Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch224- A Day Out With Sirius

Ch224- A Day Out With Sirius

The next day, Harry left the house after a hearty breakfast with Petunia, Misty, and Crookshanks. He arrived in London, and as he walked into one of the bustling cafes, he spotted Sirius Black. The transformation was remarkable; the gaunt, haunted look had been replaced with a healthy, vibrant demeanor. Sirius's hair was neatly trimmed, and he wore a relaxed, confident smile that made him look years younger. Currently he was flirting with a waitress. 

As Sirius caught sight of Harry, his eyes lit up with genuine warmth. "Harry, you arrived!" he called out, rising from his seat and striding towards him.

Harry returned the smile, though it was more measured. "Hey, Sirius," he greeted, closing the distance between them. 

Despite the outward display of affection, Harry hadn't completely forgiven Sirius for past actions, but he was adept at concealing his true emotions.

Sirius pulled him into a brief, firm hug, clapping him on the back. "It's good to see you, kid."

Harry nodded, stepping back. "You too. You look... well," he said, glancing over Sirius's fit form.

Sirius chuckled, a hint of his old mischief glinting in his eyes. "A bit of good food and regular exercise do wonders. Plus, the company of lovely ladies," he added with a wink, nodding towards the waitress who had been hovering nearby, clearly charmed by Sirius's attention.

The waitress, a young woman with auburn hair and a shy smile, blushed and hurried back to the counter. Harry noted the ease with which Sirius interacted with her. He heard Sirius's reputation, so he wasn't surprised.

"Why don't we sit down?" Sirius suggested, gesturing to the table he had been occupying.

Harry followed him, taking a seat opposite his godfather. The café was cozy, with soft chatter filling the air. It provided a semblance of normalcy, a brief respite from the chaos that often surrounded Harry's life.

"So, how's everything been?" Sirius asked, leaning forward with genuine interest.

Harry shrugged, keeping his tone light. "Busy, as usual. School, Quidditch, you know the drill."

Sirius laughed. "I remember those days. Though I imagine you have a bit more on your plate than I ever did."

Their conversation drifted naturally from one topic to another, touching upon the mundane details of everyday life at Hogwarts. Quidditch matches were dissected with enthusiasm, each player’s performance critiqued and praised. They talked about the latest gossip and events, the recent pranks by Fred and George, and the success of the Dueling Club.

Despite the ease of their conversation, an unspoken tension lingered. Harry had hoped for an apology, some acknowledgment of the past mistakes, but it never came. Instead, Sirius seemed oblivious, treating Harry more as an old friend than as a godson who had been left behind in a time of need.

Harry sighed inwardly, accepting that Sirius saw no fault in his actions. To Sirius, leaving an infant Harry beside the bodies of his parents to chase down Peter Pettigrew was justified. This was the crux of their relationship; Sirius would always be James's best friend first and foremost, and Harry had to adjust his relation with this man accordingly. From now on, Harry would view Sirius not as a godfather, but as his father's best friend—a link to a past he could barely remember.

Nigel's voice echoed in his mind, dripping with dry humor. "It appears, Master Harry, that your godfather has a somewhat selective memory. Perhaps he believes that bygones should be bygones without ever addressing them."

Harry's lips twitched into a small smile. "Seems like it, Nigel. But it's not worth dwelling on. Sirius will be what he is. I have other things to focus on."

As their conversation continued, Harry found himself relaxing despite the unresolved issues. Sirius had a way of making the present moment enjoyable, even if his perspective on the past was flawed.

Soon, Sirius noticed a mother and daughter enjoying the sunny day in London, sitting not far from them. The daughter, around Harry's age, played with a small toy while her mother watched over her with a soft smile. Winking at Harry, Sirius leaned over and began chatting with the mother. Harry watched as Sirius effortlessly engaged her in conversation, his charm evident in the woman's smile.

As their conversation progressed, Sirius learned that her husband had sadly passed away. Seizing the moment, he turned on his flirtatious charm, all while subtly signaling Harry to talk with the girl. Harry sighed, noting the waitress from earlier looking at Sirius with a mixture of resentment and sadness. It dawned on him that Sirius had a habit of breaking hearts. While Harry didn’t judge, he didn't particularly like it either.

Deciding to make the best of the situation, he turned his focus to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Harry," he said, offering a friendly smile.

The girl smiled back shyly. "Hi, I'm Emma. Do you come here often?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm studying at a boarding school a little outside of Britain. I'm here for the summer. How about you?"

Emma smiled, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. "I live here with my mom. We moved here a few years ago. Do you like your school?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, it's interesting. There's always something happening. What about you? Do you go to school around here?"

Emma nodded. "Yes, it's just a regular school, though. Nothing special." She glanced over at her mom, who was still deep in conversation with Sirius. "It must be nice to go somewhere different."

