Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 23: Goblins

Chapter 23: Goblins

This strange phenomenon had apparently been noticed by more than just Nick as some people stopped to trying and figure out what was going on with the owls. Nick hid on the other side of Hagrid so that if anyone followed the birds gaze they would only see Harry and the half giant. "Come along lads , we gotta make a stop at Gringotts." Hagrid said after allowing the boys to marvel over diagon alley for a moment. The man obviously didn't notice the strangeness with the looks he was getting from the people who noticed the birds actions.-

'He is probably used to it.' Nick reasoned easily enough and followed behind the man closely. At the entrance to Gringotts stood a very short humanoid creature at about two feet tall. it had long wiry hair and a hooked nose that sat on a wrinkled face that held a large mouth seemingly set in a permanent frown. Two beady black eyes coldly stared down anyone who approached the building promising pain for any who thought to cause trouble. Hagrid ignored the goblin but Nick dipped his head respectfully to the goblin and tossed it a single galleon that it snatched out of the air easily.-

"May you have a profitable day." Nick said calmly and the goblins eyes widened before it grinned showing it's shark-like teeth. "The same to you young friend." the goblin said in a deep but shrill voice. Nick then entered the building and walked faster than normal to catch up with Hagrid and Harry. 'It seems that these goblins are just like the books described them , greedy and petty but firm believers of reciprocity. By giving that goblin respect and a galleon I received respect in return and likely even a small amount of benefit dealing with the goblins.' Nick made a mental note of all this for later.-

Hagrid was searching the many pockets of his coat for something at one of the service counters attended by a goblin who looked less than happy at the wait. Nick repeated the action he had just done with the goblin at the door earning this goblins obvious approval. Hagrid paused his search when he saw and heard this exchange between Nick and the goblin in shock. "You speak gobbledygook Nick?" the man asked astonished. Nick froze "No , why?" he asked taken off guard and confused.-

"Ya just did lad." Hagrid said honestly. "I have no clue , might just be a gift." Nick said with a shrug as if it wasn't a big deal. Internally however he was freaking out because he had no idea what the hell was going on as no such ability existed in the books. Parseltongue he could see with his theory of magic circuits but gobbledygook wasn't a magical language like that. 'What if I am not a parselmouth but rather have the gift of tongues instead like in the bible? That would explain this situation perfectly. Maybe the reason I spoke the language of snakes was because of Harry while this time it was because I was speaking to a goblin.' Nick quickly jumped to the best option possible based on his knowledge.

Neither Harry or Hagrid seemed to think about the matter any further after that as the half giant found the letter from Dumbledore as well as Harry's inheritance vault key. The goblin took the letter from Hagrid and carefully read it before putting it down and picking up a bell from out of site and ringing it. Soon another goblin arrived and the first spoke to it in english so Hagrid and Harry could understand without bothering with Nick who spoke their native language.-

This new goblin took the letter to verify the things that it had been told and then spoke "Follow me" and then started walking off. Nick upset the goblin leading them as despite trying their hardest to make the wizards on the cart ill Nick was totally stone faced the whole ride. The carts of Gringotts and it's rail system were a mess of extreme speed and crazy maneuvers that made the thought of using the cart to rob the place unpleasant.-

"This is vault 687 , key." the goblin held out it's long nailed hand after speaking. Hagrid handed the goblin a small golden key that was then used to open the vault Dazzling Nick and Harry with the small mountain of golden coins that revealed itself. "You didn't think yer parents really left you nothing did ya harry?" Hagrid asked with a smile. Harry teared up seeing that he was loved by his parents before they died. The goblin started to get impatient and Harry grabbed a small stack of golden coins that he shoved into a small bag that the goblin provided before the group left for another vault.


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