Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 593: Secret function and message

Chapter 593: Secret function and message

Nick found it rather odd that the system itself seemed to be pushing his race towards an unknown direction. This might seem like a matter of coincidences but if you were to put it together even at the start when he received the Celebrimbor style the system "had an error" where Nick started to turn into an elf. That was the first suspicious point in and of itself as despite receiving an additional two more styles nothing similar had happened. Perhaps that made sense for the twilight style but the new one was literally made by a pure spiritual being FOR pure spiritual beings.-

The second suspicious point was that the system just so happened to give a daedra heart as a mission reward when he started planning to under the ritual of nature. Afterwards his own essence had taken on a daedric nature to a small degree as a result. His wand could be considered an actual coincidence since the system had no part in that and the celestial birds spirit fragment mixing with his race was a part of that. The final suspicious part was that out of the nigh infinite books that the system had he "happened across" the daedric book that explained how to bind a realm to ones self.-

One should keep in mind that this was certifiably tier seven knowledge based on what Hephaestus told him so he should never have come across it normally so early. Now he learns that the very type of spiritual energy he needed to use the new style he got just so happened to be compatible for upgrading his race again? He wasn't buying it. 'I know you can hear me system , i want an explanation' Nick demanded and for a few moments he had begun to think that he was just being paranoid.-

[So the jig is up I take it? Don't bother replying since this is a message I left for you should you notice the secret function of your system I gave you.] the system put up a line of text in Nick's vision that made his eyes narrow. He had always assumed that something must have interfered with his soul after he died originally as otherwise he wasn't sure how he ended up in this world with a system no less. Now he truly knew that he was here by design and that his current situation was part of this beings plan.-

[You are probably thinking something along the lines of me having controlled your actions for a very specific goal until now right? Don't answer I already know , perks of being a higher dimensional entity and all that. Honestly though you are entirely WRONG! See I placed you in that world and gave you the system to entertain myself , eternity is quite boring after all. That whole idea is pointless if you are a puppet as then I will always know how things will turn out.]-

[Anyways I got a bit off topic there so lets get back to the real meat and potatoes of the situation , the secret function of the system I gave you. See the system functions as a sort of special cheat just for you so long as you put in the effort to make the most of it which I am assuming you have if you are reading this. The secret function though was a little surprise i added to see what you end up with in the end. The system is designed with the inclination to push racial improvement options compatible with the current you into view.]-

[That's right actually taking those options is entirely on you as all the system does is make them known to you. As an added bonus I made sure that the things that pop up are only those with a high chance of success since you dying at the first one is rather boring. That's it for this message and remember I'm rooting for you at all times.] The text ended and Nick was left more confused than when he started reading it. The message left him with more questions than it answered but at least he knew how he got to this world now.-

'More likely than not it was some sort of unfathomable eldritch being that exist outside the known dimensions. At least it is good to know that I am not being controlled or can I even trust the words of something capable of all this? Ugh , I have so many bloody questions and doubts now!' Nick thought conflicted with this new understanding of his situation. In the end Nick chose to just try and ignore this new information as it literally made no difference at all if he focused on it or not.

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