Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch274- Runes

Ch274- Runes

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The first weekend of the year wasn’t a Hogsmeade weekend for the third years, and Harry knew it wouldn't be for the next couple either, but it wasn’t something that concerned him. He spent the weekend, as well as the next week, buried deep in the Chamber of Secrets with Basi, poring over Slytherin’s Inheritance. The work was tedious but necessary, and alongside this, he studied Arithmancy, Runes, and other subjects. His time was divided between serious study and hanging out with his friends, making the week fly by in a blur, blending the grind of Hogwarts with occasional moments of camaraderie.

The clue Dobby brought back was also a false news. He checked the "secret room" Dobby discovered, but it was just a bathroom that appeared when someone really, really needed it.

The highlight of the week, though, came during his Rune class two days earlier.

Harry had settled into his seat with Daphne, Tracey, Susan, and Hannah, leaving the spot on his left deliberately empty. The girls, curious but too used to Harry's quirks to ask, naturally sat on his right.

Just as the class was about to begin, a sharp yelp echoed from the left. The group turned their heads, and there stood Hermione, who hadn’t been there a moment ago. She was clutching her buttocks, a feather sticking out from under her robes, and her expression was a blend of shock and pain.

“Oh, Hermione,” Harry said, feigning innocence as he turned in his seat, “when did you show up?”

Hermione glared at him, her hand still on the feather, as she winced. “Why is there a feather on the seat?” she asked, clearly in discomfort.

Harry barely suppressed a laugh, his lips twitching as he gestured casually toward the seat. “Oh, that? It was empty, so I just put the feather there. Must’ve forgotten to take it off. Sorry about that.” He leaned back, looking completely unconcerned as Hermione pulled the feather free.

Hermione was not amused at all, as she looked at him, pulling the feather off her robes while muttering something under her breath that Harry pretended not to hear. She had clearly just used her Time-Turner to slip into the class, and Harry had been tracking her comings and goings all week through his System Map. Knowing exactly when and where she’d pop up, he couldn’t resist having a bit of fun at her expense.

The girls on Harry’s right stifled their laughter, trying to keep their faces straight as Hermione huffed and took her seat. She shot Harry one last look before turning her attention to the front of the class.

The class began as Professor Babbling made her way to the front of the room. She greeted the class with a bright smile, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she set down a collection of rune stones on her desk.

This was Harry's first official Runes class, though he'd taught himself plenty already, and he was curious to see just how good Professor Bathsheda Babbling would be. Considering how much he liked Arithmancy with Professor Vector, his expectations were high—and as soon as the class started, it was clear Professor Babbling wouldn’t disappoint. She was engaging, sharp, and had an undeniable passion for the subject, making even the most complex symbols feel manageable.

“Good morning, everyone,” she said, her voice lively. “Today, we begin our study of Ancient Runes. Now, don’t let the name fool you—runes are as relevant today as they were centuries ago. They form the basis for many wards, enchantments, and even some spells you’ll use in your daily life.”

The students shuffled in their seats, some of them already eyeing the collection of stones with curiosity and trepidation. 

Professor Babbling continued, picking up one of the rune stones, a small flat piece of rock with a single symbol etched on its surface. “This,” she said, holding it up for the class to see, “is Fehu. It’s one of the first runes we’ll be studying. It represents wealth, but not just in the material sense. It can also mean prosperity, growth, and luck.”

She handed the stone to one of the students in the front row, instructing them to pass it around. “As you examine the rune, I want you to pay attention to how it feels. The magic in runes is often subtle, but you can sense it if you’re open to it. Fehu is often used in charms that encourage prosperity or in protective wards to guard against financial ruin.”

Hermione, sitting next to Harry, was already taking notes furiously, her quill scratching rapidly across the parchment. Harry glanced at her, amused but unsurprised by her eagerness.

“As you may know,” Professor Babbling continued, “each rune has layers of meaning. It’s not just about the symbol itself but also about how the rune is used in conjunction with others. A single rune, like Fehu, can bring prosperity, but when paired with other runes, it can enhance or change the intended effect.”

The class murmured in agreement, some nodding while others continued to pass the rune stone around. 

“Now,” Babbling said, turning to the board and drawing the symbol of Fehu in chalk, “when we use runes, it’s important to understand their balance. You can’t just throw a bunch of runes together and expect the magic to work as intended. Runes communicate with each other, almost like letters in a word. Misplace one, and the entire meaning can change.”

Writing with chalk, Professor Babbling paused dramatically and left the first letter blank on the board, followed by "uck." Then she wrote a list of letters in a neat column next to it: "b, d, g, l, p, s, y, h, m, r, t, z, c, f."

Harry chuckled softly, already anticipating where this was going. The professor smiled knowingly, pointing to the list. "See how much a single letter can change the meaning of a word?" she asked the class.

Daphne, sitting next to Harry, raised an eyebrow as she whispered, "What’s this supposed to be, a game of hangman?"

Professor Babbling turned back to the class, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Indeed. If you’re not careful with your rune work, you could easily end up with ‘muck’ instead of ‘luck.’" She gave a sly grin as the students laughed lightly.

Harry, always quick on his feet, added with a mischievous smile, "Or worse. You might get something entirely different if you use a 'c' or 'f'."

The class chuckled louder this time, and even Professor Babbling had to suppress a grin. "Ah, Mr. Potter, right as usual. Yes, those would be... quite unfortunate options."

Harry glanced at Hermione, half expecting to see her furiously scribbling the letters down, despite the clear risk they posed. True to form, though, she paused, quill hovering over her parchment, her lips pressed into a tight line. She wasn’t about to write something as improper as the two potential words forming on the board—especially not in her pristine notes. Harry smirked, unsurprised by her prudence. Typical Hermione, always cautious.

Professor Babbling continued with her explanation, tapping the chalk against the board. “As I was saying, runes work much like letters in our alphabet. But where letters only carry a singular meaning—like a sound or a word—runes hold layers of magic. Their meanings can shift depending on how they’re used, in what combination, and the context of the spell or enchantment.”

She moved to the side of the board, her hand sweeping toward the rune she had drawn earlier. “Take Fehu, for instance,” she pointed again at the symbol. “On its own, it can bring prosperity, but combine it with Thurisaz—” she quickly drew another rune next to Fehu, a sharp-looking figure, “—and you change the meaning entirely. Instead of simple wealth, you might now be calling forth a more aggressive pursuit of riches, perhaps even invoking conflict or challenges in the process. In fact, this combination was frequently used by the Vikings during their raids. Rather than just seeking prosperity, they were looking to gain wealth through violence and conquest. These runes weren't just about passive prosperity—they represented the aggressive pursuit of riches, often through bloodshed."

She paused, letting that sink in for a moment, before elaborating further. “So, they weren’t sitting around waiting for good fortune to come to them. They actively sought it out—through war, raids, and battles. Fehu’s association with wealth becomes much more complex when paired with Thurisaz, which symbolizes conflict, power, and strength. Essentially, the Vikings used this rune combination to bless themselves with success in battle, ensuring they’d come away with spoils—gold, food, women—everything they could plunder."


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