Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch187- Open!

Ch187- Open!

Harry’s investigation into his parents' betrayal and Sirius Black’s alleged role in it also deepened. He poured over old Daily Prophet articles, his room scattered with clippings that painted Sirius as a traitor and murderer. Yet, Harry felt an increasing skepticism about these reports, especially now that he suspected Pettigrew was alive.

During his private moments, Harry also consulted with the Shadow Council in the Chamber of the Serpent's Will. These sessions were proving to be invaluable, offering insights into the deeper, darker corridors of magical history, though they were cautious with the information they provided. The elders, specters of past Slytherin leaders, maintained a strict code of secrecy about the Chamber of Secrets, frustrating Harry with their vague hints and cryptic warnings.

One thing Harry learned was that the Shadows did not offer information unless directly asked. He tried questions like, "Give me a secret," and the Shadows stayed silent. It seemed that the Shadows connected to the room were compelled to reveal the truth, but only when prompted by a specific question. Vague inquiries such as, "Who are you?" received no response. However, when Harry asked Selena's Shadow directly, "Are you Selena Rosier?" the answer was a clear "Yes."

This limitation required Harry to think carefully about how to phrase his questions to extract the most useful information. He needed precise and strategic queries to uncover the details he sought about the Chamber of Secrets and other dark mysteries tied to Hogwarts.

A week later, Harry sat in his room, penning a calculated message to the diary. "How can I gain power to get revenge on people who used to bully me? I am weak and need to get stronger quickly." This was a deliberate trap, designed to reveal the diary's true intentions. Reading the part of Harry's consciousness isolated for it, the soul inside the diary saw that Harry had been bullied and seized the opportunity to offer a solution. "How about borrowing power?" it suggested.

Harry was intrigued, though cautious. "What do you mean by borrowing power?" he wrote back.

The diary's response was quick and tantalizingly vague. "In the depths of Hogwarts lies a secret power, a legacy left by one of the founders. It can give you the strength you seek." The diary was leading him to something, a place it promised would hold the answers and the power to overcome his perceived weaknesses.

Harry probed further, his quill scratching against the paper. "And where might I find this power?"

The diary hesitated, then wrote, "I can guide you to it, but I need to be closer to you. Let me into your consciousness, and together we can unlock this power."

Harry frowned slightly, sensing the risk. Nigel chimed in, his tone dripping with skepticism. "Oh, yes, because letting a mysterious diary soul buddy up in your brain sounds like a top-notch plan."

Ignoring Nigel's sarcasm, Harry considered his next move. He needed more information but was wary of allowing the diary any deeper access to his thoughts. "Tell me more about this power first," Harry responded cautiously.

"It is a servant, one that obeys without question, bound to the Chamber of Secrets. It can serve you as it served the heir of Slytherin," the diary replied, still being mysterious about its true goals.

Harry's interest was piqued, despite the ominous undertone of the diary's messages. "A servant bound to a chamber? What kind of servant?"

The diary's script became more animated, as if excited by Harry's interest. "A guardian, a protector, one capable of great destruction and defense. It can protect you from your enemies."

Nigel, ever the voice of caution, muttered, "And probably demolish a good part of the school if it's feeling cranky."

Harry pondered the diary's offer for several hours. Nigel reassured him repeatedly that as long as he didn't consent, no one could penetrate his mind. Thus, letting the soul enter his consciousness posed no risk, but Harry played the part of being undecided so the soul wouldn't grow suspicious. After mulling it over for half the day, when Harry returned to the diary, he was brimming with indignation over an imagined slight. The isolated part of his consciousness had been loaded with fresh memories of being bullied in class, and the soul could access these, which made its offer again, "I need to lead you to the Chamber. I am your friend." With feigned reluctance, Harry agreed, and in the next moment, he was hosting another soul in his consciousness.

The main part of his mind noticed immediately that the soul from the diary began to try to bewitch the isolated consciousness as soon as it entered. Smirking, Harry noted, "This soul is really crafty."

Nigel chuckled in response, "Let's see where it leads us to."

As they navigated their regular daily routines, Harry and Nigel monitored the activity of the soul within the isolated part of his consciousness. The soul attempted to influence Harry, suggesting he felt more resentment and anger towards those who had wronged him—emotions based on the fabricated memories Harry had allowed it to see.

"Quite the manipulator, isn’t it?" Nigel remarked as they observed its efforts.

"Yes, and quite eager to lead me to this Chamber," Harry replied, keeping his tone light. He was curious but cautious, aware of the potential dangers that lay in following the diary’s guidance blindly.

Meanwhile, Harry continued to attend his classes and maintain his usual interactions with his friends and professors, ensuring that no one suspected his internal investigation. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Lupin had begun introducing them to darker creatures, providing practical lessons that Harry found genuinely useful. These lessons offered a brief respite from his secretive tug-of-war with the diary’s soul.

Back in his room later that evening, Harry sat down with the diary again. This time, he decided to take a more direct approach. "You mentioned a servant in the Chamber. Can you tell me more about it? What kind of creature is it?"

The diary responded quickly this time, its writing more hurried as if excited by Harry's direct question. "A powerful creature, capable of great loyalty and protection, bound by ancient magic. It obeys the true heir of Slytherin."

Harry and Nigel exchanged a look. "Sounds like we’re dealing with something big," Harry murmured. Nigel’s response was a dry, "Or something with very big teeth."

Deciding to push a little further, Harry wrote, "And how would one control such a creature?"

The diary’s answer was vague, "Through the power of the heir. It recognizes those of Slytherin’s blood, those who can speak the language of the serpent."

Harry paused already knowing this, considering this information. "That sounds like something I can do," he mused, the pieces beginning to fit together in his mind.

"Be cautious, Master Harry," Nigel warned. "We don’t want to wake something we can’t put back to sleep."

"Agreed," Harry said, closing the diary for the night. He had enough to ponder over.

Harry, with the isolated part of his consciousness now hosting the soul from the diary, created a virtual replica of Hogwarts in the Virtual Room. This was a secure space where he could let the soul lead without actual physical movement through the castle. He had given the soul limited control over the environment, allowing it to manifest its expectations and lead the way to the Chamber of Secrets. Since Harry had never seen the Chamber himself, he relied on the soul to guide him.

The representation of Hogwarts in the Virtual Room was detailed and lifelike. Harry and the soul, through his virtual avatar, wandered the corridors until they arrived at the girls' bathroom in the dungeons. It was eerily quiet, the only sound being the dripping of water from an old faucet. The soul, controlling the virtual "Harry," moved confidently towards one of the larger sinks. It uttered a command in Parseltongue, "Open."


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