Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch156- House Cup

Ch156- House Cup

Hello you all!

As we reached the end of the first book and first volume, I would like to say a few words;

Firstly, I know this is a slow-burn fic, and I know many don't like it. And I know it is hypocritical, but I don't want to write an overpowered Harry coming in, blitzing through the plot, acquiring a few girls, and then jumping to something unrelated to the novel. I emphasize it all the time, and I don't know if you have noticed, but I always call my fics as fics, or fanfics, because that is what they are. Although I like to deviate from the original plot and add original elements, I really don't like finishing the plot then writing something entirely new. I would much prefer writing something original instead of that. But adding all those original ideas in between makes the novel a lot longer, and makes many get bored, which is understandable. I know everyone has different tastes, and I am not egotistic enough to think everyone would enjoy my fics as much as I do. So, here we are, after almost half a year, we ended the first book. Such a long journey.

Nigel: "Indeed, Master FanficGOD, the journey of a thousand pages begins with a single word, and each word you've penned has been a step toward magical mastery."

Secondly, real life waits for no one, and I started to show my lack of ability in time management lately, as you may have noticed, the publishing rate dropped a bit. Well, that is unfortunately life. In certain periods, due to school and work, I cannot give all my time, and I would much rather reduce the number of chapters instead of the quality of the chapters.

Nigel: "Ah, the relentless march of time, Master FanficGOD. Even the most powerful wizards must sometimes bow to its demands."

Thirdly, just saying, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but patrons reduced as well, and hopefully I will to end this fic, the amount I earn from Patreon is less than I was anticipating. Well, I am still thankful to all my patrons and readers in here. I am just saying, life is getting tougher.

Nigel: "Every coin has two sides, just as every story has its ebbs and flows. Your dedication, much like your magic, remains invaluable."

Next, there is a small arc of summer which is important. I wanted to keep it short, but before I could realize it, it was a few chapters. Oof, but I promise, the details are all important, and hopefully, you will catch them. Please comment if you do! I really like to read your theories and feedback!

Nigel: "A masterful brew of intrigue and detail, Master FanficGOD. Each chapter a vital ingredient to the concoction of our grand tale."

Lastly, Nigel! Oh Nigel! Man, how should I put it... I know he annoys most of you, but I said it at the beginning, I wanted to write a Nigel and this whole fic was built around him. I try to regulate his snarkiness, sarcasm, and chattiness, but Nigel is an important element of this novel.

Nigel: "Though I may be but a humble assistant in your magical endeavors, Master FanficGOD, rest assured, I am here to stay, assisting, quipping, and, undoubtedly, enchanting."

Once again, Thank you! Have fun!


As they entered the Great Hall, the sight that greeted them was a sea of green banners, each fluttering proudly to proclaim Slytherin's victory in the house cup. This victory had been all but assured, given Harry's extraordinary performance in Quidditch throughout the year. Just days ago, in a match that would be remembered for ages, Harry had faced off against Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff's talented Seeker. That game, the final one of the season, had been nothing short of spectacular, with Harry displaying a level of skill that left both players and spectators in awe. His strategy over the season had been to surprising performance at most unexpected times, ensuring that audiences were in suspense all the time, expecting either a miracle from him or a normal game. This approach not only kept everyone on their toes but also solidified his reputation as a formidable Seeker.

Beyond Quidditch, Harry's academic achievements and contributions in classes had garnered significant house points for Slytherin, making their win in the house cup a foregone conclusion. His entrance into the Great Hall was marked by a palpable shift in the atmosphere, with Snape's intense gaze upon him. Snape, the head of Slytherin and a figure of authority within the house, was not immune to the changes brought about by Harry's new title as the Serpent of the Crown. The subtle yet unmistakable shift in power dynamics was felt by everyone, Snape included.

Harry, sensing Snape's scrutiny, offered a respectful nod. It was a moment that underscored the changing tides within Slytherin, a house long accustomed to tradition and hierarchy. Harry's rise to the Serpent of the Crown, under the most unconventional circumstances, had altered the fabric of their collective identity, ushering in an era of unpredictability and intrigue.

As the grand feast commenced, the Great Hall was abuzz with lively chatter and bursts of laughter, marking the celebration of another year's end at Hogwarts. Amidst this festive atmosphere, Dumbledore stood up, gently tapping his glass with a fork to draw everyone's attention. 

