Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch213- Ice Surfing with Kraken

Ch213- Ice Surfing with Kraken

Harry walked to the lake's edge and waved his wand again, creating a frozen surfboard. He looked back at his friends, giving them a reassuring smile. "Watch this," he said confidently.

As Harry stepped onto the surfboard, the giant squid seemed to understand his intentions. It created gentle waves, perfect for Harry to surf on. The board glided smoothly over the water, and Harry used his control over cold magic to keep the board steady and the water below just cold enough for the ice to remain solid.

The squid, apparently enjoying the interaction, sent a series of larger waves towards Harry, who expertly maneuvered around them. He rode the waves with grace, his friends cheering from the shore.

"This is amazing!" Ginny exclaimed, her eyes fixed on Harry as he navigated the waves.

"Show-off," Daphne muttered, though a smile played on her lips.

"He's really good at this," Hermione said, impressed.

"Well, he's Harry," Tracey replied with a shrug, as if that explained everything.

Harry continued to surf, enjoying the challenge and the thrill. The giant squid seemed to be having fun too, its tentacles creating more waves for Harry to ride. It was a surreal sight, the majestic creature and the young wizard in perfect harmony.

"Harry, be careful!" Susan called out, her worry evident despite the smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Harry shouted back, his voice filled with excitement. The giant squid played along, creating more waves and even a few splashes to add to the fun.

Harry wasn't sure if he could do it at first, but after trying, he realized it was a lot like flying with a broom. Instead of riding air, now he was riding waves. The feeling was exhilarating, a mix of thrill and freedom.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Fred exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement. George was beside him, looking equally impressed.

"I've got to try that!" George said, already getting to his feet. The twins exchanged a quick glance and without any further hesitation, they sprinted toward the lake.

Neville watched them, a bit unsure. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded to himself and stood up. "I think I'll give it a go too," he said, determination in his voice.

Zabini, noticing the excitement, turned to Draco and Nott with a challenging grin. "Well, are you lot coming or what?" he teased before making his way to the water's edge.

Cho Chang and Ginny were next, both looking eager to join in the fun. "Um, well, can someone help me with my clothes? I don't know how to Transfigure them," Ginny admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.

George, realizing most of the younger students weren't familiar with the spell, stepped in with a grin. "Let us help, dearest sister," he said, flicking his wand to Transfigure her clothes into a swimsuit.

Fred followed suit, helping the others who needed it. "Alright, everyone, let's make this a proper splash!"

The group soon gathered by the lake, their spirits high and ready for adventure. Harry watched them with a smile, pleased to see everyone enjoying themselves.

"Harry, this is brilliant!" Fred called out, balancing precariously on his own makeshift surfboard.

George, not far behind, added, "Yeah, who knew you could surf on ice?"

With a mix of cheers and laughter, the students began to join Harry on the water. Fred and George, ever the pranksters, immediately started racing each other, their competitive spirits shining through. Neville, despite his initial hesitation, found his balance quickly and even managed a few impressive maneuvers.

Draco, not wanting to be outdone, tried to copy Harry's movements but ended up splashing into the water, much to the amusement of everyone else. "Better luck next time, Draco!" Harry called out, grinning.

Cho and Ginny, both more adept at flying, quickly adapted to the new challenge. Cho's natural grace and balance made her movements look effortless, while Ginny's determination and agility shone through as she navigated the waves.

"Harry, this is amazing!" Cho called out, gliding past him.

Harry really enjoyed surfing, and seeing his friends returning to the water edge, he called out, "Great Squid, can you give me a big wave? I want to try something!"

The giant squid responded by creating a series of larger waves, each one bigger than the last. Harry expertly maneuvered his ice surfboard, riding the crest of the waves with ease. His friends watched in awe as he performed daring moves, the thrill of the moment palpable.

"That's amazing, Harry!" Daphne shouted, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Tracey cheered, "Go, Harry! Show us what you've got!"

Harry felt a surge of adrenaline as he caught the biggest wave yet. The icy water sprayed around him, glistening in the sunlight. He crouched low, gaining speed, then stood up tall and executed a perfect spin, landing back on his board with effortless grace.

"Whoa! Did you see that?" Fred exclaimed, nudging George. "He's like a professional!"

"Absolutely brilliant," George agreed, clapping his hands in approval.

As the wave subsided, Harry smoothly rode back to shore, grinning from ear to ear. "That was incredible," he said, panting slightly from the exertion.

