Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch267- Tonks!

Ch267- Tonks!

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"Seymour, you little bitch, didn’t I tell you not to bring anyone new here?" Alecto sneered, her voice carrying a tone that made it clear she wasn’t in the mood for excuses.

Seymour stammered, clearly terrified, but before he could spit out a response, Harry’s gaze cut into him like a knife. So, this is what you conveniently forgot to mention, Harry thought, filing away Seymour’s oversight for later.

Harry quickly realized that the presence of these two was likely the only thing preventing the pub from devolving into chaos. He hadn’t known who they were until he discreetly activated the System function to gather more information.

[System Message: Alecto Carrow - Sibling to Amycus Carrow. Dangerous. Approach with caution.]

[System Message: Amycus Carrow - Sibling to Alecto Carrow. Highly dangerous. Exercise extreme caution.]

Seeing the names, Harry frowned slightly, recognizing the names. "Death Eaters." he called in his mind. Though he hadn’t encountered them personally, he had heard enough from his studies to know they weren’t the kind of people you wanted to cross. This was quickly turning into a situation that required a careful hand.

Seymour, visibly shaking now, tried to explain, “This is Albus Riddle, a Lord from the continent. He’s looking to make some connections.”

Alecto’s gaze narrowed as she sized up Harry, her beady eyes taking in every detail of his appearance. “A Lord, you say? Lord of what exactly?” Her tone carried more sarcasm than genuine curiosity, as if she was already dismissing him as another arrogant wizard with a title and nothing to back it up.

Harry chuckled lightly, but his eyes remained fixed on Alecto and her brother. He released just the faintest hint of Voldemort’s aura, a dark, suffocating presence that immediately changed the atmosphere in the room. It wasn’t enough to draw too much attention, but it made the Carrows stiffen slightly, their arrogance faltering.

“Lord of my ambitions, of course,” Harry said smoothly, his voice steady but with an edge that made it clear he wasn’t here to be toyed with. “What else would I be?”

The presence of Voldemort's aura had its intended effect. Alecto and Amycus, for a brief moment, felt the icy grip of fear tighten around their throats. The aura, dark and oppressive, wasn’t something they could easily dismiss. Though they hadn’t pursued their former master like Bellatrix and a few others, the memory of Voldemort’s power still lingered in their minds, buried deep but not forgotten.

As they looked into Harry’s eyes, something familiar and unsettling sparked a flicker of recognition. Could it really be him? The thought crossed their minds, but logic quickly took over. If it were truly the Dark Lord standing before them, they’d already be dead. This had to be a coincidence, some cruel trick of fate. Still, neither of them dared to take any chances.

Alecto’s cruel grin wavered, replaced by a tight-lipped nod. “Well, Lord Riddle,” she said, her voice carrying a newfound respect, albeit laced with suspicion. “What brings you to our little corner of the world?”

Harry, keeping his expression neutral, didn’t miss the shift in their demeanor. He had them on edge, just where he wanted them. “I’m here to make connections, as Seymour mentioned. But I’m also interested in information—something I believe you can help with.”

Amycus, who had been silent up until now, spoke up, his voice rough. “And what kind of information would that be?” He wasn’t as skilled at hiding his fear as his sister, but he tried to keep his tone steady.

“Bellatrix Lestrange,” Harry said simply, watching their reactions closely. Both Carrows stiffened at the mention of her name, their discomfort obvious.

“What do you want with her?” Alecto asked, her eyes narrowing. It was clear they didn’t like where this conversation was heading.

Harry didn’t offer any details. “Let’s just say I have my reasons. Now, are you going to be helpful, or am I wasting my time here?”

Alecto and Amycus exchanged a glance. It was a dangerous game they were playing, and they knew it. But the aura that lingered around Harry, that dark, oppressive force, made them wary of pushing him too far.

“No idea,” Amycus finally said, his voice low. “But there are whispers, rumors that she’s not around here.”

Harry nodded, considering the information. “Not around here, you say? Interesting.”

Alecto, sensing that the conversation was nearing its end, forced a smile. “If you’re looking to keep your head, Lord Riddle, I’d suggest being careful. Bellatrix isn’t someone you want to cross.”

