enemies. If Evan was not here, the two of them were undoubtedly the best candidates.

However, the current issue was that since Evan was the leader, with Harry and Hermione as his deputies, fully accepting the management of this room, they would all be Gryffindor students. Students from the other two Houses hesitated about this.

In the end, the discussion resulted in Harry, Hermione, Michael, and Ernie becoming Evan’s deputies.

They were each responsible for managing students from their respective Houses, notifying them of activities and things they needed to do, and supervising and assisting everyone in practicing magic. Evan would provide individual guidance to ensure they understood more.

“Now that the leadership has been decided, I also think we ought to have a name,” Hermione said brightly. “It would promote a feeling of team spirit and unity, don’t you think?”

“Can we be the Anti-Umbridge League?” said Angelina hopefully.

“Haha, or the Ministry of Magic Are Morons Group?”suggested Fred.

“Fudge is a Moron is not bad either!”

“What about Wiping out the Ministry of Magic and the Toad?”

“Hold on, we need to clarify one thing. Although our biggest enemies right now are Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic,” said Evan, “we’re not actually planning to overthrow the Ministry, so we can’t have such an explicitly reactionary name.”

“Well, I was thinking,” said Hermione, frowning, “more of a name that didn’t tell everyone what we were up to, so we can refer to it safely outside meetings.”

“The Defense Association?” said Cho. “The D.A. for short, so nobody knows what we’re talking about.”

“I thought the same. D.A. is good. It can also stand for Dumbledore’s Army.”

“That name is great. That’s the Ministry and You-Know-Who’s worst fear, isn’t it?” Ginny agreed.

There was a good deal of appreciative murmuring and laughter at this. Everyone thought D.A. was a good idea.

Evan had thought about it before, and finally felt that D.A. was a good choice. It could be called the Defense Association in line with the theme, or it could be interpreted as Dumbledore’s Army. It was a pun. The charismatic power and cohesion of the Headmaster were unquestionable in the wizarding world.

If they chose a different name, others might not understand its meaning, and it wouldn’t evoke the same impact as Dumbledore’s Army. Evan believed that both Fudge and Voldemort would be shocked hearing this name.

Therefore, Evan did not object and naturally supported naming the organization D.A.

“Great, all in favor of the D.A.?” said Hermione bossily, kneeling up on her cushion to count. “That’s a majority — motion passed!”

She pinned the piece of paper with all of their names on it on the wall and wrote DUMBLEDORE’S ARMY across the top in large letters.

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