Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 11: Trouble in the alley

Chapter 11: Trouble in the alley

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 11: Trouble in the Alley
"Well…if you don't want you, that's fine." Lily decided to not push the issue anymore. If Harry did not want a pet, that was fine. 
'Maybe he will change his mind after Lyra gets one next year' She thought.

By the time the mother and son duo left the ingredients shop, the sky was already starting to turn dark.

"Oh my, we took a bit too long for this shopping trip," Said Lily while looking upwards.

'That's because you wasted two hours in the potion shop chatting with the owner and browsing ingredients. Not to mention how long it took to find a present for Holly.' Harry wanted to complain.

There was little light left in the alley, soon the magical candles all around Diagon Alley would turn on and many shops would start to close, leaving only some bars and restaurants.

Their current location was a short distance away from the main street and not considered a dangerous place by any means, but for some reason, Harry could not help to have a bad feeling as soon as they left behind the door of the shop.

Over the years, he had learned to trust his instincts as they were honed over many battles and this has saved him many times.

"We should hurry back to the main street" Harry looked around while they were walking.

Lily looked at her son.
"It's okay, sweetie.  I know is a bit dark now but this alley is very safe and there are always plenty of people around…". But as she looked, she realized there was no one.

Her expression changed, her kind smile replaced by the focused face of someone who had faced danger many times before.

When she heard steps behind her, her wand was already out.

A red speck of light came out of her wand and impacted the body of a masked man wearing dark robes that Lily immediately recognized.

"Oh no…Harry stay behind me!"

"Don't just turn around, we are surrounded." Said Harry in a calm voice.

"Adava kedavra!" 

Harry pushed his mother out of the way just as a green light passed by.

Lily saw this happen and held herself against a wall in the narrow street, having a hard time processing how close she had come to dying.

She could now clearly notice that there were five assailants in total. Two behind, one of which was now unconscious thanks to her spell from before, and three more on the other side of the alley.

"You idiot! we need her alive!" The tallest one in the group spoke with authority.

'So, he immediately revealed who is the one in charge and what their mission was. I have to admit, I have grown accustomed to being the target, this is kind of new. But also troublesome…' Harry considered for a moment how to act.

He acknowledged that his mother was a powerful witch but she won't be able to fight against four opponents while being surrounded in this narrow alley.

Spells started to rain on her while completely ignoring Harry as none of the death eaters considered him a threat at all.

Lily did an admirable job of defending herself from the assault while keeping an eye on her son. She may even be able to escape, had she been by herself.

Harry saw a nasty fire-type curse approach Lily while she was busy deflecting another curse and decided to intervene. 

He created a wandless protego shield to stop the spell but it was not enough to completely block the magic.

"Ahh!" Lily yelped in pain as her hand was burned and her wand turned into cinders, leaving only the Phoenix feather that Ollivander used as the core levitating slowly to the ground.

Lily lost her balance and fell with her back against the wall while clutching her injured hand.

'Tsk…this body lacks the power to perform wandless magic correctly.' Harry admonished himself for not putting more force onto the shield.

"Got her!"
The death eaters celebrated in joy.

Harry moved to Lily's side and examined her wound, she had some second-degree burns, nothing that a bit of magic could not fix in a few minutes.

"Harry run…run to the main street…" She looked at him with pain and despair. 

He had seen that look before and he did not like seeing it on his mother.
Someone was going to suffer a lot from this.

Harry focused on circulating his magic and constructing the spell with utmost care.
The palm of his hand gained a white shine to it.  Indicating his success.
'I can do this much without a wand at least ' He lamented his lack of preparation for the current situation.

He placed his hand on his mother's shoulder and before this one was able to speak again, Lily felt an overpowering wish to fall asleep.

Harry observed his mother as she closed her eyes. He did not want her to see what he was about to do to these men.
'If I did the spell correctly, her memories should be fuzzy when she wakes up.'

"What happened?"
"Did she pass out from the shock or something?"
The attackers did not understand why his mother went unconscious all of a sudden.

Harry took their moment of confusion to grab the Phoenix feather from the remains of her mother's wand and held it in his right hand.

He knew that it would be pointless to put his hand inside his mother's bag to retrieve his own wand, those bags have strong security measures to prevent anyone but the owner from retrieving the objects inside and it will take too long to crack open.

'Maybe I should have asked her to give me the wand or to take the wand for herself…well too late for that now. This will do.'

He held the feather between extended two fingers and wrapped it around them, forming an improvised wand of sorts. Wands are easy to break so one has to learn some tricks like this to survive.

'I won't be able to cast anything too complex like transfiguration, but I should manage some elemental magic at least.'

"What do we do with the kid?" one of them asked.

"Take him out!" Commanded the leader.

The one next to him looked to his side.
"You go get him, Casey. I don't like brats"

"Fuck!, don't say my name!, Kyle. "

'Ah…novices…' Harry would have smiled, had the situation been different.

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