Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch183- Shadows of Slytherin, Elders’ Council

Ch183- Shadows of Slytherin, Elders’ Council

Harry then nodded to the prefects, who began herding the first-year students to their respective dormitories. Pansy approached Harry, his other friends trailing behind her, and remarked with a slight tremor in her voice despite her playful tone, "Wow, Harry, dramatic much?" It was clear that the display of authority had left an impression on her as well.

This was the power and responsibility of the Serpent of the Crown, a role that Harry had not only inherited but was beginning to redefine. The expectations were high, but so were the stakes.

Harry chuckled to lighten the atmosphere, then playfully nudged Tracey. "Can't let this crown go to my head, right?" His jest drew laughs from the circle of friends around him. Despite the grand display of leadership, Harry wanted to reassure his friends—especially Daphne and Tracey—that their friendship was real and not based on the hierarchy within Slytherin.

Pansy, Draco, Nott, and Zabini joined in the joking, their laughter echoing in the common room. "Blimey, Harry, you almost had me there—thought you were about to send us off to battle or something!" Draco commented with a theatrical shiver.

Nigel’s voice piped up in Harry's mind, a note of amusement in his tone. "Well, if it were a battle, I'd say your first decree would be to conquer the library. Heaven knows you'd probably make it a fortress."

Harry grinned at Nigel's quip. "I might just do that, but only to protect the books from your endless sarcasm," he replied silently, enjoying the internal banter.

As the laughter subsided, Harry separated from others with Daphne and Tracey, leaned closer to his friends, his tone sincere. "Look, I know that was a bit much, but it's important the younger ones understand the unity here. You all know me—I'm still just Harry."

Tracey nodded, her expression softening. "We know, Harry. It’s just new seeing you in this role. But if anyone can handle it, you can."

Daphne added, "And you did it brilliantly. It sets the right tone for the year. We've got your back, Serpent King or not." Her words drew smiles from the group, reinforcing the bond they shared.

After bidding goodnight to his friends, Harry approached the brass snake near the entrance of the Slytherin common room. With a simple gesture, he willed the wall to slide aside, revealing a hidden space. This was the same room where Selena Rosier, his predecessor, had conducted her duties. As he walked to the end of the room and sat down at the table, after a lengthy talk with the Shadows, a flood of information filled his mind.

Harry took a moment to absorb the sudden influx of knowledge he acquired by questioning Shadows, feeling the weight of the Serpent of the Crown even more acutely. He glanced around the room, noting its stark elegance, designed to be functional yet imposing—a fitting space for planning and reflection.

This space was known as "The Chamber of the Serpent's Will." Created by Salazar Slytherin himself, the room was not just an ordinary chamber; it possessed a certain level of sentience. It had the unique ability to judge every member of Slytherin, selecting the next Serpent of the Crown and assisting the current one.

As Harry settled into the chamber, he could feel the weight of centuries of Slytherin history pressing around him. The first task he undertook was to summon the "Elders' Council," also known as the "Shadows of Slytherin." These were former Serpents of the Crown, whose identities were shrouded in mystery. Their faces were indistinguishable, bound by the chamber’s magic to remain impartial and speak only truth within its confines.

The shadows materialized around him, appearing as faint, wisp-like figures clad in flowing robes of deep green and silver. The air grew slightly chill as they formed a semi-circle around the table where Harry sat. He recognized Selena Rosier among them, her silhouette slightly clearer than the others, her posture still commanding even in this ethereal form.

Harry addressed them, his voice steady despite the unnerving sensation of speaking to what were essentially ghosts of the past. "I seek guidance," he began, "as we strive to uplift Slytherin's name and fortify our house."

The shadow of Selena, her voice echoing like a whisper through the room, responded, "You must first understand the true power of the Serpent of the Crown. It is not just about authority—it's about creating a legacy that will define the future of our house."

The other shadows nodded, their ghostly forms giving off a slight shimmer as though disturbed by a gentle wind. Harry, feeling a bit cheeky, remarked, "Should have recorded that to show Selena; she'd be so embarrassed to see her shadow acting all high and mighty."

The shadows didn't share his humor and waited silently. Grinning, Harry turned inwardly to Nigel, "Sorry, I'm going to cheat a bit." Then, addressing the shadows again, he asked, "Which one of you can tell me about the Chamber of Secrets?"

The room stayed silent for a moment, then the shadow that was once a wise old Serpent of the Crown, a man known for his cunning during his time, responded. "The Chamber of Secrets is a legend as old as Hogwarts itself. Created by Salazar Slytherin, it is said to house a monster that only his true heir can control."

Harry absorbed this information, his mind whirling with the possibilities. "And where is this chamber?" he asked, eager to get to the heart of the matter.

"The entrance is well hidden," another shadow replied, her voice like the rustle of silk. "It can only be opened by one who proves worthy of Slytherin’s lineage, speaking Parseltongue, the language of snakes."

Nigel, in Harry's mind, quipped, "Ah, a secret chamber and a monstrous guardian. Sounds like a typical Tuesday for us, doesn't it?"

Harry almost laughed aloud, his spirits lifted by Nigel's irreverence. He turned his attention back to the shadows. "Thank you, I'll take it from here." As the shadows faded away, Harry stood, feeling the weight of his new quest settling on his shoulders.

Leaving the Chamber of the Serpent's Will, Harry walked to his room. While he had a special room as the Serpent, he preferred the one he had modified earlier. Tweak, the Slytherin house elf, had helped him enlarge it, and it was now equipped with various instruments and comforts he had grown accustomed to. Settling into his familiar space, Harry sighed, "Another year, another mystery. Last time it was Voldemort and a stone; this time, a secret chamber with a monster."

As he sat back, the weight of his new role and the unfolding mystery of the Chamber of Secrets pressed on him. Nigel quipped, "At least it’s never dull around here, eh Master Harry? From stones to serpents, you do keep things lively."

Harry couldn't help but smile at Nigel's comment. The comfort of Nigel’s presence, even if only in his mind, helped balance the scale of challenges he faced. "True, Nigel. Let's see if this year can top the last."

"So, Parseltongue, eh? Good thing I've got that covered," he muttered to himself.

Nigel, always ready with a remark, added, "Just when you think being a Parselmouth won’t come in handy anymore, Hogwarts finds a way to prove you wrong."

I forgot to add the image in the last chapter. Harry on his throne as the Serpent of the Crown...



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