Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch226- Wizarding Nigeria

Ch226- Wizarding Nigeria

Elisabetta turned to her son. "Blaise, darling, why don't you go ahead and take care of our arrangements inside? I'd like a moment with Harry."

Blaise nodded, giving Harry a knowing look before heading into the Ministry. As he walked away, Harry felt a shift in the atmosphere, Elisabetta’s gaze sharpening with a calculated curiosity.

“Harry, I’ve heard quite a bit about you from my son,” she began, her tone smooth and practiced. “It’s impressive how you’ve managed to navigate the complexities of our world at such a young age.”

Harry, ever cautious, responded with a polite smile. “Thank you, Mrs. Zabini. I’ve had good mentors and friends along the way.”

Elisabetta’s eyes gleamed with interest. “Indeed. Blaise speaks highly of your abilities and your... resourcefulness. It’s rare to find someone who can balance power with subtlety.”

Harry knew she was probing, testing his reactions. “Resourcefulness is essential in our world, especially when dealing with the unexpected,” he replied evenly.

She smiled, a touch of admiration in her expression. “You’re quite right. It’s a quality that will serve you well, especially with the challenges you’ll face.”

Nigel’s voice chimed in Harry’s mind. “Master Harry, it appears Mrs. Zabini is quite the inquisitor. Be wary of her intentions.”

Harry mentally chuckled. “I’m aware, Nigel."

Elisabetta continued, her tone shifting to a more personal note. “You know, Harry, Blaise and I have always believed in the importance of strong alliances. It’s the backbone of our society.”

Harry nodded, understanding the underlying message. “I agree. Strong alliances and trust are invaluable.”

She looked pleased with his response. “Exactly. Trust and mutual respect. It’s what binds us together.” She paused, her gaze piercing. “And it’s something I hope we can extend between our families.”

Harry considered her words carefully. “I appreciate the sentiment, Mrs. Zabini. Trust and respect are earned over time, through actions and shared experiences.”

Elisabetta’s smile widened, genuine approval in her eyes. “Well said, Harry. I believe you and Blaise will achieve great things together.”

Blaise returned at that moment, a folder in hand. “Everything’s set, Mother. We can proceed whenever Harry is ready.”

Harry took the folder, glancing at the contents. “Thank you, Blaise. Let’s get started then.”

Inside the Ministry, Harry and Blaise walked through the bustling corridors, heading toward the designated portkey station. Elisabetta Zabini followed closely behind, her presence commanding respect and attention from those they passed. Her elegant stride and confident demeanor made it clear she was not someone to be underestimated.

As they reached the portkey station, a Ministry official greeted them, checking their documents and verifying their destination. The official handed them a worn, old scarf that would serve as their portkey.

"Hold on tightly," the official instructed. "The portkey will activate in three... two... one..."

A sudden jerk pulled Harry off his feet, and the world around him blurred into a whirl of colors and sounds. When he landed, he stumbled slightly, catching himself before he fell. They had arrived in Spain.

The transition was seamless, the warm Mediterranean air a stark contrast to the cool, bustling atmosphere of the Ministry. Mrs. Zabini took charge, leading them through the Spanish wizarding customs with the same grace and authority she had displayed in Britain.

They would stay in Spain for a day, both to complete the paperwork for the next portkey and to acclimate themselves, as continuous portkey travel was strenuous even for seasoned wizards. During their stay in Spain, Mrs. Zabini, who had extensively traveled across the country, would guide them around.

“Harry, Blaise, let’s start with some of the local highlights,” Mrs. Zabini suggested with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with the enthusiasm of a seasoned traveler. “Spain is full of magic, both literal and figurative, and I know just the places to show you.”

As they strolled through the sunlit streets of Madrid, Mrs. Zabini pointed out various historical landmarks and quaint local shops. Her knowledge of the area was evident, and Harry found himself appreciating the beauty and history that surrounded them.

They visited Plaza Mayor, where Mrs. Zabini regaled them with tales of the square's history and its importance in Spanish culture. The vibrant market stalls, filled with colorful goods and delicious aromas, captivated Harry’s senses. He marveled at the rich tapestry of life around him, soaking in the new experiences.

In the afternoon, they wandered through Retiro Park, where the lush greenery and serene lake provided a peaceful respite from the bustling city. They rented a small boat, and as they floated on the calm waters, Mrs. Zabini continued to share her extensive knowledge of Spain’s magical and non-magical heritage.

“Did you know,” she began, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone, “that there’s a hidden magical enclave right here in Madrid? It’s a well-kept secret among the local wizarding community.”

Harry’s curiosity was piqued. “Really? What’s it like?”

Mrs. Zabini smiled enigmatically. “It’s a place of wonder, Harry. Filled with shops selling rare magical artifacts and books. If we have time, perhaps I’ll take you there.”

By evening, they found themselves in a cozy tapas bar, enjoying a variety of traditional Spanish dishes. The lively atmosphere, coupled with the delicious food, made for a memorable experience. Blaise and Harry listened intently as Mrs. Zabini recounted her travels across Spain, each story more fascinating than the last.

Mrs. Zabini glanced at the duo and said, "This is as far as I will take you boys." She then turned to Blaise, embracing him in a hug. Blaise looked slightly embarrassed but hugged her back nonetheless. To Harry's surprise, she then approached him and pulled him into a warm embrace, pressing his head to her ample bosom.

"Remember, Harry, we are friends now. Don't be a stranger," she said with a smile. Harry, feeling a mix of awkwardness and appreciation, nodded as she released him.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zabini," Harry responded politely, stepping back and giving her a respectful nod.

Mrs. Zabini smiled warmly at both boys before turning and walking away, her graceful figure disappearing into the bustling crowd.

"Well, that was unexpected," Harry remarked, adjusting his bag.

Blaise chuckled, shaking his head. "You get used to it. She's always been very... affectionate."

Harry nodded, still processing the encounter. "Let's get moving. We have a lot to do."

The familiar tug behind Harry's navel signaled the beginning of their journey. In an instant, the bustling city of Madrid faded away, replaced by the vibrant sights and sounds of Nigeria.

As Harry surveyed his surroundings, he couldn't help but be astonished. "Is this the equivalent of the Ministry in Nigeria?" he asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Blaise nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Sort of, but it's more like a giant tribe. The highest rank here is the Spiritual Chieftain, a title that holds immense respect and authority."

Harry observed the vibrant scene before him. Unlike the formal and structured Ministry of Magic in Britain, this place was bustling with life and activity, brimming with a sense of community and tradition. The open area was filled with various huts and larger communal buildings made of natural materials, all intricately decorated with symbols and patterns that spoke of ancient magic and deep cultural significance.

Men and women dressed in colorful robes moved about, some carrying out tasks that seemed both mundane and magical. There were healers tending to the sick with potions and spells, craftsmen creating beautiful artifacts imbued with enchantments, and elders teaching young wizards and witches about their heritage and the secrets of their magic.

Nigel's voice broke through Harry's thoughts, maintaining its usual sharpness. "Master Harry, it seems we have stumbled upon a unique fusion of tradition and magic. Quite different from the bureaucratic corridors you're used to, isn't it?"

Harry mentally agreed, fascinated by the harmonious blend of the magical and the everyday. "It's incredible, Nigel. There's so much life here."


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