Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch180- Fall of a Hero

Ch180- Fall of a Hero

The next day, Harry woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start his day. After a hearty breakfast prepared by Petunia, he was just about to step out into the garden when an owl swooped down, delivering a letter sealed with the Gringotts emblem. It was from Grimbletack. Curious, Harry tore open the envelope and read the neatly written message inside.

Grimbletack had been busy investigating Gilderoy Lockhart at Harry's request, suspecting the man of fabricating his heroic deeds. The letter outlined some troubling findings. It seemed that there were several suppressed claims about Lockhart having stolen the accomplishments of others. Even more disturbing was that all these individuals had mysteriously vanished after coming forward with their accusations. Grimbletack noted that further investigation was needed to uncover more concrete evidence but advised Harry to proceed with caution.

"Looks like Lockhart might be more of a scoundrel than a scholar," Harry murmured to himself. Nigel, ever ready with a comment, piped up in his mind, "Indeed, Master Harry. One might say his talent lies in the art of disappearance—at least of others' credibility!"

Harry chuckled lightly as he sat down at his desk, pulling out his Phoenix Feather Quill to write a few secretive letters. Each letter was enchanted to reveal its contents only to the intended recipient. He reached out to several of his Slytherin acquaintances, knowing they often had deeper connections in darker places. Cyrus Greengrass, a business partner with a gray standing, was particularly well-connected, even having ties to the Black Market.

After sealing the letters, Harry penned a separate note to Susan, intending it for her Aunt who had her own set of influential connections. Calling over Misty, he handed her the stack of letters. "Please make sure these get to the right hands discreetly," he instructed. Misty nodded, her eyes twinkling with the excitement of a secret mission, and disappeared with a small pop.

Sitting back in his chair, Harry sighed, "This is going to take a while. I hope I can find something before the year starts. If I can give Dumbledore spare time to find a new professor, all the better."

Over the next couple of weeks, Harry's investigation led him to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. He needed to speak with several individuals who had their memories mysteriously erased. To visit the hospital without raising suspicions, Harry enlisted Neville's help, telling him they were going to visit Neville's parents.

As they walked through the corridors of St Mungo's, Harry kept his voice low. "Thanks for coming with me, Neville. It means a lot."

Neville, looking around curiously, nodded. "Of course, Harry. But are we really not going to see my parents?"

"We will, Neville. But first, I need to check on some patients who might help us with a problem at Hogwarts." Harry's explanation was vague, but he hoped it was enough to satisfy his friend for now.

They stopped by several rooms, speaking with patients whose memories seemed fragmented. Each conversation added pieces to the puzzle, but nothing conclusive came from these visits. As they left each room, Harry jotted down notes, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Neville's mother, Alice Longbottom, had a special connection with Harry since she was his godmother. It wasn't unusual for Harry to accompany Neville to visit his parents. Despite feeling a twinge of guilt for using these visits as cover for his investigation, Harry had been upfront with Neville about his intentions. Yet, the pang of remorse didn't diminish as they walked the familiar, somber corridors of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

The individuals they met had their memories fragmented, their minds a maze of missing pieces that Harry desperately hoped would lead to some answers about Lockhart. However, despite the depth of their conversations and the urgency of their questions, the results were dishearteningly sparse. All three key individuals they intended to interview had no memories related to Lockhart's supposed deeds. St Mungo's staff, skilled though they were, could offer no solutions to these specific cases of memory loss.

After their inquiries, Harry and Neville spent time with Alice and Frank Longbottom. It was a visit filled with a quiet sort of sadness, mixed with the comfort of familiar faces. Once they concluded their visit, the two left the hospital, the weight of their unsuccessful investigation heavy on their shoulders.

Returning home, Harry was met with the sight of an unopened letter from Hogwarts lying on the hallway table. It was likely the usual list of books and supplies needed for the upcoming school year. Yet, Harry set the letter aside for now, his mind too preoccupied with the Lockhart investigation to think about new quills or potion ingredients.

With the start of the school year approaching, and his leads thus far turning up empty, Harry felt the pressure mounting. He needed to uncover something substantial about Lockhart before Dumbledore might inadvertently hire a fraudster to teach at Hogwarts. Seated at his desk, Harry leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples in thought. He mulled over his options, his mind racing through potential strategies to dig deeper without the direct leads he had hoped to find at St Mungo's.

The breakthrough came just in time, the day before an important event. Cyrus Greengrass had found something crucial but too sensitive to send by any ordinary means. Instead, he sent his house elf with the information, ensuring secrecy. The elf whispered to Harry, "Four events in Lockhart's books, two pairs, occurred simultaneously in different locations. Unless Lockhart can split his body into two, he can't possibly have done those things alone. But this information, though highly accurate, can't be proven directly." Handing Harry a small vial with a secretive smile, the elf added, "Master Cyrus said, the Potter Heir might find this useful, but it should be used discreetly."

