Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch234- Different Philosophy

Ch234- Different Philosophy

Harry found this concept fascinating. The idea of a wand evolving alongside its wizard was a stark contrast to the rigid compatibility tests he had undergone with Ollivander. It was yet another example of the diverse ways magic was practiced around the world.

Harry walked to the table and examined the wands. Similar to Ollivander's, these wands had animal cores, but they weren’t 'sentient' like he was used to. Ollivander’s wands had personalities that either resonated with or clashed against the user. These wands, on the other hand, were blank slates, meant to grow and evolve with their owner. It was a fascinating concept.

“I might get one for myself,” Harry said, intrigued by the idea of a wand that would develop alongside him.

Mrs. Zabini smiled, clearly pleased with his interest. “Then let me take you to the best wand shop in all of Spain.”

They made their way through the bustling market, weaving between stalls filled with enchanted trinkets and magical artifacts. The air was alive with the hum of magical energy, each shop displaying its unique wares. As they walked, Harry observed the diversity of items, from enchanted jewelry to potions that promised extraordinary effects. The atmosphere was vibrant and full of wonder.

Mrs. Zabini led them to a small, unassuming shop at the end of the market. The sign above the door read "La Varita Magica." Inside, the walls were lined with beautifully crafted wands, each displayed with meticulous care. The shop had an air of quiet reverence, a place where the art of wandmaking was respected and cherished.

As they stepped into the shop, a sharp, middle-aged woman with an air of authority greeted them. Her dark hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and she wore an elegant, yet practical dress adorned with subtle but intricate embroidery. Her posture exuded confidence, and her piercing eyes seemed to take in every detail with a single glance. She carried herself with a proud, almost regal demeanor, suggesting a deep-seated pride in her craft and heritage.

"Bienvenidos," she said, her voice smooth and commanding. "Welcome to La Varita Mágica. I am Señora Valencia, the master wandmaker here."

"Thank you for having us," Mrs. Zabini responded with a polite smile. "We are here to find a special wand for Harry."

Señora Valencia's gaze shifted to Harry then to his forearm, her eyes narrowing slightly. "A British wand, I presume?" she inquired, her tone betraying a hint of disdain. "I can sense it from here. Such wands often lack the finesse and elegance of our craft."

Harry couldn't help but find her attitude amusing, knowing how Ollivander's wands were held in high regard in Britain. "Yes, my current wand is from Ollivander's," he replied evenly. "But I'm curious to see what makes your wands different."

Valencia's lips curled into a slight smile. "Ollivander is a decent craftsman, but he focuses too much on compatibility from the start. Our wands, however, grow and evolve with their owner. They start as blank slates, allowing the wizard to imprint their magical signature over time."

Harry nodded, intrigued. "That sounds fascinating. I'd like to try one."

Valencia led them to a display case filled with beautifully crafted wands. Each wand was unique, with intricate designs and carvings that reflected the artistry of the wandmaker. "These wands are made from the finest woods and cores, chosen for their ability to adapt and bond with the wizard," she explained, picking up a slender wand with a spiraled handle. "Try this one, made from Spanish oak and infused with dragon heartstring."

Harry took the wand and felt a warm sensation flow through his fingers. He gave it a small wave, and a shower of golden sparks erupted from the tip. "It feels different," he remarked. "More... responsive."

Valencia's eyes gleamed with pride. "Precisely. Our wands are designed to be an extension of the wizard, not just a tool. With time, this wand will become uniquely yours, reflecting your growth and magical prowess."

Harry looked intrigued. "I'd like to try a few," he said, his eyes scanning the wands displayed before him.

Señora Valencia’s sharp gaze softened just slightly as she nodded. Despite her stern demeanor, she was clearly proud of her craft. "Of course," she said, handing him a beautifully carved wand made of Mediterranean oak and Unicorn hair. "Try this one."

Harry grasped the wand and gave it a wave. A few pure white sparks fizzled from the tip, but the connection felt off, not quite right. He shook his head and handed it back. In Ollivander terms, there was compatibility, yet it felt somehow off.

Valencia frowned slightly, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Rigid British wand-selection. I can see all these wands are responding to you. But if you wish to try, perhaps this one," she suggested, picking up another wand, this time made of olive wood with a phoenix feather core.

Again, Harry felt the connection, but it wasn't strong enough. The wand responded, but not in the way he expected. "No, not this one either," he said, returning it to her.

Valencia's expression grew more curious and at the same time irritated. She handed him a fourth wand, made of ebony with a unicorn hair core. Harry tried it, but the response was still lackluster.

"Why try my wands if you still seek connection," Valencia mused, a hint of tiredness creeping into her voice. "But I can at least say you are compatible with almost all my wands. Your fame is not in vain. Let us try something less conventional."

Señora Valencia walked to the back of the shop, where the most exquisite wands were displayed. Unlike the others, these wands were crafted from unique and lesser-known materials, clearly the best the shop could offer.

“These wands are not for every wizard,” she said, her tone taking on a note of pride. “They are made from materials that are rare and possess unique properties. Only those with a deep understanding of their own magic can truly benefit from them.”

Harry’s interest was piqued. He watched as Valencia carefully selected a wand made of mahogany with a core of Thunderbird tail feather. She handed it to Harry, who felt a surge of power the moment he touched it.

“Try this one,” she said, watching him closely.

Harry gave the wand a gentle flick, and a burst of electric-blue sparks shot out, illuminating the room with a brilliant light. He felt a different sensation, and he was almost about to purchase that one, but he still wanted to try others.

Valencia nodded thoughtfully, taking the wand back. “You have a unique magical signature, Harry. Let’s try something even rarer.”

She reached for a wand made of blackthorn with a core of Rougarou hair. This time, the moment Harry held it, a deep, resonant hum filled the air, and a silver mist swirled around him.

“This is closer,” Harry noted, feeling the wand’s power aligning with his own.

Valencia’s eyes lit up. “You have a strong affinity for ancient and powerful magic. Let’s see if we can find the perfect match.”

Señora Valencia handed him a wand made of yew, with a core of hair from a Thestral’s tail. Harry felt a slight connection but still, something was off. "Thank you, Señora Valencia. All these wands are masterfully crafted and fit me quite well, but I feel there's still something missing. Perhaps it's my own lack of appreciation for such amazing craftsmanship. Please forgive any offense."

Valencia gave him a knowing smile. "It is not that, Harry. If it were blind pride in your own culture, I wouldn't even try. I see you are deeply attuned to your magic and respect it greatly, which is why you can sense the subtle feedback that most wouldn't feel with our wands. Despite the compatibility, you feel it's just not the right fit." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "There is one more wand I have, but I doubt it will work. It's not amazing or rare; on the contrary, it is as simple as it can be."


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