Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 576: Governmental collapse

Chapter 576: Governmental collapse

Nick didn't spare the empty camps another glance and slowly flew up into the air before returning back to his island after seeing that the hostages were fine. He saw the looks that he was getting from the entire group and sighed in disappointment. They clearly didn't understand the purpose behind what he did and only saw it as an act of cruelty. The truth of the matter was that Nick took no pleasure from the act at all and only did what he believed to be necessary. Mercy is all well and good when those who get it appreciate what they were given but people like those war bands needed to be cut down as soon as possible.-

Nick wasn't going to explain this to the group of witnesses though as he felt it would be a waste of time since they had already made their own judgements on the matter. Those that knew the pain a repeated enemy could inflict like Sirius were clear about the necessity of wiping threats clean quickly while the others were still stuck in the way the world used to work. Nick didn't blame them for it though as it had only been about four months since the ritual.-

Speaking of that amount of time the next school year of Hogwarts was coming up in the next week and the ministry was starting to become problematic in that regard. See the ministry had finally had enough about not really having a say in the way the school operated and was now trying to force itself into the place. They did this by trying to have Dumbledore expelled as headmaster so that they could take control of the school but they were hit with harsh rejection they moment they tried.-

The old wizard didn't even need to personally act on the matter as the vast majority of the isles wizarding community rebelled and began to flock out of the ministries area of control. For a governmental institution like the ministry this was a devastating blow as without subjects no amount of new laws or procedures will accomplish anything at all. That rang the death knell of the ministry as once the rest of it's employees realized that the organization had no future they too began to defect. Both Nicks and Dumbledores settlements suddenly grew massively from the influx of new people that divided themselves between both sides of the isle.-

That was the funny part about the locations of both settlements on the isles as Hogwarts and thus Dumbledores area was far to the north in the Scottish highlands. Nicks island and settlement however was far to the south near the bottom of the isle in fact so you could split the isle in the middle and both sides would have an equal amount of land to work with. You might assume that gaining so many new subjects from various backgrounds helped fill in the gaps that both settlements had but you would be mistaken.-

While it was true that some gaps were filled the fact was that some problems grew even greater in size as well. For example food and shelter was now a VERY serious problem for both settlements as neither had expected to suddenly have thousands more mouths to feed and house. This didn't even include the nightmare that was the amount of deaths caused by these people braving the wilderness to migrate to the settlements. Nick was powerful and skilled but even he had limits to the amount of work he could handle at once without trading away his own personal growth in exchange.-

Regrettably Nick was forced to install an actual governmental system for his now city state to take a huge portion of work away from him and distribute it amongst different people. Sirius as the adventurers guild master was now in charge of the public governmental aspects of that which he complained about a lot. Percy was placed in charge of the economics as he was a stickler for order and hard work so he wasn't one to slack off. A couple of muggles had governmental positions as well that covered the food and miscellaneous parts that popped up.-

Nick of course was the head of this government but he didn't have absolute authority anymore which freed up a considerable amount of his time. Thanks to most problems no longer requiring him to spend time thinking about and implementing solutions for them he was able to focus both of his bodies time on grasping his domains rather than having one constantly working on the settlement. He also vastly accelerated the speed of his communication towers construction and implementation. At the end of September Nicks communication bracelets had a range covering about a quarter of the entire isle and it was still expanding.

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