His friends gathered around him, their faces lit up with admiration. "Harry, you're amazing!" Ginny said, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Thanks, Ginny," Harry replied, feeling a warm glow of happiness. "It's all thanks to the giant squid."

The squid, as if understanding, waved one of its tentacles lazily, causing a ripple of laughter among the group.

"Alright, who's next?" Harry asked, looking around at his friends.

Neville stepped forward, his face a mix of determination and excitement. "I'll give it a go."

Neville looked determined, his face set with a mixture of focus and excitement. Although he wasn't as skilled on a broom as Harry, he was eager to test his abilities on the ice surfboard. The worst that could happen was a dunk in the lake.

"You've got this, Neville," Harry encouraged, giving him a reassuring nod. "Just remember to keep your balance and go with the flow of the waves."

Neville took a deep breath and stepped onto the icy surfboard, feeling the cool, slick surface beneath his feet. The giant squid seemed to sense his readiness and gently created a series of waves. Neville wobbled slightly at first but quickly found his footing, his determination evident in the way he gripped the sides of the board.

The group watched in anticipation, their cheers echoing across the lake. "Go, Neville!" Susan shouted, her voice filled with encouragement. "You can do it!"

As Neville gained confidence, he began to maneuver the board more smoothly, riding the waves with increasing skill. The giant squid sent a particularly large wave his way, and Neville's face lit up with a mix of fear and excitement. He crouched low, gripping the board tightly as the wave lifted him higher.

"Come on, Neville!" Hermione called out, her eyes wide with admiration. "You've got this!"

Neville's heart pounded as he rose to the crest of the wave. He felt the exhilarating rush of adrenaline as he balanced on the peak, then expertly navigated the descent. The group erupted in applause, their cheers louder than ever.

"Brilliant, Neville!" Tracey yelled, her face beaming with pride. "That was amazing!"

Neville's face broke into a wide grin as he successfully rode the wave back to shore. He jumped off the board, his friends rushing to congratulate him.

"That was incredible, Neville!" Ginny exclaimed, giving him a high-five. "You're a natural!"

Neville blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks, everyone. I can't believe I did it."

Harry clapped him on the back, a proud smile on his face. "You did great, Neville. That was some impressive surfing."

As the excitement of Neville's success filled the air, the group decided to take turns surfing the big waves one by one, each of them eager to try their hand at riding the waves. The giant squid, seemingly enjoying the interaction, continued to create perfect waves for them.

Daphne stepped up next, her competitive spirit shining through. "Alright, my turn," she announced confidently, taking the board from Neville. She adjusted her stance and, with a determined look, set off onto the water.

Daphne's balance and agility were immediately apparent. She navigated the waves with ease, her movements graceful and fluid. The group cheered her on, impressed by her skill.

"Go, Daphne!" Pansy shouted, her voice filled with excitement. "Show them how the girls do it!"

As the day wore on, each friend took their turn, laughing and cheering each other on. The camaraderie and shared experience brought them even closer, the lake echoing with their joyful shouts and laughter.

Fred and George decided to up the ante. They conjured a series of small, playful waves aimed at each other, turning their surfing session into a friendly competition. The group watched in amusement as the twins tried to outdo each other with increasingly daring moves.

"Typical Fred and George," Luna said dreamily, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Always finding a way to make things even more fun."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the lake, the group gathered on the shore, exhausted but happy. 

Daphne, still a bit flushed, smiled at Harry. "You know, you can take a break every now and then. We'll be here."

Harry nodded, appreciating her concern. "I know, but there's something important I need to finish."

Tracey let out a playful boo, clearly not happy by Harry's secrecy. She knew well enough by now that if Harry was keeping something to himself, it meant it was dangerous. She also understood that he would soon be off on another adventure, and moments like these, filled with fun and laughter, might not come around often.

"Come on, Harry, tell us what you're working on," Tracey teased, her tone playful but with an undercurrent of genuine curiosity.

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Not this time, Tracey. It's better if I keep this one under wraps for now."

Daphne rolled her eyes, but her smile was understanding. "We get it, Harry. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too." She then nudged Tracey, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You know, if Harry's keeping it a secret, it's probably something amazing."

"Or dangerous," Susan added, her brow furrowed with concern. "Harry, promise us you'll be careful."

"I will," Harry assured them, feeling the weight of their concern and affection. "I've got you to keep me in check."


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