Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 8: Ring points and shop

Chapter 8: Ring points and shop

Nick grabbed the blank ring as well as Sanar and left the forge causing the door to immediately fade into nothing. He placed Sanar on his ring finger were it shrank to fit him perfectly which was merely an inherent ability all rings forged in this style had and placed the blank in his hiding place before flopping on the bed and passing out. It was another night of elf crafts master filled dreams only this time Nick was surprised to see the tall elf inspecting Sanar carefully. "Hmm , it is not on the same level as any of my own works but that is to be expected." the elf said arrogantly to which Nick wanted to roll his eyes.-

'It is interesting what you imbued the ring with though as I had never thought to create protections in the wielders mind , though in hindsight perhaps I should have , not that it matters now." the elf said with a melancholic look. "None the less it is passable for an amateur such as yourself and so I officially give you my blessing to continue my , no I suppose it's now OUR legacy. May it serve you better than it did myself." the elf said and Nick left that odd dream and awoke to the caretaker shaking him. -

"Had trouble getting to sleep at a decent time?" she asked concerned. Nick rubbed his eyes and yawned still a bit tired but to an unbearable degree. "Nothing to worry about miss smith I'll be okay in a bit." Nick said before yawning again. The woman didn't look convinced but apparently decided to trust him and left after telling him to wash up and get ready for school since he missed breakfast. Nick stood up and stretched causing his joints to pop pleasantly even though the muscles in his body all ached and were sore from the forging the night before.-

Thanks to the method employed by the crafting technique during forging the stress of the activity was spread all over the body causing every muscle in his body to be in a state of exercise. This made the physical exhaustion much worse but on the positive side it also made his whole body stronger over time. Celebrimbor included this in his crafting style so that if he ever passed it on that his inheritor would not be useless in battle , power was quality after all.-

Nick quickly washed up and got dressed which brought his mind some clarity which he used to identify Sanar with the system and he wasn't disappointed.-



Abilities: Mental shielding , Autosizing , Defensive counterattack

Description: A simple band ring forged in the celebrimbor style by Nicholas Iron with the will to protect his mind from all foreign intrusion.

System appraisal: A decent piece of magical jewelry made by a novice.]



'I wasn't expecting to get a great evaluation so this is just fine to me but whats this about a shop?' Nick thought after reading the notifications. He quickly opened his status screen an there just under his point value was an additional tab labeled "SHOP" by the system. 'I wonder what this shop has to offer?' he thought curiously and mentally clicked the tab. The answer to that question became apparent immediately afterwards as a list of four categories appeared , material , equipment , tickets and books. 'Well that makes sense I suppose.' He thought with a nod of acceptance.-

The material list was basically made of every material you could think of to make a ring as well as their prices in ring points including dangerous things like activated uranium. Nick made a mental note not to purchase anything with lethal qualities before he had protection. The equipment tab had all the equipment that he saw within the astral forge listed individually with there prices and he noted that he could only afford a hammer out of everything. The tickets tab however was where things got interesting as it had three sub section listed as roulette , buffs and mystery. The first two needed no introduction but the third certainly did.-

The mystery tickets were as their name suggested mysterious but according to the system they served as a means of gambling a set amount of points for the CHANCE to get a more valuable type of item or ticket. The chances of that were very low however as it was a merely ten percent chance per ticket. The books section of the shop included literally every book ever written as well as the price of them. The price of some books were crazy high though such as the "mysterium xarces" was set at a whopping twenty BILLION ring points.


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