Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 587: From shadows

Chapter 587: From shadows

(POV Grindelwald)

I admit that it pained me to witness the sheer amount of life lost because of my actions after I completed the first part of my plan. The world transformed and with it came a great deal of growing pains as the people on it needed to adapt and come to terms with their new reality. As I predicted there were a few who took charge and helped their part of the world in this regard with the english isle getting particularly lucky due to the presence of two archmages there.-

I did not get off scot free from the dark acts that fueled my ritual as I had been branded by the resentment of thousands of souls the moment of it's completion. My magic wasn't gone but under such a heavy amount of suppression from this self imposed curse that I may as well be muggle. It was ironic that despite my distaste for them I now had to live like one. My followers were in the process of searching for a cure for my condition but I knew that it was impossible for them as I had long since known about this result.-

There were only two beings on this planet capable of lifting this curse from me and neither would do so. The first because they like myself would understand that this was my just deserts and that I deserved it. The second however was a being I once thought that gathering three artifacts would allow me to be the master of , how naïve I used to be. Hades or death as he introduced himself throughout history was a god and those three artifacts were nothing more than items that the Peverell's crafted from the knowledge they received from him.-

The three brothers had somehow contacted him and asked for knowledge from the god who agreed for some inexplicable reason. Antioch learned of veritology and using that knowledge created the supreme wand that grew more powerful with each user and thus made it's user more powerful than any other. Ignotius learned how to summon a soul back from the afterlife and crafted a stone that held that power. Lastly Hadrian learned how to hide from even a gods gaze and imbued this into a cloak that hid him from even death. All three brothers bound their artifacts to the Peverell bloodline along with a curse that drew deaths gaze to those who used it but were not of that bloodline.-

Antioch much like that tale stated bragged about his creation and was killed in his sleep by someone who wanted the wand for their own. Ignotius's story was sadder than the tale told as he did indeed summon the soul of his wife and watched her suffer as she was rejected by the world itself. What wasn't mentioned in the tale was that eventually the strain of the magic holding her in the world as well as the worlds rejection reached a critical point and shattered her soul.-

Overcome with horror and guilt Ignotius killed himself to repent and even rejected becoming a ghost so that he might be punished for what he did in the underworld. The stone then passed to his children who eventually forgot it's purpose and only considered the ring it was attached to an heirloom. Hadrian was the only one of the brothers to meet a good end as he lived freely , had a family and when he grew tired of living handed his cloak to his son before passing quietly in his sleep.-

You may be wondering why I knew all this now and yet not before when it would have been helpful? The answer was because Hades who had been obscuring the history of the objects from my ability as a seer this whole time had allowed me to see it after I was powerless to do anything about it. I didn't hear it personally from the gods mouth but I knew that he did this to cause me mental anguish as additional punishment for my actions. It worked too as it forced me to see the horror of the actions I took after searching so desperately for the artifacts and finally obtaining one of them in the form of the wand.-

I thought that with the wand I could lead the world into a new age of magical glory with the wizards at the helm. It was arrogance pure and simple and I learned it when Albus defeated and bound me to that oath. Then fifty years later the Ravenclaw boy suddenly came into the picture and the future shuddered and split into four brand new timelines in my sight. It was incredible and after looking at each one I could understand why the boy caused it , he grew exponentially and rapidly dragged the fates of those around him alongside his own from his sheer momentum and mass.

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