Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch152- Borrowing His Ideas

Ch152- Borrowing His Ideas

Yet, even as fear gnawed at the edges of his mind, Harry's innate resilience surfaced. He might have been momentarily stunned, but his determination remained unshaken. He reminded himself that he still possessed wandless magic, a secret he was unwilling to reveal, especially to Voldemort. "He doesn't want to kill me... Not yet," Harry deduced, parsing Voldemort's actions for any underlying motive. This realization brought a sliver of calm to the tempest in his mind, allowing him to strategize despite the dire circumstances.

With Voldemort and Quirrell advancing, Harry understood that physical confrontation was futile without his wand. Instead, he leaned into his other strengths, his quick thinking, and his ability to adapt. "Nigel, keep an eye out for any openings or weaknesses. And remind me to never let my guard down again, no matter how in control I think I am," Harry communicated through gritted teeth, his voice a mix of resolve and reflection.

Nigel, ever the vigilant observer, responded with a note of seriousness that matched the gravity of their situation. "Understood, Master Harry. Let's turn this lesson into an advantage. Use their overconfidence against them."

As Quirrell, possessed by Voldemort, dragged Harry closer to the mirror, the young wizard's mind raced, seeking a way out of his predicament that wouldn't reveal his capability for wandless magic. He needed to maintain the element of surprise for as long as possible.

Harry's analysis of Voldemort's intentions crystallized into a plan. "He's using me for something related to the mirror. That means he needs me alive, for now," he realized, allowing this knowledge to anchor him amidst the storm of panic and frustration.

While outwardly appearing subdued, Harry was anything but. Beneath the surface, his mind worked feverishly, weaving together threads of strategy and insight. This moment of vulnerability, as bitter as it was, had imparted a crucial lesson: the importance of humility, vigilance, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge.

As they approached the mirror, Harry steeled himself, ready to use his intellect and cunning to navigate the situation. He might have momentarily fallen into the trap of overconfidence, but he would not let it define him. Instead, he would emerge from this encounter wiser and more prepared. Quirrell, now under Voldemort's full control, advanced toward Harry, grabbing his arm and dragging him toward the mirror. Glancing back at the mirror, Harry saw only his reflection staring back at him. "Seems like my mental shields are holding up, Nigel," Harry thought, seeking reassurance.

Nigel's response was laced with a hint of pride, "As long as I don't want it, nothing can penetrate your mind." Harry allowed himself a small smirk at Nigel's confidence.

"What do you see, boy? How can I get the stone?" Voldemort demanded, his patience wearing thin. Harry examined the mirror more closely, trying to discern the spell that felt so familiar. "Could this be Intentus Revelio?" he wondered silently.

Nigel confirmed his suspicion, "It does seem so, Master Harry." This realization brought a chuckle from Harry, much to Voldemort's confusion. "What's so amusing, boy?" Voldemort probed, irritation evident in his tone.

Harry's amusement stemmed from the spell he had used during the Easter Egg Hunt, which hid objects behind intentions, now seemingly employed in the mirror's magic. Dumbledore's hasty departure following Flitwick's explanation of the spell Harry used for the final egg clicked into place. "The Headmaster must have taken inspiration from our little event," Harry thought, a mixture of contempt and disbelief coloring his thoughts. "I wonder under what intention he hid the stone," he pondered.

Voldemort, growing impatient, repeated his question, "What do you see? How can we obtain the stone?"

With his mental shields firmly in place, Harry looked directly at Voldemort, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I see myself in a grand castle, surrounded by a hundred beautiful women. Gold spills at my feet, while scantily clad servants cater to every whim," he declared with exaggerated grandeur. Both Voldemort and Quirrell stared at him, taken aback. "You lecherous teenager!" Voldemort hissed in disgust, unable to penetrate Harry's carefully constructed lie.

Harry, in the meantime, pondered the intention Dumbledore might have used for the mirror. "He wants me to be a hero, doesn't he, Nigel? Let a little of my consciousness be probed by the mirror. That consciousness should have a selfless attitude, ready to die to protect the school," Harry speculated, adjusting his mental shields to allow a sliver of his thoughts to be accessible.

As Nigel complied, a reflection began to appear in the mirror. The Harry in the mirror fought selflessly but fell in the end, the atmosphere was tense and charged with a somber bravery. The Harry in the mirror moved with determination, his every spell cast and counter evading being calculated and precise. The mirrored combat wasn't just a battle; it was a testament to his resolve to protect Hogwarts, even at the cost of his own life, yet the stone remained elusive. "It isn't selfless sacrifice?" Harry frowned, puzzled. "I thought Dumbledore would want me to be a pawn," he mused, contemplating the headmaster's possible intentions.

Changing tactics, Harry said, "Shift it to a heroic figure who would fight to the last drop of his blood and stand tall in the face of death." The reflection morphed once more, showing Harry in a fierce combat with Quirrell and Voldemort, his body impaled and bleeding, yet defiantly unyielding. Harry as an unyielding warrior, his body riddled with injuries yet undeterred. Each punch thrown and every spell cast spoke volumes of his unbreakable will. The pain seemed to fuel him further, pushing him to stand even taller against his adversaries. But as the fight dragged on without the stone's appearance, Harry's frustration grew.  "No, this is wrong too," he noted with frustration, the spell's complexity dawning on him. "Troublesome spell."

Nigel chimed in, "I believe the headmaster would want someone to retrieve the stone with a pure desire, perhaps to use it for good." Harry nodded, and the mirror's image changed again. This time, the Harry in the mirror secured the red stone, a surge of power enveloping him. He used this newfound strength to overcome Voldemort and Quirrell but, shaking his head, Harry dismissed this scenario too. "No. This isn't correct either. The intention should be about protecting the stone without any thought of using it for oneself. Nigel, craft the consciousness with no greed or desire for selfishness."

As the mirror's scene shifted once again, the reflection of Harry raised the stone, showing it to the real Harry before pocketing it. Suddenly, Harry felt a bulge in his pocket. "Send it to the inventory," he instructed Nigel.

Quirrell, increasingly frustrated, brought his finger threateningly close to Harry's face, "Think! That foolish old man must have planned something for you!" he spat, attempting to intimidate Harry. But as soon as his finger made contact with Harry's forehead, expecting to inflict pain, a shock of pain recoiled through Quirrell instead. "What is this!" he cried out, reeling from the unexpected agony.

Harry, equally surprised, looked sharply at Quirrell. "What's happening, Nigel?" he asked, seeking understanding from his unseen companion.

Nigel, momentarily puzzled, quickly adjusted to the situation. "I don't know either, Master Harry. Do you want to use System Points?" he queried, his tone a mix of curiosity and urgency. Harry, watching Quirrell reach for his wand, made a snap decision. "Do it quick, Nigel."


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