Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 13: Back in a familiar place.

Chapter 13: Back in a familiar place.

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 13: Back in a familiar place.

 When Harry opened his eyes again, he found himself in a familiar room. He had, very recently, spent some time in this place.
'Back to Saints Mungo, huh?'

He was not alone, however. As he moved his head around, he was able to spot the sleeping figure of his mother on the next bed.

He looks at his right hand, it is covered in bandages.
'that's what happens when you cast magic with only the wand core…the burns shouldn't be too bad.'

Memories of the last events were replayed before his eyes and he started to analyze them, looking for flaws or things he could have done better. This was something he had grown accustomed to doing after every battle. 

'Is okay to make mistakes as long as you live to learn from them.' 

Those were the words he used to repeat to all recruits that he trained and to himself.

'I could have done better.'
He admonished himself for his poor performance.

Fighting without a proper wand was one thing, but he should have made an effort to get a better handle on his current body and magic. That was the main reason for his failure.

'It would be difficult to train properly at home but as soon as I'm back at Hogwarts I can make use of that room again…' He concluded.

The door of the room opened and a group of people entered.
"Harry!" James Potter rushed to his side and gave him a tight hug.
"Oh, thank Merlin!"

He wanted to tell the man that he had only suffered from some magical exhaustion and a burned hand and that it was no big deal but decided to hold himself and kept silent.
"How are you feeling, are you okay?" His father asked, face filled with worry. Despite the many disappointments he had suffered at the hands of his son, he could not help but care for him.

"I'm fine Dad." His eyes moved to the next bed.
"How is mom?"

"She got her hand a bit burned but is nothing serious. She is just sleeping now…she was very tired." James did his best to not make a big deal out of it for the sake of Harry.

One of the two men who came into the room with his father spoke.
"James…I need to…you know."

He seemed hesitant to speak like he was afraid of offending his father. He was wearing auror robes and a bag...Harry could already imagine what he wanted.

The other one was an older man wearing a white robe.
"Before any of that. I need to examine my patient!"
He said with a disapproving frown.

The old healer walked to Harry and smiled at him.
"Good morning, Mister Potter. How are you feeling?"

He asked while performing some mild scans with his wand.
Harry wanted to roll his eyes at all the unnecessary medical attention.

"I feel fine, Mister Healer. Just a mild discomfort on my right hand."

"Yes, I will give you an ointment for that, your hand should be good as new by tomorrow."
He waved his wand around a few more times before nodding.
"Everything seems in order, Mister Potter. "

"So, can I take him home?" Asked James.

"Call me when your wife wakes up so I can give her another check and then you can all go home." Said the healer before walking to the door. 

"So…" the auror approached a few more steps and looked at James.

His father gave the auror a serious look before going back to Harry.
"Son, this person right here is one of my coworkers. He needs to ask you a few questions about what happened yesterday in the alley. Is okay if you don't remember much, just tell him whatever you can recall. Is that okay?" 

Harry gave him a nod and James smiled at him before he moved to one side, allowing the other auror to get closer to his bed.

"Hello, Harry. I'm Will, a friend of your dad. I just need to ask you a few questions, it will be quick...you went yesterday shopping with your mom. We know that the last shop you visited was an ingredient shop in one of the inner alleyways. What happened next?"

"Mmm…" He made his best impression of the confused child.
"It was dark…we were walking and then, mom got very nervous…some masked men started casting spells at mom. She got burned and then she fell…and…then they threw something at me and my hand started to hurt…and…"

"Yes, and what happened next? did someone else come to help you?" the auror asked.

'I see…' They just want to know who killed the death eaters, since there is no chance that an unarmed eleven-year-old could have anything to do with that.

"Yes…someone wearing a dark robe appeared and started fighting against the bad guys!"

Both James and Will became very attentive at the mention of the dark-robed individual.

"What can you tell us about this person?" Asked the auror. 

"mmm, I can tell you that it was a man, by the voice, but I could not see his face, it was very dark and he was wearing a hood. "

"I see…" Both Will and James looked disappointed.
"Anything else? did you see this man beat the bad guys?"

Harry shook his head.
"No…I remember that he pointed his wand at me for a moment and saw some red light…then I woke up here." 

"A stunner most likely. Probably for the best…" said James, thinking about the gruesome state that the death eaters were left. 

Will sighed.
"A dark hooded man…that doesn't give us much to go on…" 

"No, but whoever that man was…he saved my family." Said James.

"Yes, but he also killed several members of magical noble families in a very…ohh." The auror coughed to clear his throat when he realized what he was about to say in front of a child.

"Sorry, I should get going. I'll present what I have to Madame Bones…she is going to throw a fit." the auror sighed again and stood up to leave.

"Harry?" Lily Potter had opened her eyes.

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