When Harry used the spell "Observe" on the vial, his suspicions were confirmed—it was Veritaserum, a truth potion. Realizing the potential of what he held, Harry decided to take the risk. Knowing that Gilderoy Lockhart would be signing books at Flourish and Blotts the next day provided the perfect opportunity.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and guilt, Harry quickly penned letters to his friends, including Susan, urging them to join him at the bookshop. He hated to use his friends for such purposes, but the presence of several old and reputable pureblood families would lend the necessary weight and witness to the proceedings.

The following day at Flourish and Blotts was bustling with activity. Harry arrived early, blending into the background as he observed the crowd. Families like the Greengrasses, the Abbotts, and others who he had written to were already there, browsing shelves while waiting for Lockhart to appear.

As Lockhart made his grand entrance, resplendent in robes that matched the cover of his latest book, Harry felt a stir of anxiety mixed with determination. He needed to act carefully—any misuse of the Veritaserum could have serious repercussions.

Nigel's voice, always a source of dry wit at moments like these, chimed in Harry's mind. "Rather flamboyant, isn't he? Makes one wonder if he dresses like that when there's no audience."

Harry almost chuckled aloud at Nigel's comment but managed to keep his composure. He watched as Lockhart greeted the crowd, his charming smile never wavering as he signed books and entertained with tall tales of his supposed exploits.

Watching the spectacle unfold at Flourish and Blotts, Harry observed as several young witches swooned over Lockhart's elaborate tales. His feelings of indignation grew, but he knew the importance of timing. "I need a distraction," he muttered under his breath. Just then, Lucius Malfoy strode into the shop with Draco in tow. Draco, having received an invite from Harry, approached him, which caught Lockhart's attention.

"Harry Potter, what a pleasure," Lockhart beamed, flashing his pearly whites. "Are you here to have your books signed as well? Even you cannot resist my heroic deeds, it seems." Despite his nausea at the charade, Harry recognized this as his chance to get closer to the flamboyant liar.

As Harry walked towards Lockhart's signing table with a feigned smile, he scanned the crowd. His friends—Tracey, Daphne, Hermione, Neville, Hannah, Susan, Pansy, and Draco—were mingled among the parents, while the Weasleys bustled around the store. Molly Weasley stood near Lockhart, listening to him with what seemed like admiration mixed with a bit of pity.

Harry, keeping his voice calm and friendly, responded to Lockhart. "Yes, I thought it would be interesting to hear about your adventures first-hand. Your books do paint quite the vivid picture."

Lockhart, ever the showman, laughed heartily. "Oh, they're more than just vivid, my boy! They're as real as the spells we cast!"

As Harry looked around, considering how he might use a bookshelf as a distraction—amused by their arrangement like an elaborate set of dominoes—something else caught the crowd's attention. Lucius Malfoy, ever the provocateur, walked over to Arthur Weasley and began to taunt him about his family's financial struggles, sneering about their second-hand clothes and hand-me-downs. Arthur's family quickly rallied behind him, their expressions a mix of anger and disdain for Lucius.

Lucius, pulling a worn book from the cauldron that Ginny Weasley clutched, sneered at its battered state. "Second hand, to the point of dissolving on its own," he remarked scornfully before tossing it back into the cauldron. But as the book landed, Harry spotted something odd—a black object nestled beneath it, momentarily visible before being obscured again.

Before Harry could delve deeper into the mysterious sighting, Arthur and Lucius's brewing hostility erupted into a full-fledged brawl, drawing gasps and shouts from the surrounding crowd. As fists flew and the two men grappled like warriors from an ancient time, the crowd's shock mirrored the intensity of the confrontation.

In the midst of this chaos, Nigel's voice emerged in Harry's mind, tinged with a hint of mischief. "Time to add something sweet yet tasteless to Lockhart's drink. Truth, tasteless as it may be, can be sweet. And in this case, it might just serve up a feast of honesty from our dear celebrity."

Seizing the opportunity, Harry approached the refreshments table where Lockhart's drink sat unattended. With the crowd distracted by the scuffle, Harry discreetly dropped two drops of Veritaserum into Lockhart's glass. Just as he finished, Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, intervened, pulling apart the two feuding wizards with a stern reprimand.

Returning to the signing table, Harry watched as Lockhart resumed his position, blissfully unaware of the recent addition to his drink. As Lockhart lifted the glass to his lips, Harry couldn't help but think, Let's hope this brew reveals more than just fanciful tales.

