Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 19: Appreciation and time skip

Chapter 19: Appreciation and time skip

"It's fine I guess , it just hurt a little to be doubted like that is all." he said honestly. The workers all nod in understanding "A mans gotta take his word seriously so the fault here is ours lad , can I ask for forgiveness?" the boss asked sincerely. Nick nodded "alright I'll forgive you all this time but don't let it happen again agreed?" he said seriously and the workers pat their chest in agreement.-

"Enough about that though ,Who wants to see the rings?" Nick asked with a grin as he shook the box lightly. The workers were all eager to see what Nick had made for them and emptied the box on a messy table nearby. The men were interested when the copper rings landed on the table and one of them picked up a ring curiously. "Their designed after hammers and thanks to the material are easy to clean and fix. Each ring has the size written on it's hammer head." Nick explained with a smile. The men quickly divided the rings up and admired them on their own fingers happily.-

"Copper hammers Eh? Got a nice ring to it lad." The boss said with a smile as he looked at the orange ring on his finger. "Thought you all would get a kick out of it." Nick said with a smirk. "Aye , it's hard to believe a squirt like you made stuff like this but it's got all the marks of the work , so well done." The boss said honestly. Nick smirked 'You haven't seen anything.' he thought while rubbing Sanar with his thumb.-

Harry had no problem socializing with the workers despite them being dirty and smelly as he was just happy to be acknowledged. Nick couldn't help but think that this may be why Hagrid was one of Harry's favorite people. The half giant didn't see race or color or house or bloodline , all he saw was people and that alone made him better than most wizards alive. Nick and Harry hang out with the refinery workers for about an hour before heading back to the orphanage. After that they simply played chess for most of the day with Nick coming out on top the entire time.-

Time passed and three and a half months came and went after this with Nick forging rings in the workshop while slowly improving his skills and otherwise enjoying his time with Harry. His injuries had fully healed in this time and thanks to his forging his body was now much stronger than before. Harry had also recovered from his malnutrition mostly as the signs of it were mostly gone and only the parts created from it's long term effects could be seen. Nick had stuck to his guns and never enchanted any of the rings he made while also destroying most of them after the system paid him for them so he could reuse the materials they were made out of.-

The date was now July 25 1990 and Nick finally decided to enchant a ring since in six more days it was Harry's birthday. He had stockpiled quite the amount of points by now as even though he only forged three rings a day since he wanted quality over quantity unlike the rings he made for the refinery workers. Each of those rings were worth more as a result with the best quality silver ring he had made so far being worth twenty five points.-

In total he had made three hundred and thirty six rings during this time with a hundred being worth ten points , fifty six worth twelve , eighty nine worth fifteen , ten worth sixteen , twenty worth seventeen , thirty worth nineteen , fifteen worth twenty , ten worth twenty two , three worth twenty three , two worth twenty four and one worth twenty five. This gave him a grand total of four thousand eight hundred thirty nine ring points since he hasn't purchased anything with them in this time. This sounds like a lot but in reality it was barely enough for him to purchase a basic muggle set of equipment.-

The prices of the larger things like the forge were horribly expensive with the basic small muggle forge costing a thousand points alone. Rather than purchase such a thing and have to leave it behind when he went to Hogwarts next year Nick instead was saving up for something he found while scrolling through the shop one day. [One time use enchantment model: storage space (three cubic meters) Price: 5000 ring points ] Nick was astonished when he discovered that rather than needing to custom make each enchantment he could instead use the much less flexible system enchantments for an expensive price.


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