Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch190- Duelling Club

Ch190- Duelling Club

The students began to pack up their things, and Harry returned to his seat. As he did, Snape gave him a brief nod of approval. It wasn't much, but coming from Snape, it meant a lot.

As Harry and his friends left the classroom, Hermione turned to him. "You were great, Harry. Thanks for helping us." Harry casually waved his hand and talked to them fro a while, then bid them goodbye.

Leaving the class, Harry saw Penelope Clearwater walking towards him. "Mr. Potter," she greeted with a smile at Tracey and Daphne who approached Harry. "Ms. Clearwater," Harry greeted back with a smile.

The Rawenclaw Prefect said, "Professor Flitwick asked you to his room."

Harry raised an eyebrow but replied, "I'm going there right now. Thank you." Penelope nodded and walked away.

Daphne and Tracey were curious. "What do you think that's about?" Daphne asked.

Tracey added, "Maybe it's about your extra credit work or a new spell he wants to teach you."

Harry shrugged, "Only one way to find out." They ushered him to move along, their curiosity evident.

As Harry arrived at Flitwick's room, he was surprised to see Remus Lupin there as well. Both of them greeted him with wide smiles.

"Ah, Harry! How was your summer?" Professor Flitwick asked, his voice high and cheerful.

"Hello, Professor Flitwick. It was good, thank you. I've been adjusting well to my second year," Harry replied.

Remus Lupin nodded, "It's great to see you, Harry. How are you finding your other classes?"

Harry smiled, "They're challenging but exciting. I've been learning a lot."

After some idle chat, Professor Flitwick got to the point. "Harry, this year we are planning to bring back the Duelling Club."

Harry was taken aback. "Really?" he said, his eyes widening in surprise.

Flitwick chuckled at Harry's reaction. "Yes, indeed. After the success of last year’s Easter Egg hunt, we decided the school's unity is strong enough for the Duelling Club. And although you are young, your connections in each house could help foster that unity. We want you to champion this endeavor with us."

Harry blinked, processing the information. "Me? But I’m only a second-year. Wouldn’t someone older be better?"

Remus Lupin stepped in with a smile. "Harry, you’ve shown remarkable leadership and a unique ability to connect with students from all houses. Your role in organizing this would be invaluable. Plus, you’d have our full support."

Harry felt a mix of pride and nerves. "Alright, I’ll do it. But I’ll need a lot of help."

"Of course," Flitwick replied. "We’ll be there every step of the way. And you’ll have access to some advanced training to prepare you."

Lupin added, "It will be a great learning experience for you, Harry. You’ll gain skills that will be useful far beyond just duelling."

Harry nodded, feeling more confident with their encouragement. "Thank you, Professors. I’ll do my best."

As Harry left the room, he could hear Nigel’s voice in his mind. "Well, Master Harry, it looks like you’re going to be quite the busy bee this year. Serpent of the Crown, Chamber of Secrets, the mysterious Animagus that turned out to be your father's old friend, dear Pettigrew, the werewolf Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Duelling Club, classes, and whatever other mysteries you decide to poke your nose into."

Harry chuckled. "You know me, Nigel. I can’t resist a good mystery."

Returning to his room, Harry threw himself into his Enchanted Briefcase. Uttering the password, he watched the hand-sized briefcase grow bigger, then walked in. Once he was in the forest, he called the Thunderbird, though he was too afraid to call her by name. He wanted to talk about basilisks with the majestic bird. Although he defended them in his conversation with Parvati, he wasn’t foolish enough to approach one without ample preparations.

As the Thunderbird descended gracefully from the sky, Harry took a deep breath. Its impressive wingspan and the electric charge in the air always left him in awe. "Hello," Harry greeted respectfully.

“Hello, young Potter,” she greeted, her voice echoing in Harry's mind. “What troubles you?”

Harry took a deep breath. “I need to learn about basilisks. How can I prepare to face one without getting myself killed?”

Spark tilted her head thoughtfully. “Basilisks are ancient creatures, feared for their lethal gaze. However, they are not inherently evil. Like any creature, they act on instinct and the commands of their master.”

Harry nodded, absorbing her words. “How can I protect myself from its gaze?”

