Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 617: Return

Chapter 617: Return

She was officially a part of Dumbledores government and was doing well for herself there. Tracy and Daphne were like always there together and had grown into beauties in their own rights though Tracy was more muscular than Daphne due to her metalworking. Dumbledore was also there looking no older than thirty having a pleasant chat with Flammel and Vlad like the old friends they were. There were others who wanted to be here as well but couldn't make it for whatever reasons but this was a sudden thing so it couldn't be helped.-

All conversations ceased when the air began to shimmer and a moment later a man with long silver hair and golden eyes appeared in the room. "I'm back." he said with a smile as he looked over the crowd. "Took you long enough." Ron joked and everyone laughed. "Went a bit overboard after Zeus killed Nazgul , sorry about that." Nick said sheepishly. "You must have forgotten that Nazguls immortal like a phoenix." Daphne pointed out and Nick nodded. "I felt our connection vanish and lost it. For the record I hate vague prophecies by the way." he said with a sigh.-

"Trelawny did say you'd lose something you held most dear didn't she , thought she was just messing with you at the time. Jokes on us since she was right for the most part." Ron admitted honestly. "Your skepticism was well warranted , a seers visions are often a complicated thing to understand even in the best of circumstances. I would know after seeing many for centuries now." Flammel said with a chuckle. "Annoying gift to have even for gods." Hephaestus added. "From my senses I was asleep for around ten years or so , what did i miss?" Nick asked getting back on topic.-

Everyone told him all the things that had changed since that day and if any of them made a mistake one of the others corrected it. Dusk had left to explore the world and no one knew where he was. Steve had died of heart attack in his sleep from being a fat lazy niffler and the order of the golden sands had been eradicated. Funnily enough Grindelwald had been found powerless and living as a muggle would in Brazil. He had been captured and executed but even at the end he had a smile on his face without any regret for what he did.-

In fact he openly stated that he didn't regret doing it only the cost it took to do it. Many thought he was referring to his powers being lost but those truly aware held their tongues not even trying to correct these thoughts. The man was perfectly content being painted as a self centered monster even with his last moments and none of them could bring themselves to muddy the opinions of others with the truth. Sometimes it was just easier letting the truth remain hidden for everyone involved.-

Nick congratulated everyone for their own pieces of news such as Harrys wedding to Ginny or Flammels ascension to tier seven. The one he was most pleased with however was Hephaestus who had reached tier eight. The goddess herself put her foot down and made it clear that she wasn't taking no for an answer anymore. Nick no longer had the pressure of Zeus weighing himself down and agreed to marry her officially. His return wasn't met with only positivity however as many demanded that he pay for the destruction he caused before he fell asleep for a decade.-

His answer to this left many quite conflicted as he simply solved a whole mass of problems that still existed all at once. Some felt that it was never enough of a repayment and that he should spend the rest of his life in penitence but Nick refused. He may have been gone for a decade but he was still easily the third or fourth most powerful being on the planet so forcing the issue wasn't possible. It was on the day of his wedding , a massive event in and of itself , that a dark haired man in a tattered black robe appeared in the center of the aisle.-

"I would assume that as the uncle of the bride I am also invited to this event." the man spoke and everyone suddenly realized the identity of the man or rather god. "So long as you aren't here to crash the wedding then you are of course welcome to join the festivities." Nick said without any surprise on his face. In truth he had been expecting the god of the underworld ever since he awoke from his slumber so when he finally appeared Nick was not taken off guard.

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