Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 4: Meeting the sisters

Chapter 4: Meeting the sisters


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 4: Meeting the sisters

Later in the afternoon, the healer and mind healer who attended Harry were discussing their evaluation with the parents.

"Selective amnesia?" Lily asked with concern.

"Yes, Miss Potter. Your son still has all of his general knowledge intact, but he is unable to remember most details about his personal life. He doesn't even seem to remember the names of his sisters. Although he does remember the names of his parents at least." The mind healer explained.

"He doesn't remember Lyra and Holly? Are you sure he is being sincere? My son has a history at being…. hmm… disingenuous, to say the least." James said.

"James!. How can you say that?" Lily wanted to scream at her husband.

James gave her a look." Am I wrong?."

Lily looked down. "Well…no. Harry has always been a bit disobedient."

The healer looked at the couple but didn't say anything.

The mind healer then spoke. "Mister Potter, I have been a mind healer for almost forty years. If anyone is lying to me, I would know, especially a child. No, your son was telling the truth, and my diagnosis is correct, I can assure you of that."

"Then, what do we do?. Is He going to recover those memories?" Lily asked.

"You can take him home, there is no more reason to keep him here. Just be mindful that he may need a reminder of even some basic things like where is his room or who are his friends. As for recovering his memories…I would say is unlikely, but the mind of a child is very resilient, he will adapt in no time, you'll see." The mind healer said.

"Oh, one more thing Miss and Mister Potter." The healer said and everyone turned to face him.

"Don't be too surprised if your son's personality changes a bit. Is a normal side effect in cases of amnesia. After all, our memories and experiences are what often defines our personality."

"That would be good news..." Mumbled James.


Harry had finally a chance to take a good look at himself when he was changing his clothes before leaving for home.

He looked almost exactly the same as he remembered looking at the age of ten. Just without the malnourishment and with better clothes.

What called his attention the most was the lack of a scar on his forehead. He could not help but wonder how different this world was from his original one but could not do anything at the moment.

His mother noticed Harry moving his hair and touching his forehead.

"Is everything okay Harry? Does your head hurt?" She asked.

Harry stopped and looked at her.

"Yes, everything is fine."

He will have to find an opportunity to find out what important changes this world has.

Are you ready, Harry?" His mother asked while extending her hand.

Harry nodded and grabbed it.

"You remember apparition right?" She asked softly and Harry nodded once more.

Lily lifted her wand and they were gone from the entrance of Saints Mungo.


The three of them appeared in front of a huge mansion that Harry did not recognize.

'We live here? I don't remember the Potter family being this rich. My trust vault barely had enough to buy a small house. Did the goblins hide another vault from me?.' Harry wondered if this house even existed in the other world.

Lily and James looked at Harry and noticed the surprised expression he was making.

"Don't remember the house?" James asked, still somewhat doubtful if his son was pulling some sick prank as it would not be the first time.

Harry shook his head. "Sorry."

"It's okay dear, Let's go inside," Lily said reassuringly.

They made their way through the mansion until they reached a big living room with very expensive-looking decorations.

Two girls were lying on a comfortable leather couch. The older one seemed to have reading a book to the younger one.

The moment they heard the steps, they both turned around.

"Momy, Daddy!" The young one jumped from the couch and started running towards James and Lily.

James knelt down and hugged his daughter.

"Hello, love. I'm sorry were arrived a bit late." James said with a smile.

The older girl approached too to greet her parents, but she obviously had more restraint.

"Mom, Dad" She smiled at them. Then looked at her brother. "Harry…" She said with badly contained disdain.

Harry gave a sad smile. He knew that earning the trust of this family was going to be difficult, especially for his older sister.

"Hi. Emm…"

"This is Lyra, She is one year younger than you, Harry." Lily placed a hand on her shoulder. "And the little one is Holly, She will be five in one month."

Harry looked at his new sisters. Lyra was the same as in his dreams, she had dark red hair, green eyes, and his mother's nose. She looked like a miniature version of Lily Potter with darker hair.

The young one had black hair and hazel eyes, she had obviously inherited most of her looks from James Potter.

The two girls looked at their mother in confusion about why was she introducing them to their brother.

"There is something you need to know. Your brother is suffering from something called 'selective amnesia'. That means that he remembers some things but doesn't remember others." Lily explained.

"And he doesn't remember us? He is obviously lying to not get in trouble!" Lyra spat the words.

"No, the mind healer assured us that he was telling the truth," James added, even though he also had his doubts.

Lyra looked at Harry with obvious anger.

"Well, I don't believe You! You have always been a liar." She separated from her mother and stormed out of the living room.

"You will have to forgive her, Harry…you may not remember it, but you were always a bit mean to her in the past," Lily said to her son.

"A bit?." James raised an eyebrow and Lily gave him a stare that said 'You are not helping.'

Holly approached Harry and looked up at him.

"You don't remember Holly?" She asked innocently.

Harry knelt down to stay at his sister's height.

"I'm sorry little one. But, I would love to get to know you all over again." Harry smiled and ruffled her hair.

Holly giggled while James and Lily were looking with shock on their faces, Their son had never behaved so cheerfully with anyone. He always seems angry or stressed.

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