Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 2: The beginning

Chapter 2: The beginning


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 2: The beginning

Darkness…for an unknown amount of time…He could not see or feel anything, but he was still existing for some reason.

Then…images started to appear…memories again, but those were not his memories, he was sure of that.

A young girl was looking at him with tears in her eyes and fury on her face.

She had dark red hair and green eyes. She reminded Harry of his mother for some reason.

Whoever it was, that girl was very angry with him and was yelling nonstop.

The image went away and was replaced by another one. An adult man was looking down at him, his face filled with disappointment as He shook his head.

Harry would have gasped if he could. He knew who this man was! He has seen many pictures of him.

The man was James Potter…his father. But who is his father talking to? who is the owner of these memories? and why is he watching them now?

As the images went away, darkness welcomed Harry once more and things went back to how they were before.


It was impossible to tell time, but after a while, another image appeared. And he knew it was another memory.

An adult redhead woman was kneeling down and hugging a child.

Harry was surprised once more. The woman was the vivid image of his mother, and the child she was hugging seemed to be the little girl from before and she seemed to be injured as there was a stain of blood on her dress.

Her mother turns to look at him…or the owner of these memories at least. Lily Potter is angry…very angry, but there is also a lot of sadness in her eyes, and disappointment once more.

As the images went away, darkness welcomed him once more…


After some more time, something changed. Harry could feel something…this was a surprising fact because he hadn't felt anything for a very long time, but now…he could feel his body somehow.

He tried to focus on that feeling and then, started to hear very distant voices.



A female voice seems to be calling in distress.

"Look!, he's moving," The same female voice said.

"Merlin!, You are right. he is waking up" A male voice said.

The light then started to tear away the darkness that Harry had grown accustomed to.

"Harry!, Oh my God!, Please come back to us!" The female cried.

She was calling his name and her voice sounded so familiar. Harry put all of his effort into opening his eyes and more light covered his vision until the darkness was no more.

Everything was white and his eyes started to adjust again. He then realized that he was looking at a plain white ceiling.

"Harry!" The woman called his name.

"Mister Potter?, Can you hear me?" The man asked.

Harry turned his head towards the voices and there it was…the woman from those memories was staring at him with tears in her eyes.

He tried to speak but was unable to. The woman jumped on his bed and hugged him while crying.

"Oh thank Merlin, We thought we lost you!" She said.

'Have I reached the afterlife? It doesn't seem like that. I can feel my mother hugging me, I can even smell her perfume. But how can this be real? We are both dead. Of that, I am more than sure.'

"Miss Potter please, I need to evaluate the state of your son." The healer said.

His mother stood back with reluctance and took a handkerchief to clean her tears.

The healer waved his wand around and looked at Harry intently.

"Can you tell me your name, young one?" The healer asked.

Harry moved his mouth but no words came out, only some mumbling sounds.

"mmm, I guess you can't speak yet. Is not out of the ordinary, considering what you went through. Can you at least move your head to nod?" He asked.

Harry tried and was able to move his head enough to nod.

"Excellent. At least your motor and cognitive skills are working" He turned to Lily.

"We will need to keep him here for now. I need to perform more tests when he has a chance to rest a bit."

"But, Is he going to be fine? Are there any problems?" Lily asked with worry.

"Physically He seems perfectly fine. Is his mind that worries me. But I need him to speak so I can conduct more tests. We will wait for now. He should recover his ability to talk by tomorrow." The healer said before leaving.

Lily turned to him.

"Harry, I need to go call your father. I will be back in a few minutes, don't worry, ok?"

Harry nodded and she left in a hurry.

He then started to move his head so he could take a better look at his body, something felt off.

When he looked at his feet, Harry realized what it was…his body was really small, like a child.

His mother still called him Harry and the healer referred to her as Miss Potter. So He was still Harry Potter…but his parents were alive. This did not make any sense at all.

'So, it cannot be time travel. Did I wake up in a different world?. ' He thought about the possibility, no matter how absurd it sounded.

There were many magical mysteries still left undiscovered and parallel worlds were one of them. But they were just theories, no one has ever been able to travel to a parallel dimension and come back to tell the tale.

His mother then came back into the room and sat at his side while stroking his hair gently.

"Everything is going to be okay." She said softly.

'Yes, I'm not so sure about that…' Harry thought.

He then felt very tired and his eyes started to close against his will. It didn't take long before falling asleep once again.

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