Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1304

Episode 1304. Are your hands numb?

Dragon Head Mountain was incomparably higher than Mount Parton or Mount Petra.

Even on such a rugged mountain, I didn’t see anything that looked like a herb.

There were only rocks and trees that gave off a gloomy feeling that was unique to the Abyss.

It was to the point that Baron Howard Solon said, ‘It would be perfect for me to get depressed if I lived in a place like this’ while taking a break.

At sunset, Elio and his party reached the top of the mountain.

Considering that among Elio’s party, the lowest rank is the advanced sword beginner, the progress is slow.

Dragon Head Mountain was so high and steep.

An exclamation escaped from Crea’s mouth as she looked around from the top.

“Wow! It is a mountain beyond a mountain!”

Baron Howard Solon received the horse.

“It’s not just a mountain, it’s a mountain field. Will you lose your way once you enter? I can see why people only mentioned Dragon Head Mountain. When I saw that mountain, I was afraid, so where would I go down?”


Fabian shook his head.

While climbing to the top of the mountain, I met quite a few monsters.

However, Dragon Head Mountain was just the beginning of many mountains.

Even the most directional person would be lost as soon as they entered.

When the young adventurers couldn’t get out of the shock, Elio silently took out the tent and bedding from Mahadam.

Only then did Crea, Baron Fabian Howard Solon, cling to it and start making a place to rest.

After setting up the tent, Fabian spread out and sat down in one corner.

Baron Howard Solon and Crea gathered around him as if they had promised.

Fabian muttered with a tired face.

“ha! I don’t know why chores are so hard. I think I’ve swung the knife a thousand times.”

What Baron Howard Solon took seriously.

“I’m going to do that by using muscles I didn’t use.”

“Are you tired too?”

“I don’t like it.”

“Then it’s probably not because of the muscles you didn’t use. You have to be tired too to make sense.”


Crea, who was listening to the story of the two men, said with a smile.

“Originally chores make people tired. It may look simple, but overall there are a lot of things to pay attention to.”

Fabian and Baron Howard Solon shook their heads as if they had learned something new. Because that was the most plausible thing they could think of.

The three continued to talk about the common topic of chores.

As they chatted, Count Omar of Larva approached Count Elio Lagoa, who was sitting alone on a rock.

“What are you looking at?”

“Is there an ocean out there?”


When Count Omar of Larva asked, Elio pointed to the sunset sky.

The count’s gaze followed his fingertips.

Sky whales and floating jellyfish were visible through the clouds burning black.

“Iknow, right. I never thought I would see sky whales again here.”

“Could it be that a typhoon pushed it all the way here?”

“Looking at the direction it’s moving, it doesn’t seem like that.”

If it was blown away by a typhoon, it should move towards the plains.

But that sky whale was flying leisurely over the mountains.

“That’s it again. After all, there is no law that a sky whale must be above the sea, right? It’s all the same sky anyway.”

“You are right.”

Count Larva Omar nodded vigorously.

When I first entered the Abyss, I wondered if the experienced people were like that, but now that it has been two months, it is different.

How many people have seen a sky whale swimming over the Dragon Head Mountain?

From now on, you have to judge based on what you see, not what you hear.

From that sky whale that doesn’t hurry back to the sea.

As if mocking the two people’s thoughts, the sky whale suddenly moved busily.

Seeing that, Elio tilted his head.

“to? Are you in a hurry? Did we get it wrong?”

“Watch a little more.”

At the words of Count Omar of Larva, huge wyverns came out of the gray clouds.

It was well twice as big as the wyverns on the ground.

The number is five.

When the wyverns appeared, the sky whale hid in the gray clouds.

The floating jellyfish that had lost their place to rely on were scattered in all directions.

The Wyverns soon disappeared into the gray clouds as if they were not interested in the floating jellyfish.

Count Larva Omar said with a triumphant face.

“As expected, it was because of the Giant Wyvern.”

“Iknow, right. I thought you were going to come to your senses and go to the sea.”

Silence fell between the two of them.

Suddenly, Count Larva Omar spoke.

“A few days ago, I unintentionally overheard what you said to Sir Fabian.”

Elio nodded.

Considering the sword master’s excellent five senses, it was only natural.

“I support the will of Lord Lagoa. I wanted to tell you that.”

For a moment, Elio turned his gaze to Count Omar of Larva.

Unlike Fabian, who is a free knight, Count Omar is a great nobleman and lord.

In the case of the mage tower, the solidarity consciousness is excellent, and it may end up fighting all the mage towers.

After thinking that far, Elio stopped the count.

“You don’t have to. And Sir Omar should think of the estate.”

“The Northern Territory is not affected as much by the Mage Tower as you might think. At best, it will only push you back in the ranks in the magic gun trade.”

Elio knows the power of the magic gun better than anyone else.

So I dried him up.

“Do not worry. The magic tower is not even a bite away.”

