Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch256- Green Powder

Ch256- Green Powder

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

For now, Harry decided to keep this ability under wraps. It wasn’t something to be used lightly, and he would only reveal it when the time was right. The thought of using Riddle's face to manipulate the darker elements of the wizarding world gave him a sense of control that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Harry could be whoever he needed to be to get what he wanted. And if that meant becoming Tom Riddle for a time, so be it.

Chuckling to himself, Harry closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of rest. The school year had just started, and while there was much to be done, he knew he had time. There was no immediate need to rush into action. Leaving school wasn't an option anyway; his plans required patience, and Hogwarts was the perfect place to gather resources and information. For now, he would only probe.

The next day, Harry woke up early and had a quick breakfast in the kitchen instead of waiting for the official breakfast time. The house-elves, always eager to please, happily prepared a quick snack for him. After filling his stomach, Harry made his way through the castle corridors, slipping under the Invisibility Cloak once he reached a less traveled area. The cloak, as always, made him completely invisible, the perfect tool for someone who needed to move undetected.

During his early explorations with the Marauder's Map, "borrowed" from the Weasley twins, Harry had discovered countless secret passages within Hogwarts, some leading to unexpected places. Today, he intended to use one of these passages, a route that led directly to Hogsmeade.

Normally, Harry would avoid sneaking out like this. His fame made it tricky to move unnoticed, and if anyone caught sight of him outside the castle, especially in Hogsmeade, it would raise questions he wasn't prepared to answer.

Before entering the passage, Harry made a few subtle changes to his appearance. With a flick of his fingers, his jet-black hair turned a deep brown, and his emerald green eyes darkened to a more muted shade. His height increased slightly, just enough to make him look older, less like a student. His school robes shifted into a more generic, less noticeable set of robes, making him blend in better with the crowd he might encounter.

The entrance to the passage was hidden beneath the Whomping Willow, a dangerous tree with a mind of its own. But Harry knew how to freeze it in place, having done so before. He approached cautiously, using the method he'd learned to temporarily immobilize the tree. With the path clear, he slipped into the secret tunnel that would take him to the Shrieking Shack, and from there, into Hogsmeade.

As he neared the end of the passage, the faint sounds of Hogsmeade began to reach his ears—muffled conversations, the clinking of shop signs in the morning breeze, and the distant laughter of early risers. Harry paused just before exiting the tunnel, taking a moment to adjust his clothes once more, ensuring everything was in place.

With a final deep breath, he stepped out of the tunnel and into the Shrieking Shack. The old, decrepit building creaked under his weight, but Harry paid it no mind. He knew it well and quickly found the exit that led to the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

Blending into the early morning crowd was easy enough. With his altered appearance and the Invisibility Cloak tucked away, Harry moved through the village, careful to keep a low profile. He had a few things to take care of, and he preferred to do them without drawing unnecessary attention.

Harry considered summoning Misty to take him to Diagon Alley but quickly dismissed the idea. House-elves were too easily recognizable, and he had no intention of revealing his identity for something so trivial. Instead, he made his way to the Three Broomsticks.

Once inside the bustling pub —which was quite a shock early in the morning— Harry took a moment to observe the atmosphere. The warm glow from the lanterns illuminated the faces of witches and wizards engaged in lively conversation that probably continued since previous night. He approached the bar, catching the attention of the bartender with a subtle nod.

As Harry approached the bar, the barmaid—a robust witch with a warm, welcoming smile—caught sight of him. "I don't believe I've seen you around here before, love. New in town?" she asked, her eyes curiously studying his unfamiliar appearance.

Harry gave her a charming smile, one that he had seen on Tom Riddle's face too many times. "Just passing through," he replied smoothly, his tone carrying a hint of mystery. "I'm half-British, half-Spanish, and I’ve only recently come to Britain for business."

The barmaid’s interest piqued as she leaned slightly closer, her curiosity evident. "What kind of business might that be?"

"Nothing too exciting," Harry said with a casual shrug, keeping his tone light. "Just some dealings that require me to travel quite a bit. But while I’m here, I thought I’d enjoy some of what this lovely country has to offer."

Her smile widened, clearly appreciating the compliment. "Well, you’ve come to the right place for that. What can I get you?"

"Actually," Harry began, reaching into his bag and pulling out a small, carefully wrapped package, "I brought something from home. Spanish delicacies. Perhaps you’d like to try some?"

The barmaid’s eyes lit up as she accepted the package. "How kind of you! I’ll make sure to share these with the staff. Now, what can I do for you in return?"

Harry smiled at the barmaid, feigning a shiver. "A warm Butterbeer, please. I can't seem to get used to the chill around here," he said, letting his tone carry a hint of discomfort, knowing it would prompt a sympathetic response.

The barmaid chuckled, her eyes twinkling as she moved to fetch his drink. "Oh, love, you'll get used to it soon enough. It's part of the charm, isn't it? Makes you appreciate a good fire and a warm drink."

Harry nodded, maintaining the facade of a traveler unfamiliar with the cold. As she handed him the steaming Butterbeer, he accepted it with a grateful smile. "Thank you. You know, this place has a certain warmth to it. The Three Broomsticks, right? I’ve heard stories, but nothing does it justice."

The barmaid beamed with pride. "Aye, it's a special place, alright. You never know who might walk through those doors. We get all sorts."

Harry took a sip, letting the warmth of the Butterbeer spread through him before leaning in slightly, as if sharing a secret. "Speaking of all sorts, I heard some troubling news on my way here. The breakout from Azkaban… Is it true that Bellatrix Lestrange and Peter Pettigrew were among them?"

The barmaid's cheerful demeanor dimmed, her expression growing serious. "Aye, it's true. Horrible business, that. The Ministry's in a right state, what with those monsters on the loose. Especially Bellatrix… She’s mad as a hatter and twice as dangerous."

Harry nodded, feigning concern. "It’s unsettling, especially since they’ve eluded capture for so long. You’d think the Ministry would have had a better handle on them by now."

The barmaid sighed, shaking her head. "You'd think so, but Azkaban’s not what it used to be. Dementors turning their cloaks, and the Ministry’s too busy trying to keep up appearances. It's a wonder we’re all still safe."

Harry allowed the conversation to linger for a moment before changing the topic with a disarming smile. "Speaking of the Ministry, do you know if there's a way to use that green powder from here? I’ve got some business to attend to there, and I thought I'd save myself the trouble of Apparating."

As Harry asked about the green powder, the room fell silent for a moment. Then, laughter erupted from a few nearby patrons who had overheard his question. One of them, a burly wizard with a thick mustache, slapped his knee and called out, "Green powder? You must be joking, mate! Never heard of Floo Powder, have you?"

The bartender chuckled as well, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, bless your heart. Does Spain not have Floo Powder, then?"

Harry kept his expression neutral. "No, we don't. We have other ways of travel, but nothing quite like this Floo Powder you speak of. Seems like I've got some catching up to do with your magical customs."

The bartender smiled, clearly enjoying the opportunity to share her knowledge. "It's simple, really. You just toss a pinch of Floo Powder into the fireplace, say where you're going, and step right in. It'll take you straight there. Safe and quick, though it can be a bit of a rough ride if you're not used to it."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds like just what I need. Thanks for the tip."

She waved him off with a warm grin. "Anytime, love. You just let me know if you need help finding your way around. We're all friends here."


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