Harry met her gaze, unflinching. “I appreciate the advice, but I think I’ll manage.”

Harry watch siblings walk away, then sat down on a barstool, his eyes scanning the room casually, though his mind was anything but relaxed. The pub was filled with the usual shady characters—people who wouldn’t hesitate to stab you in the back if it meant a quick Galleon. But that’s what made this place useful. If he was going to find anyone worth his time, it would be here.

He activated the system discreetly, glancing at each patron. The system fed him information quickly, tagging each person with details—small-time crooks, potion smugglers, a couple of fence sitters. Nothing too surprising, but it confirmed what he already knew. This place was crawling with the type of people he might need.

Harry’s main focus, however, wasn’t on the low-level criminals. He was here for two reasons: finding information on Bellatrix Lestrange and possibly recruiting someone with a bit more backbone than Seymour and his cronies.

His eyes landed on a man sitting in the corner, half-hidden in the shadows. The system flagged him as “Avery II—former Death Eater, low-level operative.” Harry’s interest piqued. Avery II was a name he’d heard before, someone who had slipped through the cracks after Voldemort’s fall. He was the type who might know more about Bellatrix’s whereabouts, and if not, he might still be useful in other ways.

Harry took a sip of his butterbeer, keeping his posture relaxed. It wouldn’t do to draw too much attention too soon. Avery II wasn’t going anywhere, and Harry had all night. He glanced around again, noting a few others who might be worth keeping an eye on. 

A woman at the bar caught Harry's attention. Her dark hair framed a sharp, calculating face, and something about her seemed familiar. The system identified her as Rosier—another name that sparked recognition in Harry's memory. 'Could she be related to Selena?' he wondered, recalling his former friend, the Serpent of the Crown before he took over.

Filing the name away for now, he returned at task of identifying every patron. As Harry scanned the room, his gaze fell on a man who seemed oddly out of place in the dark and shady environment of the pub. Something about him didn’t sit right with Harry. The man’s appearance was rough enough to blend in with the crowd, but there was something off—a faint sense of magic that felt out of sync with his surroundings. Harry couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but the man’s presence tugged at his senses in a way that was hard to ignore.

[System Message: Nymphadora Tonks, Auror-in-training. Malicious intent detected. Wants to report you in for your strange encounter with Carrow Siblings.]

Harry’s eyes narrowed slightly. Tonks? That name wasn’t one he recognized, and this “man” was far from what he seemed.

He discreetly allowed his Astral Soul to slip into the Astral Dimension. The world around him shifted, revealing its true nature. In this dimension, the “man” at the bar was suddenly replaced by the figure of a young woman. She had a heart-shaped face, short, spiky hair that seemed to shift colors subtly even in this form. This was no ordinary witch, she was a Metamorphmagus.

Surprised, Harry took a sip of his butterbeer, his mind quickly processing the situation. 'She was here before I even arrived, so her target isn’t me. Must be the Carrows. She’s probably sniffing around for info on Bellatrix, Rookwood, or Pettigrew. I made it obvious I was looking for Bellatrix on purpose—wanted her to know I was searching for her—but seems I’ve drawn some unwanted attention instead. Albus Riddle is a name I didn’t plan to let slip to Dumbledore just yet. Hopefully, this Tonks isn’t tied to him,' he thought, keeping his expression neutral.

As Harry pondered his next move, he casually shifted in his seat, trying to avoid drawing attention from anyone who might be watching. He knew he had to tread carefully. If Tonks suspected anything or decided to dig deeper, it could complicate things far more than he’d like. The last thing he needed was Dumbledore catching wind of his activities under this new alias.

Tonks—disguised as a rough-looking man—was sipping her drink and scanning the room. Harry could see her keeping a subtle eye on the Carrow siblings, who were still watching him warily. He needed to divert her attention or at least make her believe he wasn’t worth her time. But how?

He leaned back, taking another slow sip, and let his gaze wander lazily around the pub. No need to rush. The key here was to stay calm and blend in until he could figure out a way to get Tonks off his trail without causing a scene.


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