Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch176- Happy Birthday

Ch176- Happy Birthday

Well, it's a bit of a short chapter, as I just noticed a few paragraphs overlapping. Sadly, I noticed it just as I was about to publish it here, so it's too late to edit. Hopefully, you will enjoy it! Thanks, and if it is anyone's birthday today, this chapter is for you!


As they continued chatting, Harry's mind drifted to the new security measures he'd discussed with Grimbletack. The thought of enhancing the safety of his home gave him a slight sense of relief, considering the vague yet ominous warning from Dobby about dangers at Hogwarts.

Petunia, noticing a lull in the conversation, tilted her head, "You're quiet. Something on your mind?"

"Just thinking about some extra precautions for the house," Harry answered truthfully. "You know, with everything going on, I just want to make sure we're prepared."

Petunia's expression softened, "Anything I can do to help?"

Harry nodded, his expression serious yet reassuring. "Yes, the new security measures will only alert us in case of an intrusion. I'll have them connected to you, so if you ever feel something amiss, just call Misty and apparate away immediately," he explained, ensuring Petunia understood the protocol without overwhelming her with the technicalities.

Petunia's frown deepened slightly, a sign of her concern, but she nodded in understanding. "Okay, I understand. Safety first," she agreed, trying to mask her worry with a brisk nod.

Harry's mood lightened as he switched topics, deciding to share some of the less burdensome news from the wizarding world. "By the way, I heard some interesting gossip about Gilderoy Lockhart today," he said, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

Petunia, who had started reading more about the magical world, especially since Harry began bringing home books from Hogwarts, perked up at the mention of the name. "Lockhart? The author? I've read a couple of his books. Why, what about him?"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Well, I think he might be a bit of a fraud."

Petunia's eyes widened, her spoon of ice cream paused midway to her mouth. "Shut up! Really? But in his books, he's so heroic!" she exclaimed, her tone a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"That's just it," Harry continued, enjoying the conversation. "His stories are a bit too grand to be entirely truthful. I'm looking into it, actually, to see if there's more to it than just tall tales."

Petunia set her bowl down, now fully engaged. "Well, that would be something, wouldn't it? To find out a celebrity author is making it all up!" She was clearly intrigued by the drama of the situation, her earlier reservations forgotten for the moment.

"Yes, it would definitely stir things up in the wizarding world," Harry agreed, his mind briefly flitting to the implications of exposing a popular figure like Lockhart. "But we'll see. For now, it's just a suspicion."

They continued their chat, moving away from the subject of Lockhart and onto lighter topics, such as the upcoming school year and Harry's plans for his second year at Hogwarts. Despite the undercurrents of danger that seemed to follow him, these moments with Petunia provided a much-needed sense of normalcy and family.

As the afternoon waned into evening, Harry helped Petunia clean up from their snack, their conversation winding down. Once everything was set and the dishes were done, Harry decided to spend some time outside, enjoying the last of the day's sunlight.

Walking through the garden, Harry couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming school year. With everything that had happened over the summer—from his time in France to the warning from Dobby and his concerns about Lockhart—Harry knew this year at Hogwarts would be anything but mundane.

As he walked, he mulled over his conversation with Petunia about Lockhart, his plans to investigate the author's claims, and the broader implications for his year at Hogwarts. It was a lot for a twelve-year-old to manage, but Harry had always been more than just a typical boy.

The sound of the back door opening drew his attention, and he turned to see Petunia stepping out onto the porch. "Harry, there's an owl for you," she called, holding up a letter.

In the midnight hush, as the clock struck twelve marking the start of July 31st, Harry's bedroom door creaked open. Petunia, wearing a soft nightgown that fluttered around her as she moved, tiptoed into the room. The dim light cast gentle shadows, softening the lines of her face as she approached Harry's bed with a small, neatly wrapped box in her hands. Her intention was to silently leave the birthday gift by his bedside, but as she leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead, Harry stirred awake. Blinking sleepily, he saw Petunia's green eyes, which so closely mirrored his own.

"Aunty?" he asked, slightly surprised.

Petunia leaned down and planted a kiss on Harry's forehead. "Happy birthday, Harry. I wanted to be the first one to celebrate." She smiled as she handed him the small box, her movements gentle in the dimly lit room.

Sitting up in bed, Harry took the box, his eyes bright with curiosity and excitement. He carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a sleek, silver watch with elegant green accents on the dial—the colors of Slytherin. The watch was clearly a high-quality item, its silver body polished to a mirror shine, reflecting the soft light of his room. The green accents were not just a nod to his house colors but also added a touch of sophistication to the design.

"This is amazing, Aunty," Harry said, genuinely impressed as he examined the watch more closely. It was the latest model, clearly designed with both style and functionality in mind. The hands moved smoothly over the dial, which was marked with intricate details that made it easy to read.

"It's waterproof, shockproof, and enchanted to resist magical tampering," Petunia explained, her voice carrying a hint of pride in her choice. "I thought it would be suitable for... well, your kind of lifestyle."

Harry laughed softly, "Thanks, it's perfect. I'll definitely need the magical resistance." He strapped the watch onto his wrist, admiring the way it looked. It was not just a gift; it was a tool that met the demands of his unique life at Hogwarts and beyond.

As Harry admired his new watch, Nigel's voice chimed in his head, "My, my, Master Harry, that's a fancy tick-tocker you've got there. Planning to time your mischief down to the second now?"

Harry smirked, replying silently to Nigel, "Maybe. It could come in handy, you know."

Petunia watched him with a contented expression. "Well, make sure you're ready in time. We'll have breakfast waiting for you downstairs. Some of your favorites to start the day right."

"Thanks, Aunty. I'll be down just in time," Harry assured her as she left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Once alone, Harry glanced at the watch again, feeling its weight on his wrist. It was a grounding, comforting presence, a reminder of Petunia's acceptance and support. 


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