Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch154- In the Pursuit of Success, Anything is Permissible

Ch154- In the Pursuit of Success, Anything is Permissible

A few hours later, as the sunlight began to wane, casting long shadows across the stone walls of Hogwarts, the Great Hall buzzed with an unusual energy. Students, still whispering about the day's odd events and the unexpected lockdown, filled the hall, their curiosity piqued. Harry, settled among his housemates, watched as Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout entered, their expressions solemn. Dumbledore, trailing behind, appeared thoughtful, his usual twinkle dimmed by recent events.

Dumbledore stepped up to the podium, clearing his throat to catch the attention of the bustling hall. "Due to an unfortunate situation," he began, his voice echoing with a gravity that instantly hushed the room, "Professor Quirrell has left the school and will not be returning next year. His exams were all carried out, and I shall be grading them. As all exams have concluded, we will be having a special pre-end of school feast. I insist on all students staying indoors in the Great Hall and enjoying themselves."

Harry couldn't help but smirk at Dumbledore's announcement, a suspicion tickling the back of his mind. "They're keeping us here on purpose, Nigel," he whispered under his breath, almost certain of the headmaster's strategy. "You think they're searching our bags for the stone?"

Nigel's response, tinged with his usual blend of amusement and insight, came swiftly. "It seems so, Master Harry. I imagine the poor house-elves are rummaging through your belongings as we speak."

Harry chuckled, reassured by the secrecy of his inventory. "Well, they're in for a disappointment. They can't find anything since everything I own is safely tucked away."

The feast unfolded with a grandeur only Hogwarts could muster, the tables laden with dishes that seemed to defy the laws of culinary physics.

The air in Hogwarts seemed to buzz with whispers and rumors for the entire week following the disappearance of the Philosopher's Stone and the mysterious evanescence of Professor Quirrell. No one seemed to know exactly what had happened, and the faculty's tight-lipped responses only fueled the students' curiosity. Harry, amidst all the speculation, remained outwardly unfazed, a testament to his unique vantage point on the events.

On the day the exam results were posted, Harry found himself flanked by Tracey and Daphne, with Neville, Hermione, Susan, and Hannah close by. The arrival of Pansy, Malfoy, Nott, Zabini, Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, and Parvati Patil added to the eager crowd around the notice board. The list revealed Harry's name at the top across seven subjects: Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Transfiguration, and Potions. A star next to his name in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Potions underscored his exceptional performance. In Herbology, he shared the top spot with Neville, while in History of Magic and Astronomy, Hermione and Daphne were his equals.

Hermione's frustration was palpable, though she had somewhat resigned herself to Harry's dominance in academics. The revelation that Neville outperformed her in Herbology and that Daphne was on par with her in Astronomy and History of Magic was a bitter pill to swallow. Harry, for his part, wore a carefree smile, almost taking for granted his position at the top of his class, courtesy of the numerous advantages his unique situation with Nigel provided.

"Seems your 'cheats' have paid off, Master Harry," Nigel commented, the mischief in his tone unmistakable. "Though, I must say, it does make for a rather dull competition."

Harry chuckled softly. "It might be dull for you, but it's certainly causing a stir here. Look at Hermione's face," he whispered back, his gaze subtly drifting to Hermione's mixed expression of vexation and disbelief.

"Ah, the sweet taste of victory, tinged with the salt of your friends' tears. How very Slytherin of you, Master Harry," Nigel teased, clearly enjoying the moment.

Harry rolled his eyes, a gesture lost on those around him but understood by Nigel. "I'm not gloating. It's just interesting to see how everyone reacts. And besides, it's not like I'm using the cheats to hurt anyone."

"Of course, of course," Nigel continued, his voice dripping with feigned innocence. "Merely an observation on the dynamics of academic excellence. But do tell, how does our dear Neville feel about his newfound status as Herbology king?"

Glancing at Neville, who was wearing a broad, proud smile, Harry replied, "He seems pretty pleased with himself. And rightly so. I think this might be the first time he's outperformed Hermione in anything."

"Ah, the winds of change are blowing. Perhaps you should start a tutoring service, Master Harry. 'From zero to hero, with just a touch of Potter magic.' You'd make a killing," Nigel suggested, the sarcasm in his voice as thick as treacle.

Harry shook his head, amused. "Let's not add 'entrepreneur' to my already complicated Hogwarts resume. I think I've got enough on my plate as it is."

Back in the Slytherin Common Room, Harry stepped in alongside his friends to find the room abuzz with anticipation. Grinning, he said, "It's showtime, Nigel. If this works, it'll be brilliant. If not, next year might be a bit rough for me." 

Nigel's laughter rang in his mind, "The mere thought of your plan sends shivers down my spine, Master Harry."

As Harry approached the room where the Serpent of the Crown resided, his heart raced with excitement and a hint of nervousness. Today was no ordinary day; it was the day the room would choose its next guardian. Harry advanced towards where Selena sat. Over the past year, despite their age difference, they had formed a close bond, yet even she was unaware of the plan he had hatched.

Harry smiled warmly at Selena, "They're ready." As she stood, returning the smile, the depth of their unlikely friendship was evident. Despite the gap in their ages, their bond has deepened over the year. Yet, regarding Harry's audacious plan, even Selena was left in the shadows.

Positioned before the room, a resonant voice filled the common room, commanding, "Bow before the Serpent of the Crown." Selena's brows knitted in confusion, her gaze shifting to Harry. This pivotal moment was Harry's to seize, a golden opportunity to claim the title that marked the pinnacle of magical prowess and leadership within Slytherin. Despite his unmatched talent, his youth was a significant barrier. Unwilling to let this chance slip through his fingers, Harry offered Selena an apologetic glance before stepping out of the room.

As he walked out, the bowing students turned their attention towards him, standing in silent reverence. Harry, amidst a sea of expectant faces, stood with a composed dignity. This was it, the culmination of all his efforts.

As Harry stood before the bowing students of Slytherin House, he chanted silently to himself, "Work! You've got to work." Behind him, Selena watched, her expression a mix of surprise and understanding as she realized the cleverness behind Harry's plan. By orchestrating this grand gesture, Harry was trying to influence the mystical selection process of the Serpent of the Crown, a plan so audacious that even Nigel couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation.

Harry's plan was not a spur-of-the-moment idea but rather a carefully thought-out strategy that even took Selena, the reigning Serpent of the Crown, by surprise. Harry recognized that his younger age put him at a disadvantage in the traditional contest for leadership. Directly challenging Selena or going against older students, who had more experience, wasn't feasible. So, Harry crafted a clever and straightforward strategy. He personally spoke with every single Slytherin student, sharing his plans to throw a grand farewell party for Selena. He tapped into their shared desire to celebrate the achievements of their distinguished graduate. He convinced a handful of meeker students to bow, hoping that their actions, coupled with an authoritative recording he had prepared, would encourage the rest to follow suit due to peer pressure. Standing before his peers, who were now bowing, Harry's plan appeared to be successful. The question that remained was whether the room would accept his innovative approach(cheating) to claiming leadership.


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