Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch241- A Cat?

Ch241- A Cat?

After some convincing, the group agreed and they made their way to a nearby fast food joint. The moment they stepped inside, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, causing their stomachs to rumble in anticipation. They managed to push several tables together, creating a long one where they could all sit comfortably.

"Alright, let’s order," Harry said, picking up a menu. "We’ll have burgers, pizzas, tacos, and a bit of everything."

The others looked around, intrigued by the unfamiliar setting. Hermione, being Muggle-born, explained the various items on the menu to those who weren’t accustomed to Muggle cuisine. The food arrived quickly, and soon the table was filled with an array of delicious dishes.

Harry's closest friends for the past two years, Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Susan, and Hannah, had already tasted these delicious foods. But Ginny, Luna, and the others had never eaten some of the food on the table. Pansy was as cynical as ever.

"Oh, come on, Pansy, give it a try," Harry urged, nudging her with a playful smirk. "You might actually like it."

Pansy rolled her eyes but reached for a slice of pizza nonetheless. "I doubt it, Potter, but I suppose I can humor you."

The group settled into their seats, enjoying the different flavors and textures of the Muggle food. Ginny took a tentative bite of a burger, her eyes widening in surprise. "This is actually really good!"

Luna, always eager to explore new tastes, savored the taco with a delighted smile. "What a delightful medley of flavors! It's like a culinary adventure in every bite."

Fred and George couldn't resist making a show of trying everything on the table. "We could open a Muggle food stand in Diagon Alley," Fred suggested, grinning. "Think of the possibilities!"

George nodded enthusiastically. "We'd make a fortune! Imagine the look on Mum's face when we tell her we've gone into the fast food business."

Amidst the laughter, Pansy leaned in toward Harry, her usual snarky demeanor softened just a bit but still wouldn't accept out loud. "I have to admit, Harry, this isn't half bad."

Harry chuckled, "Fool, you fell right into my trap. I will get you addicted to Muggle fast food, then brainwash you into treating me all the time."

Pansy rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Dream on, Potter. I'm not that easy to manipulate."

As they ate, the conversation shifted to their upcoming school year and the potential adventures and challenges they might face. Fred and George entertained everyone with their latest prank ideas, while Hermione and Daphne discussed the academic courses they were looking forward to.

Harry looked at the twins and Ginny. "When are you leaving for Egypt?"

Ginny's eyes lit up with excitement. "In two days, for a week. I can't wait to see the pyramids and all the magical history there!"

Fred grinned. "Yeah, and don't forget the treasure hunts. We're planning to explore some ancient tombs."

George chimed in, "Maybe we'll bring back some cursed artifacts for a bit of fun."

Hermione frowned, her brow furrowing with concern. "Be careful, you two. Egyptian curses are no joke. You could get into serious trouble."

Fred and George exchanged mischievous glances. "We'll be careful, Hermione. Besides, we've got Bill with us. He knows his way around curses."

Cedric, who had been quietly listening, perked up. "Just make sure you bring back something interesting for me. I want to hear all about your adventures."

Ginny nodded eagerly. "I'll take lots of pictures and notes. It'll be like our own little magical history lesson."

Harry nodded, "I plan to visit Egypt myself, maybe next year."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "A different country every summer, eh, Harry?"

Harry chuckled, "The world is vast, Pansy. Gotta start early if I want to see it all."

Neville, his curiosity piqued, asked, "Why Egypt, Harry? Planning to uncover some ancient magical secrets?"

Harry grinned, "Something like that. There's a lot to learn from different magical cultures."

Hermione, always eager for knowledge, added, "The magical history of Egypt is fascinating. I'd love to join you if you ever go."

Luna, finishing her burger, said, "Count me in too. The idea of exploring ancient tombs sounds thrilling."

As the sun began to set on their day of adventures, Harry and his friends slowly made their way back to the Leaky Cauldron. The group, filled with laughter and chatter, lingered for a while longer before saying their goodbyes, knowing they wouldn't see each other again until the start of the school term. With warm farewells and promises to meet again soon, they parted ways.

Upon returning home, Harry settled into a routine of studying and spending time with Aunt Petunia. The days passed quickly, and before he knew it, the end of August was upon them. On the 31st of August, just a day before he was set to leave for his third year at Hogwarts, Harry received an unexpected call from Hermione.

"Hi, Harry," Hermione's voice crackled through the phone. Despite having access to magical communication methods, they still enjoyed the simplicity of a phone call now and then. "I was thinking about getting a new pet. You know how much I adore Crookshanks, but he's yours. I thought maybe you could help me find a cat?"

Harry, who had planned to spend the day relaxing, couldn't help but smile at Hermione's enthusiasm. "Sure, Hermione. How about we meet at the Leaky Cauldron this afternoon?"

"That sounds perfect," Hermione replied, her excitement evident even through the phone. They quickly wrapped up the call, and Harry prepared to head out.

By early afternoon, Harry arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. The familiar hustle and bustle of the magical pub was comforting. He spotted Hermione waiting by the entrance, a bright smile on her face.

"Ready to find your new companion?" Harry asked as he approached her.

Hermione nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. I can't wait to see what we find."

Together, they set off for Magical Menagerie, the renowned pet shop in Diagon Alley. As they walked, they chatted about their summers and the upcoming school year. The conversation flowed easily, their excitement about returning to Hogwarts bubbling over.

Inside the Magical Menagerie, the air was filled with the sounds of various magical creatures. Birds chirped, cats meowed, and strange, exotic animals made noises Harry couldn't even identify. Hermione's eyes widened with wonder as she took in the sight of all the different animals.

A friendly shopkeeper approached them with a warm smile. "How can I help you today?"

"We're looking for a cat," Hermione explained. "Something special."

The shopkeeper nodded knowingly. "You've come to the right place. We have a wonderful selection. Follow me."

As they walked through the aisles, Harry and Hermione observed various cats, each with unique features. Hermione was particularly drawn to a sleek, silver-furred cat with striking green eyes.

"This one is beautiful," she whispered, reaching out to pet the cat, who responded with a gentle purr.

Harry watched with a smile. "I think you've found your match."

The shopkeeper gave them some information about the cat, explaining its magical abilities and care requirements. Hermione, ever the diligent student, listened intently and asked thoughtful questions.

After making her decision, Hermione purchased the cat and a few essential supplies. With her new companion nestled comfortably in her arms, they left the shop and headed back to the Leaky Cauldron for a celebratory drink.

Harry and Hermione settled into a cozy corner of the Leaky Cauldron, their butterbeers fizzing gently. The bustling pub around them faded into the background as they focused on their conversation.

Hermione's eyes sparkled as she talked about the new subjects she was eager to dive into. "I'm particularly excited about Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. They're both so fascinating! And then there's Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies."

Harry raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "How many electives are you taking, Hermione?"

Hermione looked away briefly, her smile faltering. "Oh, the usual amount. Just like everyone else," she said, a little too quickly.

Harry narrowed his eyes, sensing something amiss. He knew Hermione well enough to recognize when she was hiding something, but he decided not to push her further. "Alright, if you say so," he replied casually, though his mind was already pondering the possible reasons for her secrecy.

In previous years, elective schedules often clashed, making it difficult to take more than a few. Harry thought that maybe Hermione had some inside information about the schedule, ensuring her electives wouldn't overlap. After seeing Hermione off at the bus station, he lazily called for Misty to apparate him back home, avoiding the bus ride himself. Returning home, he embraced his "sacred duty" of relaxing on his last day of summer vacation.


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