Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch196- Tricking the Chamber of the Serpent’s Will

Ch196- Tricking the Chamber of the Serpent’s Will

Not long after, Harry was summoned to the Headmaster's room. He had been expecting this. As he entered, he greeted the assembled group. "Headmaster, Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin," he said formally. He then walked over to the phoenix perched serenely in the room and smiled warmly. "Hello, Fawkes. You look fresh. Let me see, about five weeks to your Burning Day?" Fawkes chirped in acknowledgment, and Harry chuckled before turning back to the three adults, who were watching him with varying degrees of surprise. Only Dumbledore chuckled, saying, "Impressive, Harry. Not many can predict a phoenix's cycle with such accuracy."

Harry shrugged modestly. "Just something I've picked up along the way, sir."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Indeed. Now, Harry, I believe Professor Lupin has something to discuss with you."

Lupin stepped forward, his expression serious but kind. "Harry, what you told me about Peter Pettigrew... It's a significant claim. Professor Dumbledore and I need to understand your evidence."

Harry nodded, his face serious. "I understand, Professor. I have some concrete proof and a plan to reveal Pettigrew's true identity safely."

McGonagall's brows furrowed in concern. "This is a grave matter, Mr. Potter. Are you certain of your findings?"

Harry smiled at his Transfiguration professor, "I assure you, it will all be alright, Professor."

Professor McGonagall’s stern expression softened slightly at Harry’s confidence, but she still looked skeptical. "Very well, Mr. Potter. But do remember the gravity of this situation. We cannot afford any mistakes."

Dumbledore, observing the interaction closely, leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Harry, while I appreciate your assurance, I must insist on understanding more about your plan. As Headmaster, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students."

Harry met Dumbledore's gaze steadily, maintaining his respectful demeanor. "I understand, Headmaster. However, I can only reveal that Madam Bones will be overseeing the situation. I’ve taken steps to ensure everything is handled properly."

Dumbledore’s eyes narrowed slightly, though his tone remained gentle. "Harry, the Auror's office is not in charge within these walls. I must be informed of any significant developments, especially ones involving the safety of our students."

Harry nodded, understanding the weight of Dumbledore’s position but maintaining his stance. "I appreciate your concern, Professor, but ensuring Pettigrew’s capture and delivering him to Amelia Bones is essential for both safety and justice."

McGonagall, who had been quietly observing, interjected with a note of concern. "Mr. Potter, you must realize the implications of such a revelation. It could have far-reaching consequences, both legally and within the magical community."

"I understand, Professor McGonagall," Harry replied respectfully. "But revealing too much prematurely could jeopardize the plan and allow Pettigrew to escape again. We need to ensure he is captured securely before any further actions are taken."

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, "Well said, Master Harry. Firm but respectful. Keep the balance."

Dumbledore leaned back slightly, his fingers steepled thoughtfully. "Harry, as your Headmaster, I must insist on being informed about how you intend to prove Pettigrew's identity. We cannot proceed on assumptions alone."

Harry took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Headmaster, I have solid evidence that will be presented to Ms. Bones. Until then, revealing specifics could compromise the operation. I assure you, this is not a baseless claim."

Dumbledore's expression softened, though his eyes remained serious. "Very well, Harry. But do keep in mind the gravity of this situation. Trust and transparency are vital in such matters."

"I will, sir," Harry said, offering a reassuring smile.

McGonagall, her stern demeanor easing slightly, added, "Mr. Potter, if you need any assistance, you know you can count on us. We are here to support you."

"Thank you, Professor," Harry responded sincerely. "Your support means a lot."

With that, Harry excused himself from the Headmaster’s office, feeling the weight of their scrutiny lift slightly. As he made his way through the corridors, Nigel's voice filled his mind. "Master Harry, you handled that quite adeptly. Now, onto the next challenge, shall we?"

Harry chuckled softly, "Indeed, Nigel. Let’s prepare for what’s next."

Harry knew it would take some time for Amelia to handle her side, and at that time, Dumbledore wouldn't stand idle. But there wasn't much he could do. Even Harry found the man after a lot of coincidence. After he returned to the Slytherin Common Room, he sat with Daphne and Tracey, talking about their classes when Pansy joined them.

"Did you manage to charm Snape today, Potter? He more than usual good to you." Pansy asked with a smirk as she settled into the seat opposite him.

Harry rolled his eyes, used to Pansy's sarcastic remarks. "As charming as ever, Pansy. How about you? Did you manage to stay out of trouble?"

Pansy huffed, crossing her arms. "Of course. Unlike some people, I don't need to go looking for trouble."

Daphne chuckled, nudging Harry with her elbow. "You do have a knack for finding it, Harry. Or maybe it finds you?"

Tracey leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, what's the latest mystery you're diving into, Harry? You always seem to have something up your sleeve."

Harry smiled. "Just the usual. Keeping myself out of trouble, being a good boy and student and can't help but mesmerize the masses."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued despite herself. "Oh, come on, Potter. Don't leave us in suspense."

Harry shook his head, laughing. "What? You want to learn my secret?"

As they continued their banter, Harry felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Blaise Zabini standing there, looking somewhat hesitant.

"Can we talk, Harry?" Blaise asked, his voice unusually serious.

Harry nodded, excusing himself from the group. He followed Blaise to a quieter corner of the common room, curious about what was on his mind.

"What's up, Blaise?" Harry asked, leaning against the wall.

Blaise glanced around, making sure no one was listening. "I've heard some rumors about you and the Duelling Club. Is it true you're planning to bring it back?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, it's true. We're working on making it more engaging this time around."

Blaise's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds great. I just wanted to say that I'd like to be involved if you'll have me. I'm pretty good with defensive spells."

Harry smiled, appreciating Blaise's offer. "Of course, Blaise. We'd love to have you. The more, the merrier."

Harry returned to his room that night, and had a nice rest. In one of the following days, while Harry spoke to Tom Riddle inside the Diary, he thought to himself, "Nigel, I think a Horcrux can trick the Chamber of the Serpent's Will."

Nigel hummed thoughtfully before responding, "What do you mean, Master Harry?"

Harry elaborated, "I went over it again and again. During his time, Tom Riddle was the most prominent Slytherin. There's no way he wasn't selected as the Serpent of the Crown. He obviously knew the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and had been inside. Yet, when I asked directly if any of them had been inside, they all answered no. Shadows cannot lie, but they can be upgraded."

Nigel caught on quickly, "You mean the Horcruxes?"

Harry nodded, "As far as we know, Horcruxes are pieces of souls and contain memories of the original body. It’s possible Riddle might have removed this soul piece and the memories about the Chamber of Secrets and later visited Hogwarts to upgrade his memories. This way, the Shadow wouldn’t answer about the chamber."

Nigel asked, "Why would he go to such lengths?"

Harry pondered, "He clearly wants a monopoly over it. The question is, who could force Lucius Malfoy to send this Diary to Hogwarts at this time? From what I gathered, Lucius’s father was classmates with Riddle, but it's been a long time since, and Tom hasn’t been seen since then."

Nigel's voice held a hint of sarcasm as he replied, "A compelling mystery, Master Harry. Riddle's meticulous nature makes it plausible. Lucius Malfoy might not even know the true nature of the diary."

Harry nodded, feeling the weight of the mystery deepen. "It’s not just about controlling the Chamber. Riddle might have hidden something significant within it."


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