Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 15: A long train ride

Chapter 15: A long train ride

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 15: A long train ride

"I'm Hermione Granger, are you a first-year too?" The young girl asked with excitement. 

Harry did his best to hide any sort of reaction at seeing a young version of one of his many dead friends.
His occlumency shields weres still rudimentary but enough for the occasion.
"I'm Harry Potter, first year. Nice to meet you, Hermione."
He stored his case and took a seat in front of her.
"What are you reading?" he said, pointing at the thick book.

She smiled and started to speak very fast.
"Oh, this? This is the history of Hogwarts. I wanted to know everything about the school before coming here but I didn't have time to finish it. I want to know more about everything, you see…I'm from a non-magical family so…"

"Everything is so new and fascinating. I understand the feeling." he nodded.

"Yes!" She exclaimed,  almost jumping from her seat. "There is so much I want to know. Did you also grow up with a non-magical family?"

"No, my parents are both magical but my mother is a muggle-born like you and has told me a lot of stories of her childhood and how excited she was the day that  she received her Hogwarts letter and found out about the magical part of the world." 

"Oh!, so you must know a lot about magic then. Can you cast any spell already?, I have tried a few." Hermione admitted, despite being against the rules. Something that Harry found somewhat amusing.

"I do know a spell or two," he told her.

Hermione's eyes sparkled with joy.
"Show me!"

A knock on the door was heard before this one opened slowly.
"Sorry but…can I sit here?, there are a lot of people in the other cabins" 

Harry was able to immediately recognize the timid boy.
"Of course, Mister Longbottom, take a seat." 

Neville looked disappointed at being recognized for some reason but said nothing about it and sat down next to Harry.

"Longbottom?" Hermione gasped and hurried to fetch something from her bag.

The two boys looked at her with attention, wondering what she was looking for.
Neville grimaced when he saw the book she had pulled out of her bag. It was one of the many books written about 'the boy who lived' without his consent.
"Are you really Neville Longbottom? The one from the books?" She held out a book titled 'Neville Longbottom in the Rainbow Forest'.

Harry noticed that Holly didn't have that particular title in her collection.
'Maybe I Should ask Hermione if I can borrow it for Christmas'

"Do you really have the magical scar?" Hermione asked while staring at his forehead. This one was well covered with hair so it was hard to tell if anything was hidden underneath.

Neville did not seem to enjoy the interrogation, as he suddenly stood up, picked up his case, and rushed out of the compartment with an 'excuse me'.

Hermione stared at the door with a confused expression before she looked at Harry.
"Did I say something wrong?"

He wanted to roll his eyes at the comment.
'Was she really this clueless at this age?'
Harry decided to just shrug.
"Who knows? maybe he is just timid."
Telling her at this point would just serve to make her mad and he rather not deal with that. She will have to learn some tact later on, for her own good.

The train started moving and not even a minute later, the door was slammed open, this time without a knock. 

A redhead boy stared at them, carefully observing their features. He then frowned, obviously displeased with the result.

"Have you guys seen Neville Longbottom? my brothers told me they saw him coming here."

"Yes, he was here. But left a few minutes ago," answered Hermione.

"Oh…blast it!" Ron looked back at the corridor,  probably considering if it was worth the effort, going back for another round of barging into every compartment.
"Can I sit here?" He eventually said. 

"Of course you can. Is not like we have the seats reserved or anything." Commented Harry.

The redhead boy smiled and sat down next to Harry.
"So, how is he?" He asked with excitement.

"How is who?" Harry asked back even though he already knew who Ron was asking about.

"Neville Longbottom of course!. Is he as amazing as the books say?" Ron exclaimed loudly.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself at least? Is basic manners." Hermione started at Ron with a disproving frown.

"Oh, right. I'm Ron Weasley."

"Hermione Granger."

"Harry Potter."

"Nice to-, wait, Potter? Are you related to Lyra Potter?" Ron asked.

"I am. She is my little sister, why?" Harry asked, wondering why Ron knew about his sister and what their relationship was.
'Crap, I'm already thinking like an overprotective older brother.' 

"She is friends with my sister Ginny. She and your mother have visited our house several times in the last year." Explained Ron.

Harry found himself feeling relief at the explanation.
'Mother did mention that Lyra had a few friends that she visited often, and Ginny had the same age, so I guess it makes sense…'
"Right, I didn't know about that."

"Now, tell me about him!" Ron demanded.
"Did you see his scar? did he look rich and famous to you? How did he defeat You know who?"

"Oh my God!, did I sound like that?!, no wonder he ran away!" Hermione looked genuinely upset now.

"You did, and probably," Harry answered nonchalantly.

The door was slammed open once more, this time even more with more force than Ron.

A blonde boy with two big kids, one on each side, entered the compartment.
"Have any of you seen Neville Longbottom?" Draco Malfoy demanded with authority.

Harry finally sighed. 
'This is going to be a long ride to Hogwarts…' 

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