Lockhart began to regale the crowd once more, his anecdotes flowing as smoothly as the enchanted drink down his throat. Within minutes, however, the effects of the Veritaserum started to manifest. His eyes glazed slightly, and his fluent speech faltered as he struggled against the serum's compelling truth.

Seeing the effect of the Veritaserum begin to take hold, Harry subtly nodded to a group that Cyrus Greengrass had arranged to be present. These individuals were tasked with posing questions to Lockhart, a precaution to keep Harry and his friends from direct suspicion. One of them, a sharply dressed wizard who had been browsing nonchalantly near the refreshments, stepped forward with a seemingly innocent query.

"So, Mr. Lockhart," he began, his voice loud enough to carry over the murmur of the crowd, "in your books, you claim to have single-handedly banished the Bandon Banshee. However, I've heard whispers that it was actually a witch in heavy disguise who managed that feat. Could there be any truth to those rumors?"

Lockhart, his usual flamboyance dampened slightly by the potion, blinked slowly as he processed the question. His lips parted, likely to dismiss the claim, but what came out was starkly different. "Well, actually, yes. It was indeed a witch. I just... uh, I just arranged the interview afterwards and, well, took the credit," he confessed, his voice hesitant and his gaze slightly unfocused.

The crowd around him stirred, whispers growing as the implications of his words sank in. Harry, standing off to the side, watched the unfolding drama with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. Next to him, Tracey whispered, "Is he really spilling the truth just like that?"

Harry nodded, keeping his expression neutral. "Looks like it," he murmured back.

Nigel's voice popped up in Harry's head, not missing a beat, "I must say, Master Harry, our Mr. Lockhart seems to be less of a war hero and more of a war correspondent."

Harry smiled at that, but kept his face composed as another question was lobbed at Lockhart from a well-dressed matron. "And what about the time you supposedly defeated the Wagga Wagga Werewolf? That story always seemed a bit... fanciful."

Lockhart's response was even more damning. "Oh, that. Well, I was actually nowhere near Wagga Wagga at the time. I bought the story from a traveling wizard who was passing through."

As each confession tumbled from Lockhart's lips, the crowd's murmurs turned into a buzz of disbelief and shock. Harry's friends exchanged looks of astonishment."

Another stepped forward, his question ready. "Mr. Lockhart, there seems to be a pattern here. Can you tell us about any adventure of yours that was completely, absolutely true?"

Lockhart, under the influence of the Veritaserum and his own crumbling facade, sighed deeply. "To be perfectly honest, I've never faced any of the dangers I wrote about. I'm actually quite scared of violent confrontations."

The crowd gasped, some laughing in disbelief, others shaking their heads in disgust. Nigel, ever the invisible commentator in Harry's mind, quipped, "He may not be brave or honest, but he's certainly an excellent ghostwriter—ghosting from the actual adventures, that is."

As the murmurs in the crowd grew louder, one parent stepped forward, his expression a mix of anger and incredulity. "How? How have you managed to deceive everyone for so long?" he demanded.

Lockhart, beads of sweat forming on his forehead under the weight of the truth serum and the scrutiny, replied, albeit reluctantly, "I may not be as good as I claim in my books, but one thing I am an expert at is the Memory Charm. I erased all the memories of the real heroes after I appropriated their stories." The crowd erupted into shocked murmurs and some disdainful scoffs.

At that moment, Amelia Bones, the stern Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, sensed that something was amiss. She briskly walked over to Lockhart, her keen eyes quickly taking in his sweaty, nervous demeanor. "Everyone, please exit the store," she commanded in a clear, authoritative tone, signaling to the Aurors stationed outside.

As the crowd reluctantly began to disperse, Amelia approached Lockhart, her sharp gaze intensifying as she realized he was under the influence of Veritaserum. Although using the truth serum without the approval of The Wizengamot was illegal, and thus any confessions made could not be used in court, the reality of Lockhart's deceit was now evident to all. Lockhart was cornered, and his career looked set to crumble.

Amelia's gaze then shifted to Harry, who met her eyes with a calm, if not slightly guilty, expression. She said nothing, but her look conveyed a deep understanding of the situation. Despite the legal entanglements, the truth about Lockhart had been laid bare.

Meanwhile, Harry was processing the swift downfall of Gilderoy Lockhart, feeling a mix of relief and concern over the methods he had employed. Nigel, quick to offer a joke even in tense moments, murmured in Harry's mind, "Well, he might not have been much of a hero, but he certainly knew how to exit the stage with a bang."