"It is," Harry agreed, careful not to reveal too much. "There's a lot to learn and explore. Do you have any hobbies?"

Emma's face brightened. "I love to read and draw. Sometimes I help my mom in the garden. What about you?"

"I like reading too," Harry replied, thinking of the countless hours spent in the Hogwarts library. "And I play a sport at my school."

Emma's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What kind of sport?"

Harry smiled, keeping his response vague. "It's a bit like football, but with some unique twists. You could say it keeps me on my toes, or off of them, in a way."

Emma giggled. "Sounds interesting! Maybe you'll teach me some day?"

Harry chuckled softly. "Maybe I will."

Their conversation was interrupted by Sirius, who had wrapped up his flirtatious banter. "Harry, how about you keep Emma company while Ms. Hart and I have a closer talk?"

Harry rolled his eyes, glancing at Emma who looked puzzled, while Ms. Hart blushed deeply. The waitress in the background looked sullen, clearly upset by Sirius's antics. It seemed Emma hadn't yet received any sex education, despite being the same age as Harry, as she had no idea what was going on. Harry envied her innocence, wishing he didn’t understand Sirius's intentions. This was their first meeting since Sirius's release from Azkaban, yet he had abandoned Harry, again, just to chase after women.

Sighing helplessly, Harry turned to Emma and said, "How about a movie, Emma?"

Her face lit up with a smile. "Sure, that sounds fun! What do you want to watch?"

"Anything you like," Harry replied, grateful for the distraction. "Do you have a favorite?"

Emma thought for a moment, then her eyes sparkled with excitement. "How about a comedy? I love to laugh."

"Comedy it is," Harry agreed, leading her toward the cinema not far from the café. They picked a movie and settled into their seats, the dim lights creating a cozy atmosphere.

Emma giggled at the funny scenes, her laughter infectious. Harry found himself relaxing. When the movie ended, they stepped out into the bright café once more. Emma looked up at Harry, her eyes full of curiosity. "You know, you're really interesting, Harry. Like, you have some mystery air around you, you know."

Harry chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "I could say the same about you, Emma. You're pretty cool yourself."

She blushed at the compliment. "Thanks. Maybe we can hang out again sometime?"

"I'd like that," Harry said sincerely. "It was nice spending time with you."

Returning, they found Ms. Hart and Sirius waiting in front of the café, both laughing. Upon seeing Harry, Sirius was elated. He winked and approached Harry, clapping him on the back. "Good boy," he praised, but Harry didn't care. 

Instead, Harry turned his attention to Ms. Hart. "You left your daughter with a stranger for a fleeting, casual fling," he said in a low, controlled tone, ensuring only she could hear. "I'm not here to judge your choices, but you should be more careful. Emma deserves better."

Ms. Hart's smile faded, and she looked taken aback, perhaps even ashamed. Without waiting for a response, Harry turned on his heel and walked away, not caring whether Sirius followed or not.

As they walked, Nigel's voice filled Harry's mind. "Master Harry, your knack for delivering pointed truths is quite impressive. Though I must say, it’s a rare pleasure to see you play the role of moral compass."

Harry smirked inwardly. "Someone had to say it. She was reckless."

"And you did so with all the subtlety of a Bludger," Nigel quipped, the humor in his voice unmistakable.

He walked in silence for a moment before Sirius caught up, a frown marring his features. "What's up with you, Harry?" he asked, a hint of irritation in his voice. "Haven't I been considerate? I left the daughter and took the mother."

Harry was about to respond when he realized it was useless. He and Sirius had nothing in common. There was no reason to explain what had upset him. "It's nothing, Sirius. How was the close talk?" he asked, feigning interest.

Sirius grinned and began to describe his conversation, slipping into a tone Harry recognized all too well. "Oh, it was quite enjoyable. She was very receptive, if you know what I mean. We discussed a few... intimate details."

Harry nodded occasionally, keeping his expression neutral as Sirius continued with more suggestive comments. The details were explicit enough to make Harry uncomfortable, but he managed to maintain a facade of interest to keep Sirius talking and distracted.

Nigel’s voice echoed in his mind. "Master Harry, it seems your godfather has a rather singular focus. Perhaps his idea of bonding is somewhat... limited."

Harry responded mentally, "No kidding, Nigel. Let's just get through this."

As Sirius rambled on, Harry’s thoughts drifted to more pressing matters. Sirius's laughter and crude jokes barely registered as Harry's mind worked through the strategies he would need to employ.

Finally, the conversation died down, and they parted ways. Sirius went off, likely in search of another fleeting distraction, while Harry made his way back to Privet Drive.

The site ruined my cover I worked so hard on, so I will just put another one here.



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