The Thunderbird tilted her head, then said, "I assume you are about to face one. The most logical option is avoiding eye contact and using reflective surfaces to keep track of them. Although still petrifying, against strong magical protection, it is not as dangerous. But that will not be an option if you want to talk to it. If you can't even trust it to stand in front of it, it will not respect you. But that is a gamble in itself."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "So, I need to prepare for both possibilities. Maybe I can use some enchanted mirrors to avoid direct eye contact, but I’ll have to be ready to face it head-on if necessary."

Nigel chimed in, "Mirrors and strong nerves. Quite the shopping list, Master Harry. Shall I add a pair of sunglasses for style points?"

Harry chuckled. "Thanks, Nigel. I'll keep that in mind." He then asked the magnificent bird, "What about its venom? I've read it's extremely deadly."

The thunderbird nodded again. "Basilisk venom is among the most potent in the magical world. Carrying phoenix tears could save your life if you're bitten. However, it's best to avoid getting bitten altogether."

Harry shook his head helplessly. "And where am I supposed to find a phoenix to collect its tears?" he asked, his tone a mix of frustration and curiosity.

The Thunderbird gave a sort of shrug, or as close to it as a bird could manage. "Basilisks are mighty creatures, one of the best predators. Though they cannot reproduce naturally, dark wizards can create them. Most of those dark wizards have been killed by their own creations, leading to an occasional Basilisk appearing and causing havoc before being dealt with. If your aim was to kill it, the conversation would be different, but you want to face it without dying."

Harry nodded, absorbing the information. "I need to be prepared to confront it and potentially control it without getting myself killed. Avoiding direct eye contact and using mirrors to see it could work, but if I need to gain its respect, I'll have to look it in the eye."

Nigel's voice piped up in his mind, "Quite the task, Master Harry. If only they sold Basilisk-taming kits at Diagon Alley."

Harry chuckled. "I'll need to plan this carefully," he said aloud. 

The Thunderbird nodded. "Wisdom is in preparation. If you understand the creature, you stand a better chance."

In the Headmaster's office, Professors Lupin and Flitwick were seated, with Snape standing in the shadows, glaring at the lycan Professor. McGonagall and Sprout were also present, discussing animatedly.

"Duelling Club?" McGonagall pondered. "Last year's Easter Egg Hunt was quite the success. I don't see why we can't try this."

Flitwick nodded. "Indeed. We've decided that Harry Potter should champion this endeavor with us."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "Harry? He's only a second year."

"True," Lupin acknowledged. "But he's shown remarkable leadership and skill. He's connected with students from all houses. His role in organizing this would be invaluable."

Sprout smiled. "I agree. Harry has the potential to bring unity. Plus, his enthusiasm for learning is infectious."

Flitwick answered calmly, "With our guidance, he will manage. It's not about strength alone, but understanding and application."

McGonagall nodded, her expression softening. "Very well. If you all believe in him, I will support this. But we must ensure he has the support he needs."

Lupin smiled. "He will have it. We'll provide advanced training to prepare him."

Dumbledore, who had been silently observing, finally spoke. "Harry is exceptional. He has shown a great capacity for growth and unity. I believe he will thrive in this role."

The room fell silent for a moment, absorbing the Headmaster's words. After some more chatting, the professors left, leaving Dumbledore alone in his office with Fawkes. Looking at the majestic phoenix, Dumbledore remembered his conversation with his mentor, Nicolas Flamel, about Harry. At the time, Dumbledore thought Harry was too young to enter Flamel's tutelage, but from what he learned, it was a great success. He was happy to know that Harry was getting stronger, but he was also worried.

"For the greater good, right?" he muttered to himself.

"No, for greatness," a voice in his mind responded.

He sighed, gazing at his companion. "Earning immortality. Master was right, your kind is truly fortunate," the old headmaster said.

Fawkes ruffled his feathers, the light from his plumage casting a warm glow around the room. The phoenix's presence always had a calming effect on Dumbledore, reminding him of the balance between power and responsibility.

Dumbledore continued, "I wonder if I did the right thing by guiding Harry the way I did. He faces so much already."


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