“Anyway, just know that I think so.”

With those words, Count Omar of Larva left.

He didn’t listen to Count Elio Lagoa’s backstory at all so that he wouldn’t decline.

next day.

Elio and the others finally crossed the Dragon Head Mountain.

There were far more monsters living on the other side of the mountain.

It was like watching Tamion of the North.

Elio and Fabian, who experienced Tamion, were fine, but the others were different.

It was to the point where the monster hit her toe, so in the case of Crea, even though she was a mercenary, she shuddered.

Count Larva Omar, who had been withdrawn, began to actively intervene.

The way down the mountain was not easy enough that the sword master had to step in.

After clashing with the monsters, Elio and the others stopped for a moment to catch their breath.

Fabian trembled, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Wow! How long did you fight over a mountain? If you reach the bottom of the mountain, will you be a Sword Expert?”

“I envy you, brother. I still have a long way to go.”

“If you are envious, take the lead. It is scary to take a single step because of how many monsters there are.”

Then Baron Howard Solon glanced at Crea.

When Crea shook her head, Baron Howard Solon said with an embarrassed expression.

“It doesn’t work for Crea.”

“okay? If Crea-sama can’t do it, it won’t work. What kind of power does the Baron Baron have?”

At Fabian’s teasing, Crea pretended not to hear.

Then Count Omar of Larva intervened.

“From now on, I will go with you.”

“Lord Omar?”

Fabian winced with a surprised face.

Count Omar of Larva was serious and solemn, and it was a little burdensome.

“why? Don’t you like it?”

“You don’t like it? Could it be? If it’s an honor, how can you not know or hate it?”

“Then do it. Sir Howard and Mr. Crea follow closely behind us. Lord Lagoa, you’ll have to take care of the rear.”

Count Larva Omar changed the formation to a tactical formation at this point. Because it was too dangerous to move without countermeasures.

After a while, Elio and the others descended the mountain again.

Since the Count came to the fore, his movement speed has noticeably increased.

Quite a few monsters didn’t come close to the sword master’s sharp energy.

However, the count’s energy couldn’t stop even high-ranking monsters.

No, on the contrary, the higher level monsters went mad.

This is because the sword master’s determined and emitted energy stimulated the attacking instincts of higher-level monsters.

As we went down the mountain, more advanced monsters attacked the lead.

The clean Gambison (quilted armor) of Count Omar of Larva was soaked in monster blood.

It was the same with Fabian and the others.

Even if they move along this line, they eventually had to jump into the fight.

As a result, only Elio’s Gambison was relatively clean.

Of course, that is relatively so.

Elio’s Gambison was smeared with his blood from being hit by excitium not too long ago.

Anyway, he saved the party in danger by throwing a longsword that was cut in half from time to time.

However, since he mainly used the sword, the blood of the monsters did not splatter on his body.

Every time he took a break, Count Larva Omar looked at Count Elio Lagoa with envious eyes.

He wants to show off his lofty figure like that, but in order to do that, he had to master that ‘Flying Sword’ first.

He decided to resume the flying sword practice he had stopped.

Meanwhile, Elio, who was staring at the mountain on the other side with nonchalant eyes, suddenly pulled out a longsword that was cut in half.

It is a truth of all times and places that the longer the weapon is, the more advantageous it is.

As the monster became stronger, it was inconvenient to use a sword that was cut in half by being hit by excitium.

‘What is it?’

Now, I didn’t even want to go to Exodo to get a longsword.

It is because the spatial teleportation technique, Guryongbeonshin (Nine Dragons) was blocked, and Unjongsul was blinded and seemed to be lost for several hours.

At this time, the destroyed Cheondun Sword is a pity.

Something flashed through Elio’s mind as he looked at the longsword cut in half with frustration.

‘The sword of Gaman Cheondun is a magic weapon made by the sage Lu Dongbin.’

He himself had already risen to the same level of gain as Seonin Lu Dongbin a long time ago.

That meant you could make something like a Cheondun sword.

For a moment, he recalled the secret of the Cheondun Sword.

―Empty your mind and do not try to do anything. A pure thought flies upward by itself. Just as something arises from nothing, I will take things from the void.

‘It means immortality.’

It could be said that this was the beginning and the end of ‘gain’.

After reciting ‘Mujungsaengyu’ several times in his head, he grabbed the air.

However, contrary to their earnest wishes, nothing happened.

After repeating that action several times, Fabian, who had been watching from a distance, crept closer.

“Lord Lagoa, are your hands numb?”

“It’s an important moment, so go.”

“Ah yes. It was because I was worried that he kept opening and closing his fists.”

“Go away!”

When Elio burst into anger, Fabian backed away with a puzzled face.

Elio looked up at the clear sky again.

Lu Dongbin’s Tiandun Sword was always waiting for a call from somewhere in the sky.

And he appeared at any time when called, but I don’t know why his ‘no rebirth’ is missing.

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