Harry couldn't help but silently agree, reflecting on the whirlwind of revelations. The aftermath of the event was chaotic. As people spilled out of Flourish and Blotts, the discussions were fervent, with many expressing outrage and betrayal over Lockhart's fabrications. The wizarding world was abuzz with the news, and it was clear that Lockhart's reputation was irreversibly tarnished.

As the parents began to animatedly discuss, the children watched with varied expressions. The Weasley twins could barely contain themselves. Such an elaborate prank, and yet, they hadn't been the architects of it. They were buzzing with curiosity. "Who? Who could've orchestrated such a masterful stunt?" they whispered to each other, already planning to seek out the maestro behind this ruse to request apprenticeships.

Meanwhile, Tracey, Daphne, Susan, Hannah, Hermione, and Neville all turned their eyes towards Harry. He had mentioned weeks ago that Gilderoy Lockhart might be a fraud. Now, seeing the results unfold, they realized Harry must have had a hand in staging this reveal. Their looks ranged from impressed to slightly concerned about the methods used, but all were undeniably curious about how he had pulled it off.

After the confrontation and Lockhart's unexpected confessions, the crowd began to disperse. Lucius Malfoy, after his altercation with Arthur Weasley, threw a few more snarky remarks before departing with Draco. Amidst the thinning crowd, Harry noticed Ginny Weasley. Her eyes widened as she saw him approaching, and her cheeks flushed a shade that rivaled her fiery hair. Growing up hearing tales of the great Harry Potter had instilled in her a mixture of awe and admiration, now mixed with a teenage crush.

Smiling gently, Harry greeted her, "Ms. Weasley, it's an honor to meet you."

Ginny, momentarily lost for words, managed a shy smile in return. "Hello, Harry. I—I mean, Mr. Potter."

"It's just Harry, please," he assured her, his tone friendly. "I saw what happened earlier with your book and the Malfoys. Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you. It's just so embarrassing," Ginny murmured, still a bit flustered but comforted by Harry's down-to-earth demeanor.

"Not at all. That should've never happened. Lucius Malfoy enjoys making others uncomfortable. You handled it very well," Harry reassured her.

Their conversation was briefly interrupted by Nigel's voice in Harry's head. "Ah, young love—or at least, young admiration. Be careful, Master Harry, hearts are often more delicate than those bludgers at quidditch."

Harry suppressed a chuckle, responding silently to Nigel, "I'll keep that in mind."

Harry then said, "Ms. Weasley—" Before he could continue, the flustered girl stuttered, "Please, Ginny." She said. Harry smiled and responded, "Ginny, I don't know how it happened, but it seems my book fell into your cauldron in the brawl. It is black leather, with brass corner protections." Harry had only managed to see the details after Nigel slowed down the memory hundreds of times slower and zoomed in tens of times. Hopefully, it would allow him to retrieve whatever Lucius Malfoy had put into the young girl's cauldron. Ever since Dobby had warned him about Lucius, Harry had been tracking the man, and today, luckily, he saw something suspicious.

Ginny jumped like a startled rabbit and started to look through her books. Soon, she found the diary as Harry said, "Oh Merlin! I didn't see it, Harry. I am so sorry." She said, feeling like a thief caught red-handed.

Harry chuckled and said, "It's not your fault. It flew out of my hand and into yours." He then took the diary and used the spell "Observe" on it. The results were chilling.

[System Message: The item observed is identified as a Horcrux, specifically belonging to Tom Marvolo Riddle. It contains a fragment of his soul, embedded within through dark and foul magic. This artifact is highly dangerous and capable of influencing those around it to perform acts of evil. It requires specialized handling and immediate attention from proficient magical authorities to prevent further risks and ensure containment.]

Harry's blood froze in his veins as he sensed the cold, dark magic emanating from the diary, but he managed a smile for Ginny. "Thank you, Ginny. See you at Hogwarts." With those words, he turned to bid farewell to his friends. He needed to study this sinister artifact and uncover its mysteries.

As he approached his friends, their faces were a mix of curiosity and concern. "Everything alright, Harry?" Hermione asked, her brow furrowed.

"Just a bit of a mix-up with the books," Harry replied, keeping his voice even. He tucked the diary safely away, intending to examine it later under more secure conditions.

"Let's just say today was... enlightening," he added, glancing towards where Lockhart was being escorted away by a stern-looking Amelia Bones. The scene had a certain theatrical quality that wasn't lost on him.

The friends shared a few more words, each expressing their shock over Lockhart's unmasking and the unexpected brawl between Lucius and Arthur. Harry assured them he had things under control, though his mind was already racing with plans to investigate the diary.

After saying goodbye, Harry returned home, feeling the weight of the day's events. Once inside, he headed straight to his room, the diary burning a metaphorical hole in his bag.


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