Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 15 – Lewd Points *Light NSFW*

Chapter 15 – Lewd Points *Light NSFW*

{Scotty's Drinks and Bar, London}

{24th June 1991}

~mpf mpf~ ~mpf mpf~

Rigel wasn't aware of how the nightlife scene was in 1991, but when he walked into the local nightclub, the high base that reverberated through his chest was a good indication. He had spent a good amount of yesterday and today going through the book on Magic theory so he was quite content in taking a night to rest. 

He had two options to proceed with abusing his domination system, The first choice was to go to the Knockturn Alley and try to find the Red Light district. But he chose the second option since going around in the wizarding world where the Malfoy family is probably just waiting for a chance for him to mess up wasn't a good idea.

A strong smell of alcohol was a welcome sign as he pushed through the door and walked into the main room. While there was no DJ doing its thing and no dance floor and flashing light, people were still dancing and milling about. Girls, who were wearing fewer clothes than he was expecting them to, were flashing their bodies while trying to say no to the boys and men trying to hit on them. 

He felt eerily comfortable in this environment as he approached the bartender. The exhaustion in his body slowly left with the beats of overly loud music.

"A beer," Rigel spoke as he looked around, his eyes roaming around trying to find someone with whom he could test a couple of theories. 

"Coming right up..." The bartender replied but Rigel was already looking at someone else. She was quite pretty if he was being honest, her dark eyes and hair were a sharp contrast to her fair skin and her pink lips. 


[Maria Clint Lv-1]


Every muggle had a set level of 1, and while he hadn't seen any police or military officers he expected that the evaluation from the system would not change. 

"2 bucks," The bartender spoke. Rigel gave him a 100-pound note and spoke, "Keep the tab open, name's Regulus." 

He picked up his beer and walked toward Maria, like every pretty girl she was humming and lightly bobbing to the songs in a small group of her own. She had an orange tank top on with a pair of black sheer leggings and high heels. A black choker stretched across her neck and her pretty smile was catching a lot of attention.

The music was quite loud so he had to shout slightly to catch her attention, though he was pretty sure she saw him coming a mile away.

"Hi!" He started simple, her eyebrows rose a bit as she asked, "That's all you could come up with?"

"I'm just asking you for a dance, there is no need for a full background checkup for that right?" He wasn't sure how much of his words she heard, but at least her smile didn't drop, she looked at her friends and after getting a couple of excited nods she extended her right hand toward Rigel. It looks like his dark locks were of some use at least.

With a confident smile, Rigel placed his beer on the counter and grabbed her hand, he pulled her lightly toward the crowd and yelled at her two friends as he pulled her away, "Ladies, the tab's open, name's Regulus."

"Hmmm, so Regulus, should I be jealous that my friends get to know your name before me?" Maria spoke as she casually leaned against him.

'Okay, so my expectations were a little off...' Rigel thought but his right hand easily rested on her slim waist as he swayed gently against her.

"Well I am taking you away, I thought they needed some compensation to make their night just a tinge more enjoyable so that they don't leave and take you away," Rigel whispered as Maria giggled slightly. Her arms went around Rigel's neck as they danced slowly to the song.

A dance was the perfect way to introduce yourself. You just have to make sure you are not too handsy, unless her hands start wandering first. With Maria's hands around his neck, it gave him the perfect opportunity as his right hand circled her waist and rested on the small of her back.

"So what plans do you have Regulus?" Maria asked after a bit, her body was glued to Rigel now as they had danced together for a couple of songs.

"Just needed a little break, what I didn't expect was to find such beautiful company," Rigel spoke as his right hand dipped below gently cupping her right ass cheek. 

Her face immediately flushed as she avoided eye contact with him, getting the small warning he leaned back and let go of her ass, "What do you say, shall we take a little breather?" 

"Yeah, I'm getting a little tired," Maria replied as she regained her composure, she was still blushing but nothing too noticeable.

'I expected her to be more open when she started leaning on me so easily, I guess I overplayed...' Rigel thought as he made his way back to the bar. Both her friends were still lounging around and he noticed a couple of guys were also with them.

"Enjoying yourself ladies?" Rigel asked, he was expecting Maria to go stand her friends but she remained by his side leaning against him slightly.

"A little bit more now, did you enjoy yourself?" A girl named Zoey asked.

"Of course, Maria's a delight," Rigel responded as he indicated to the bartender to line up two more shots.

