Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch185- Competent DADA Professor?

Ch185- Competent DADA Professor?

Harry sat back, his mind racing through the implications of his interaction. The diary was clearly sentient, possibly the Horcrux, trying to establish a bond with him. He needed to be careful about how much he revealed and how he interacted with it in the future.

Turning to Nigel, Harry mused, "It’s trying to use my own insecurities against me, isn’t it? Trying to make me rely on it."

Nigel’s voice was sharp, a clear note of warning underlying the humor. "Exactly, Master Harry. It's like fishing; it gave you a taste of the bait. Now, it’s waiting for you to bite."

Harry put the diary away, mulling over his next steps. "Why did you stop interacting?" Nigel inquired with a hint of curiosity.

"I can't reveal too much too quickly," Harry reasoned. "Who would trust a diary that easily? If I don't show some hesitance about sharing my deepest secrets, the soul inside might get suspicious." He shook his head thoughtfully. "Let's open up slowly and see what it's really after."

Nigel nodded approvingly in his thoughts, "That's very shrewd of you, Master Harry."

Harry then pondered aloud, "But why do I care about this Chamber, anyway? I could just find a way to destroy this diary and be done with it."

Nigel snorted, "Did you forget about the monster in the chamber?"

Right, the monster. That detail was crucial and not something Harry could simply ignore. If the legends were true, there was more at stake than just the mysteries of an old diary. Hogwarts itself could be in danger, and it was up to him to prevent any harm. Again.

Nigel, picking up on Harry's resolve, quipped, "See, there’s always a catch with these ancient secrets. Never just a 'read and relax' kind of deal with them."

Harry smiled briefly at Nigel's comment before becoming serious again. He knew he had to approach the situation with caution. The diary had shown it was more than willing to interact, and that meant it could provide valuable insights, or it could be a trap.

The next day, Harry woke up early and resumed his interaction with the mysterious diary. He carefully shared snippets of his childhood—stories he deemed safe and non-essential, fabricating some parts to test the diary's reactions. His aim was to paint a picture of a boy seeking guidance, curious to see how the diary might try to leverage this perceived vulnerability.

After exchanging messages with the diary for a couple of hours, he felt it was time to head to his first class of the term—Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin. Harry was particularly interested in this class, given Lupin’s reputation and his potential connection to Harry’s late father.

Walking to the classroom, Harry felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The corridors of Hogwarts had a comforting familiarity, yet every new year brought its own set of mysteries and challenges. As he entered the classroom, he noticed the setup was different from last year; Professor Lupin had arranged the desks in a semi-circle, creating a more inclusive and engaging environment.

Lupin greeted the class with a warm, slightly shy smile. "Good morning, everyone. I’m Professor Lupin, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," he announced, his voice gentle yet clear. "This year, we’ll be covering a variety of creatures and defenses, starting with a practical lesson tomorrow. But today, let’s discuss the fundamentals of dueling."

The class listened intently as Lupin explained the basic stances, spells, and counters. His teaching style was hands-on and encouraging, quite the contrast to the flamboyant and largely ineffective Lockhart.

After the lesson, Harry felt genuinely impressed. It was refreshing to have a competent and knowledgeable teacher who could provide real insight into the Dark Arts. 

As the class ended, Harry lingered behind, and Lupin noticed him. "Mr. Potter," he greeted.

"Professor Lupin," Harry replied. While he knew Lupin was a friend of his father's, Harry felt no personal connection beyond respect for a competent professor. Lupin hadn't reached out during Harry's earlier troubled years, and they remained strangers. Of course, Harry had these thoughts until he saw the system message after using the Observe spell on Lupin.

[System Message: Remus Lupin - A wizard afflicted with lycanthropy, known for his integrity and deep knowledge of the Dark Arts. No deceit detected, highly protective of students.]

Realizing Lupin was a werewolf helped Harry connect many dots, but he still wanted to make sure if Lupin's distance was due to fear of harming him or other reasons.

"Is there something you need, Mr. Potter?" Lupin asked, noticing Harry's thoughtful look.

"Just thinking about the upcoming practical lessons," Harry answered smoothly. "I appreciate the hands-on approach you're planning."

Lupin smiled, a touch of relief in his expression. "I find it's the best way to learn. Keeps everyone engaged and prepared."

Harry nodded, his mind still on the information he had just learned. "Professor, if you don't mind me asking—how did you come to specialize in creatures of the dark?"

Lupin leaned against his desk, his eyes reflecting a history of experiences. "Let's just say that I've had personal reasons to understand them better than most."

Harry considered Lupin’s words, detecting the layers of meaning behind them. "I understand, Professor. Thank you for sharing that with me," he said, keeping his tone neutral. He decided to keep the werewolf detail to himself, seeing no benefit in discussing it further.

"Of course, Mr. Potter. If there's anything specific you'd like to learn this year, do let me know," Lupin offered, always the supportive teacher.

"I will. Thank you, Professor," Harry said, then turned to leave the classroom, his mind buzzing with thoughts about Lupin's condition and how it might affect their class.

As he walked back to his dormitory, Nigel piped up, "Bit of a sticky wicket, isn't it? Knowing he’s a werewolf but having to act all nonchalant about it."

Harry smirked. "Yeah, it’s a fine line to walk. But he seems to manage his condition well. He might be one of the best DADA teachers we've have in the near future."

"Low bar, considering you were almost going to have one thought a good class was a press conference," Nigel quipped.

Harry chuckled at Nigel’s point. "True. At least Lupin's actually teaching us something useful."

Nigel then mused, "Also, do you think the curse will affect Lupin as well? You know, the Defense Against the Dark Arts jinx that seems to make them all... less than reliable."

Harry shrugged as he walked through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts. "I don't know much about the curse, honestly. If Lupin turns out to be as good as he seems, I might look into breaking the curse. If not, well, it does seem to take care of the less competent ones for us."

Nigel's voice held a note of mock disapproval. "That’s a rather cold approach, Master Harry. Using a curse as your personal clean-up service for undesirable professors?"

Harry chuckled, entering the Great Hall and making his way to the Slytherin table where Daphne and Tracey were already seated, with Pansy, Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott across from them. "To think we might actually have a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who knows his stuff. What a novelty!" Tracey exclaimed as he sat down, sparking nods and murmurs of agreement from the others.

Daphne leaned closer, lowering her voice. "It’s refreshing, isn't it? After last year, I think we all could use some real teaching."

Pansy rolled her eyes playfully. "Let's just hope he lasts the year, considering our luck with professors in that department."

Harry smiled, appreciating the light-hearted banter. "Here’s to Professor Lupin breaking the trend," he toasted, raising an imaginary glass. The group echoed his sentiment, laughing as they turned their attention to the feast before them.

As they ate, Harry's thoughts briefly wandered back to the diary and the Chamber of Secrets. Nigel’s voice nudged him, pulling him back to the present. "Don’t get too lost in thought, Master Harry. There’s a feast to enjoy, after all."

"Right you are, Nigel," Harry agreed, turning his attention back to his friends and the lively conversation at the Slytherin table.


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