"Another year behind us!" Dumbledore declared with his usual spark of joy. "And here I am, burdening you with an old man’s rambling tales before we dive into our splendid feast. What a journey this year has been! I hope your minds are brimming more than they were when we started... and now, you have the entire summer to let them relax before we embark on new adventures next year." His words, light and full of warmth, drew laughter from the hall.

"The house cup, this year, undeniably belongs to Slytherin house. Their triumph in the Quidditch Cup, along with their substantial lead in house points, makes them our champions." The announcement sent a wave of cheers erupting from the Slytherin table, while polite applause peppered the rest of the hall. Harry, at the heart of these victories, had played fair in the eyes of all, yet his strategic advantages remained his secret. His academic prowess was no mystery, leaving room for envy but no space for denial in the merit of Slytherin's victory.

As Dumbledore’s speech continued, Harry couldn't help but reflect on the year's events, his mind buzzing with the thrill of their achievements. Nigel, seizing the moment, chimed in, "A toast to our Master of Slytherin, the conqueror of both academic and athletic realms. You've certainly made this year one for the history books, Master Harry."

Harry, suppressing a smile, responded silently, "Thanks, Nigel. Though it feels like we’ve only just begun. There's much more to do, and next year promises even more challenges."

"Indeed," Nigel replied, his tone imbued with a playful sarcasm. "And let's not forget the summer ahead. A time for rest, or perhaps, a time for plotting? The world is your oyster, Master Harry, and I dare say, you've got a knack for finding pearls."

As the last remaining days of freedom at Hogwarts dwindled to a close, the bustling energy of students preparing to return home was palpable. The corridors echoed with promises to write and plans for reunions as they made their way to the Hogwarts Express. Harry found himself nestled in a compartment surrounded by his closest allies: Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Hermione, Susan, Hannah, and Padma Patil. The space soon became even more crowded as Parvati, accompanied by Lavender from Gryffindor and Pansy, joined the gathering, bringing an air of finality to their Hogwarts chapter for the year.

Harry, now in his Muggle attire, wore a dark green shirt paired with black jeans, his appearance a stark contrast to the Hogwarts robes. His hair, as ever, defied any attempts at order, framing his glasses in a familiar disarray. The past year of physical conditioning had lent him a slight edge in height over his peers, along with a toned physique that subtly hinted at his diligence outside the academic realm. This added a touch of handsomeness to his usual boyish charm, presenting a figure of both capability and approachability.

As the train chugged away from the platform, leaving the magical castle behind, the compartment filled with chatter. Discussions ranged from the excitement of the upcoming holidays to reflections on the year's challenges and triumphs. Harry, while part of the conversation, felt Nigel's presence, a constant source of dry commentary and keen observations, though invisible and unheard to all but him.

"Quite the gathering you've assembled here, Master Harry," Nigel remarked, his tone laced with amusement. "A veritable council of Hogwarts' brightest and bravest. One might think you're plotting to take over the world."

Harry, managing to keep his response internal and his expression neutral, whispered under his breath, "Not the world, just plotting how to survive another year at Hogwarts."

"Oh, the humility," Nigel quipped back. "But truly, it's been quite the year. You've managed to top the class, become a Quidditch sensation, and even claim the Serpent of the Crown. Makes one wonder what's left for the encore."

Harry smiled at that, his eyes flicking briefly to his friends who were engaged in a lively debate over the best way to spend the summer. "I suppose we'll have to see what next year brings. There's always something."

"Indeed," Nigel agreed, his voice still rich with sarcasm. "Perhaps a summer of relaxation and leisure? Ah, but that doesn't sound much like you, does it? Always one for a project or a puzzle."

The conversation in the compartment turned to plans for the summer, each friend sharing their hopes and expectations. Hermione, ever the academic, spoke of a reading list that could very well double as a small library. Neville, with newfound confidence, shared his excitement about helping his grandmother in the garden and experimenting with some of the magical plants they'd studied. Daphne and Tracey were looking forward to some well-deserved rest and perhaps a few small adventures of their own, while Susan and Hannah spoke of spending time with family and catching up on everything they'd missed while at Hogwarts.

Parvata and Lavender, on the other hand, seemed all too eager to dive into the social scene of the wizarding world, with plans that ranged from visiting Diagon Alley to attending various magical gatherings. Pansy, ever the social butterfly, had similar ambitions, clearly planning to make the most of every gathering and event.


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