"I never told you my name, how do you know that?" Maria asked when he turned back to the group.

'Oops, I need to be careful with that.' Rigel thought.

"It's because I'm a magician by trade, and as a magician, it is my duty to know all forms of magical arts," Rigel replied with a fake pompous accent, his eyes dancing across Maria's frame.

"Stop it!" Maria giggled as she lightly slapped Rigel's shoulder. "But seriously how did you know?"

Rigel gave her his best fake astonished look, "You dare doubt a magician's dedication to his craft..." He looked at her two blond friends and continued, "It seems a demonstration is in order."

He plunged his hand into his pocket and pulled out a 100-pound note. He gave it to her and spoke, "Make sure this is a real note, not a fake one."

Maria gave him a look but she still decided to indulge his play, in the meantime, Rigel took off the blazer he was wearing. He gave it to Zoey and asked, "Will you hold this for me, fair lady?" 

Zoey giggled and nodded as Maria replied, "Yes this is normal money." She gave the note back.

"Alright, as you can see I'm wearing just a T-shirt right? No tricks up my sleeve," Rigel spoke dropping the fake pompous accent. He got a couple of excited nods so he grabbed the note by its two and and snapped it a couple of times to show that it wasn't torn or anything.

He then folded the note into small pieces and spoke, "Now, watch carefully, I'm going to push this piece of paper into my first."

Rigel made a fist out of his right hand and pushed the bundled-up note into it with his left index finger. "So where is the note?" Rigel asked.

"There," Maria pointed to his right fist with an unimpressed look on her face.

"Are you sure?" Rigel asked, Maria nodded. "Are you willing to bet a kiss on it?" He continued.

"Ummm..." Maria paused but after a moment of thinking she nodded. 

"Alright, a bet's a bet," Rigel spoke as he focused on putting the note in his inventory and he felt the note vanish as it appeared in an empty translucent grid in front of me. "No takebacks allowed." He teased.

"Just open it," Zoey screamed as she bobbed excitedly.

"Alright," Rigel spoke as he opened his hand, his eyes focused on Maria's face as her eyes widened, she leaned closer and turned his hand around but no matter how close she looked the paper wasn't there.

"Waaa~" Zoey exclaimed as she clapped her hands.

"Where is it?" Maria asked but all she got was a shake of the head, "A magician never reveals his secrets."

"Aww come on, tell me how you did it," Maria asked as she leaned a lot closer to Rigel.

"Nuhuh, plus I seem to remember a bet that a naive young girl agreed to..." Rigel teased as she flushed once again, her friends laughed as she buried her face into Rigel's shoulders.

"Alright, tell you what you complete your end of the bargain and I'll show you a couple more magic tricks..." Rigel muttered in her ears as Maria nodded. 

"Stay still," Rigel spoke as his hand dipped into her leggings just a little bit, she froze up but Rigel thought about getting the note out of his inventory and it appeared between his two fingers that were inside of her leggings.

"There it is," Rigel spoke as he slipped his fingers out getting another round of applause from Zoey and her other friend. Maria's left hand pinched Rigel's arm as she pulled him away from her friends. Rigel flicked the folded note toward the bartender and asked, "Does that cover everything?" 

After getting a nod he allowed himself to be led away by Maria. They slowly made their way to a quiet corner of the room where Maria quickly leaned into a kiss. Her lips were soft, surprisingly so as she leaned against Rigel. 

His hands grabbed her waist as he pulled her closer. His right hand traveled up to grab her neck softly while his left hand circled her waist like before. They made out for a couple of minutes before Maria leaned back, her breathing a little strong and her eyes clouded with lust.

"Let's go..." 


{13, George Street, London}

{24th June 1991}

"Gwack Gwak Gwack Gwakkk~" Maria gagged as she struggled to take Rigel's cock into her throat. Her eyes glistened slightly as Rigel looked into them. Both his hands were holding her head in place as she stood on her knees before him.

[Recieving a Blowjob from Maria Clint LP +1]

[Recieving a Blowjob from Maria Clint LP +1]

[Recieving a Blowjob from Maria Clint LP +1]


AN - The first proper NSFW scene is in the next chapter, the final poll regarding the Perk of the MC is up on Patreon, do check it out before tomorrow as I'll start writing it soon.

P.S.- 22 Extra Chapters on Patreon!

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